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Multiple spaces found before '='.

var LocalStrategy   = require('passport-local').Strategy;
Severity: Minor
Found in config/passport.js by eslint

Disallow multiple spaces (no-multi-spaces)

Multiple spaces in a row that are not used for indentation are typically mistakes. For example:

if(foo  === "bar") {}

It's hard to tell, but there are two spaces between foo and ===. Multiple spaces such as this are generally frowned upon in favor of single spaces:

if(foo === "bar") {}

Rule Details

This rule aims to disallow multiple whitespace around logical expressions, conditional expressions, declarations, array elements, object properties, sequences and function parameters.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-multi-spaces: "error"*/

var a =  1;

if(foo   === "bar") {}

a <<  b

var arr = [1,  2];

a ?  b: c

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-multi-spaces: "error"*/

var a = 1;

if(foo === "bar") {}

a << b

var arr = [1, 2];

a ? b: c


To avoid contradictions if some other rules require multiple spaces, this rule has an option to ignore certain node types in the abstract syntax tree (AST) of JavaScript code.


The exceptions object expects property names to be AST node types as defined by ESTree. The easiest way to determine the node types for exceptions is to use the online demo.

Only the Property node type is ignored by default, because for the [key-spacing]( rule some alignment options require multiple spaces in properties of object literals.

Examples of correct code for the default "exceptions": { "Property": true } option:

/*eslint no-multi-spaces: "error"*/
/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { align: "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    first:  "first",
    second: "second"

Examples of incorrect code for the "exceptions": { "Property": false } option:

/*eslint no-multi-spaces: ["error", { exceptions: { "Property": false } }]*/
/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { align: "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    first:  "first",
    second: "second"

Examples of correct code for the "exceptions": { "BinaryExpression": true } option:

/*eslint no-multi-spaces: ["error", { exceptions: { "BinaryExpression": true } }]*/

var a = 1  *  2;

Examples of correct code for the "exceptions": { "VariableDeclarator": true } option:

/*eslint no-multi-spaces: ["error", { exceptions: { "VariableDeclarator": true } }]*/

var someVar      = 'foo';
var someOtherVar = 'barBaz';

Examples of correct code for the "exceptions": { "ImportDeclaration": true } option:

/*eslint no-multi-spaces: ["error", { exceptions: { "ImportDeclaration": true } }]*/

import mod          from 'mod';
import someOtherMod from 'some-other-mod';

When Not To Use It

If you don't want to check and disallow multiple spaces, then you should turn this rule off.

Related Rules

  • [key-spacing](
  • [space-infix-ops](
  • [space-in-brackets]( (deprecated)
  • [space-in-parens](
  • [space-after-keywords](space-after-keywords)
  • [space-unary-ops](space-unary-ops)
  • [space-return-throw-case](space-return-throw-case) Source:

Extra space after key 'passwordField'.

    passwordField : 'password',
Severity: Minor
Found in config/passport.js by eslint

enforce consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties (key-spacing)

This rule enforces spacing around the colon in object literal properties. It can verify each property individually, or it can ensure horizontal alignment of adjacent properties in an object literal.

Rule Details

This rule enforces consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties. In the case of long lines, it is acceptable to add a new line wherever whitespace is allowed.


This rule has an object option:

  • "beforeColon": false (default) disallows spaces between the key and the colon in object literals.
  • "beforeColon": true requires at least one space between the key and the colon in object literals.
  • "afterColon": true (default) requires at least one space between the colon and the value in object literals.
  • "afterColon": false disallows spaces between the colon and the value in object literals.
  • "mode": "strict" (default) enforces exactly one space before or after colons in object literals.
  • "mode": "minimum" enforces one or more spaces before or after colons in object literals.
  • "align": "value" enforces horizontal alignment of values in object literals.
  • "align": "colon" enforces horizontal alignment of both colons and values in object literals.
  • "align" with an object value allows for fine-grained spacing when values are being aligned in object literals.
  • "singleLine" specifies a spacing style for single-line object literals.
  • "multiLine" specifies a spacing style for multi-line object literals.

Please note that you can either use the top-level options or the grouped options (singleLine and multiLine) but not both.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "beforeColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo" : 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "beforeColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "beforeColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "beforeColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo" : 42 };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "afterColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo":42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "afterColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "afterColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "afterColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo":42 };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "mode": "strict" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "strict" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "mode": "strict" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "strict" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat: 2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "mode": "minimum" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "minimum" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "align": "value" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    a: value,
    bcde:  42,
    fg :   foo()

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "align": "value" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    a:    value,
    bcde: 42,

    fg: foo(),
    h:  function() {
        return this.a;
    ijkl: 'Non-consecutive lines form a new group'

var obj = { a: "foo", longPropertyName: "bar" };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "align": "colon" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "colon" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "align": "colon" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "colon" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat   : 2 * 2


The align option can take additional configuration through the beforeColon, afterColon, mode, and on options.

