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id: antd
title: Ant Design
sidebar_label: Ant Design
description: Setting up Ant design for Typescript Next.js apps 

A design system for enterprise-level products. Create an efficient and enjoyable work experience.

Ant Design provides a React UI library `antd` that contains a set of high quality components and demos for building rich, interactive user interfaces.  
[Go to docs &#8594](

### Less Support
`antd` uses `less` as its preprocessor.


Due to its incompatibility with `storybook`, `less` is not included in superplate.


To use `less` with `antd` in your project  
- Add its dependencies,

```js title="package.json"
    "dependencies": {
        "less": "^4.1.0",
        "@zeit/next-less": "^1.0.1"

- Configure in `next.config.js`

```js title="next.config.js"
const withPlugins = require('next-compose-plugins');
const withLess = require('@zeit/next-less');

module.exports = withPlugins([
    [withLess, {
        lessLoaderOptions: {
            javascriptEnabled: true,


When you add any of the css related plugins, including less/sass, it disables built-in support for CSS loading in Next.js
