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# Pantry Chef

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Pantry Chef is a plugin for [Pantry]( to host and serve up Chef data (cookbooks, environments, roles, and data bags). Chef is run on Clients using chef-solo.

## Installation

Install the plugin on all nodes in the Pantry network:

    gem install pantry-chef

## Usage

Once installed, using Pantry Chef is simple. You'll need to upload each of your cookbooks to the server.

    pantry chef:cookbook:upload COOKBOOK_DIR

For application specific files (environments, roles, and data bags) you need to specify an application for uploading

    pantry -a [application] chef:environment:upload ENVIRONMENT_FILE

Once all files are uploaded, trigger a Chef run on all clients:

    pantry chef:run
More details can be found at

## Documentation

The Documentation for Pantry is available at and the RDoc is served up at [](

## Project Details

* Built and Maintained by [Collective Idea](
* Hosted on Github [pantry/pantry-chef](
* File bug reports on the [Issue tracker](

## Contributing

* Fork this repository on Github
* Make your changes and send us a Pull Request
* All Pull Requests must contain tests
* Pull Request tests must pass before being accepted

## License

Pantry Chef is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.