If align is defined as an object, but not all of the parameters are provided, undefined parameters will default to the following:

// Defaults
align: {
    "beforeColon": false,
    "afterColon": true,
    "on": "colon",
    "mode": "strict"

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "align": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "one"   : 1,
    "seven" : 7
/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": false,
        "on": "value"

var obj = {
    "one":  1,

align and multiLine

The multiLine and align options can differ, which allows for fine-tuned control over the key-spacing of your files. align will not inherit from multiLine if align is configured as an object.

multiLine is used any time an object literal spans multiple lines. The align configuration is used when there is a group of properties in the same object. For example:

var myObj = {
  key1: 1, // uses multiLine

  key2: 2, // uses align (when defined)
  key3: 3, // uses align (when defined)

  key4: 4 // uses multiLine

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with sample { "align": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "myObjectFunction": function() {
        // Do something
    "one"             : 1,
    "seven"           : 7

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "align": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": true

    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "myObjectFunction": function() {
        // Do something
    }, // These are two separate groups, so no alignment between `myObjectFuction` and `one`
    "one"   : 1,
    "seven" : 7 // `one` and `seven` are in their own group, and therefore aligned

singleLine and multiLine

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "singleLine": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint "key-spacing": [2, {
    "singleLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": true
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "align": "colon"
var obj = { one: 1, "two": 2, three: 3 };
var obj2 = {
    "two" : 2,
    three : 3

When Not To Use It

If you have another convention for property spacing that might not be consistent with the available options, or if you want to permit multiple styles concurrently you can safely disable this rule. Source:

Extra space after key 'passReqToCallback'.

    passReqToCallback : true // allows us to pass back the entire request to the callback
Severity: Minor
Found in config/passport.js by eslint

enforce consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties (key-spacing)

This rule enforces spacing around the colon in object literal properties. It can verify each property individually, or it can ensure horizontal alignment of adjacent properties in an object literal.

Rule Details

This rule enforces consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties. In the case of long lines, it is acceptable to add a new line wherever whitespace is allowed.


This rule has an object option:

  • "beforeColon": false (default) disallows spaces between the key and the colon in object literals.
  • "beforeColon": true requires at least one space between the key and the colon in object literals.
  • "afterColon": true (default) requires at least one space between the colon and the value in object literals.
  • "afterColon": false disallows spaces between the colon and the value in object literals.
  • "mode": "strict" (default) enforces exactly one space before or after colons in object literals.
  • "mode": "minimum" enforces one or more spaces before or after colons in object literals.
  • "align": "value" enforces horizontal alignment of values in object literals.
  • "align": "colon" enforces horizontal alignment of both colons and values in object literals.
  • "align" with an object value allows for fine-grained spacing when values are being aligned in object literals.
  • "singleLine" specifies a spacing style for single-line object literals.
  • "multiLine" specifies a spacing style for multi-line object literals.

Please note that you can either use the top-level options or the grouped options (singleLine and multiLine) but not both.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "beforeColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo" : 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "beforeColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "beforeColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "beforeColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo" : 42 };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "afterColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo":42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "afterColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "afterColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "afterColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo":42 };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "mode": "strict" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "strict" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "mode": "strict" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "strict" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat: 2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "mode": "minimum" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "minimum" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "align": "value" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    a: value,
    bcde:  42,
    fg :   foo()

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "align": "value" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    a:    value,
    bcde: 42,

    fg: foo(),
    h:  function() {
        return this.a;
    ijkl: 'Non-consecutive lines form a new group'

var obj = { a: "foo", longPropertyName: "bar" };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "align": "colon" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "colon" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "align": "colon" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "colon" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat   : 2 * 2


The align option can take additional configuration through the beforeColon, afterColon, mode, and on options.

If align is defined as an object, but not all of the parameters are provided, undefined parameters will default to the following:

// Defaults
align: {
    "beforeColon": false,
    "afterColon": true,
    "on": "colon",
    "mode": "strict"

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "align": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "one"   : 1,
    "seven" : 7
/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": false,
        "on": "value"

var obj = {
    "one":  1,

align and multiLine

The multiLine and align options can differ, which allows for fine-tuned control over the key-spacing of your files. align will not inherit from multiLine if align is configured as an object.

multiLine is used any time an object literal spans multiple lines. The align configuration is used when there is a group of properties in the same object. For example:

var myObj = {
  key1: 1, // uses multiLine

  key2: 2, // uses align (when defined)
  key3: 3, // uses align (when defined)

  key4: 4 // uses multiLine

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with sample { "align": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "myObjectFunction": function() {
        // Do something
    "one"             : 1,
    "seven"           : 7

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "align": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": true

    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "myObjectFunction": function() {
        // Do something
    }, // These are two separate groups, so no alignment between `myObjectFuction` and `one`
    "one"   : 1,
    "seven" : 7 // `one` and `seven` are in their own group, and therefore aligned

singleLine and multiLine

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "singleLine": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint "key-spacing": [2, {
    "singleLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": true
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "align": "colon"
var obj = { one: 1, "two": 2, three: 3 };
var obj2 = {
    "two" : 2,
    three : 3

When Not To Use It

If you have another convention for property spacing that might not be consistent with the available options, or if you want to permit multiple styles concurrently you can safely disable this rule. Source:

Extra space after key 'passwordField'.

    passwordField : 'password',
Severity: Minor
Found in config/passport.js by eslint

enforce consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties (key-spacing)

This rule enforces spacing around the colon in object literal properties. It can verify each property individually, or it can ensure horizontal alignment of adjacent properties in an object literal.

Rule Details

This rule enforces consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties. In the case of long lines, it is acceptable to add a new line wherever whitespace is allowed.


This rule has an object option:

  • "beforeColon": false (default) disallows spaces between the key and the colon in object literals.
  • "beforeColon": true requires at least one space between the key and the colon in object literals.
  • "afterColon": true (default) requires at least one space between the colon and the value in object literals.
  • "afterColon": false disallows spaces between the colon and the value in object literals.
  • "mode": "strict" (default) enforces exactly one space before or after colons in object literals.
  • "mode": "minimum" enforces one or more spaces before or after colons in object literals.
  • "align": "value" enforces horizontal alignment of values in object literals.
  • "align": "colon" enforces horizontal alignment of both colons and values in object literals.
  • "align" with an object value allows for fine-grained spacing when values are being aligned in object literals.
  • "singleLine" specifies a spacing style for single-line object literals.
  • "multiLine" specifies a spacing style for multi-line object literals.

Please note that you can either use the top-level options or the grouped options (singleLine and multiLine) but not both.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "beforeColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo" : 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "beforeColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "beforeColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "beforeColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo" : 42 };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "afterColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo":42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "afterColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "afterColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "afterColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo":42 };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "mode": "strict" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "strict" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "mode": "strict" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "strict" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat: 2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "mode": "minimum" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "minimum" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "align": "value" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    a: value,
    bcde:  42,
    fg :   foo()

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "align": "value" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    a:    value,
    bcde: 42,

    fg: foo(),
    h:  function() {
        return this.a;
    ijkl: 'Non-consecutive lines form a new group'

var obj = { a: "foo", longPropertyName: "bar" };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "align": "colon" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "colon" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "align": "colon" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "colon" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat   : 2 * 2


The align option can take additional configuration through the beforeColon, afterColon, mode, and on options.

If align is defined as an object, but not all of the parameters are provided, undefined parameters will default to the following:

// Defaults
align: {
    "beforeColon": false,
    "afterColon": true,
    "on": "colon",
    "mode": "strict"

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "align": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "one"   : 1,
    "seven" : 7
/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": false,
        "on": "value"

var obj = {
    "one":  1,

align and multiLine

The multiLine and align options can differ, which allows for fine-tuned control over the key-spacing of your files. align will not inherit from multiLine if align is configured as an object.

multiLine is used any time an object literal spans multiple lines. The align configuration is used when there is a group of properties in the same object. For example:

var myObj = {
  key1: 1, // uses multiLine

  key2: 2, // uses align (when defined)
  key3: 3, // uses align (when defined)

  key4: 4 // uses multiLine

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with sample { "align": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "myObjectFunction": function() {
        // Do something
    "one"             : 1,
    "seven"           : 7

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "align": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": true

    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "myObjectFunction": function() {
        // Do something
    }, // These are two separate groups, so no alignment between `myObjectFuction` and `one`
    "one"   : 1,
    "seven" : 7 // `one` and `seven` are in their own group, and therefore aligned

singleLine and multiLine

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "singleLine": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint "key-spacing": [2, {
    "singleLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": true
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "align": "colon"
var obj = { one: 1, "two": 2, three: 3 };
var obj2 = {
    "two" : 2,
    three : 3

When Not To Use It

If you have another convention for property spacing that might not be consistent with the available options, or if you want to permit multiple styles concurrently you can safely disable this rule. Source:

Extra space after key 'usernameField'.

    usernameField : 'email',
Severity: Minor
Found in config/passport.js by eslint

enforce consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties (key-spacing)

This rule enforces spacing around the colon in object literal properties. It can verify each property individually, or it can ensure horizontal alignment of adjacent properties in an object literal.

Rule Details

This rule enforces consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties. In the case of long lines, it is acceptable to add a new line wherever whitespace is allowed.


This rule has an object option:

  • "beforeColon": false (default) disallows spaces between the key and the colon in object literals.
  • "beforeColon": true requires at least one space between the key and the colon in object literals.
  • "afterColon": true (default) requires at least one space between the colon and the value in object literals.
  • "afterColon": false disallows spaces between the colon and the value in object literals.
  • "mode": "strict" (default) enforces exactly one space before or after colons in object literals.
  • "mode": "minimum" enforces one or more spaces before or after colons in object literals.
  • "align": "value" enforces horizontal alignment of values in object literals.
  • "align": "colon" enforces horizontal alignment of both colons and values in object literals.
  • "align" with an object value allows for fine-grained spacing when values are being aligned in object literals.
  • "singleLine" specifies a spacing style for single-line object literals.
  • "multiLine" specifies a spacing style for multi-line object literals.

Please note that you can either use the top-level options or the grouped options (singleLine and multiLine) but not both.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "beforeColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo" : 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "beforeColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "beforeColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "beforeColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo" : 42 };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "afterColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo":42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "afterColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "afterColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "afterColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo":42 };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "mode": "strict" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "strict" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "mode": "strict" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "strict" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat: 2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "mode": "minimum" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "minimum" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "align": "value" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    a: value,
    bcde:  42,
    fg :   foo()

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "align": "value" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    a:    value,
    bcde: 42,

    fg: foo(),
    h:  function() {
        return this.a;
    ijkl: 'Non-consecutive lines form a new group'

var obj = { a: "foo", longPropertyName: "bar" };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "align": "colon" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "colon" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "align": "colon" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "colon" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat   : 2 * 2


The align option can take additional configuration through the beforeColon, afterColon, mode, and on options.

If align is defined as an object, but not all of the parameters are provided, undefined parameters will default to the following:

// Defaults
align: {
    "beforeColon": false,
    "afterColon": true,
    "on": "colon",
    "mode": "strict"

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "align": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "one"   : 1,
    "seven" : 7
/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": false,
        "on": "value"

var obj = {
    "one":  1,

align and multiLine

The multiLine and align options can differ, which allows for fine-tuned control over the key-spacing of your files. align will not inherit from multiLine if align is configured as an object.

multiLine is used any time an object literal spans multiple lines. The align configuration is used when there is a group of properties in the same object. For example:

var myObj = {
  key1: 1, // uses multiLine

  key2: 2, // uses align (when defined)
  key3: 3, // uses align (when defined)

  key4: 4 // uses multiLine

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with sample { "align": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "myObjectFunction": function() {
        // Do something
    "one"             : 1,
    "seven"           : 7

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "align": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": true

    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "myObjectFunction": function() {
        // Do something
    }, // These are two separate groups, so no alignment between `myObjectFuction` and `one`
    "one"   : 1,
    "seven" : 7 // `one` and `seven` are in their own group, and therefore aligned

singleLine and multiLine

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "singleLine": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint "key-spacing": [2, {
    "singleLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": true
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "align": "colon"
var obj = { one: 1, "two": 2, three: 3 };
var obj2 = {
    "two" : 2,
    three : 3

When Not To Use It

If you have another convention for property spacing that might not be consistent with the available options, or if you want to permit multiple styles concurrently you can safely disable this rule. Source:

Extra space after key 'passReqToCallback'.

    passReqToCallback : true // allows us to pass back the entire request to the callback
Severity: Minor
Found in config/passport.js by eslint

enforce consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties (key-spacing)

This rule enforces spacing around the colon in object literal properties. It can verify each property individually, or it can ensure horizontal alignment of adjacent properties in an object literal.

Rule Details

This rule enforces consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties. In the case of long lines, it is acceptable to add a new line wherever whitespace is allowed.


This rule has an object option:

  • "beforeColon": false (default) disallows spaces between the key and the colon in object literals.
  • "beforeColon": true requires at least one space between the key and the colon in object literals.
  • "afterColon": true (default) requires at least one space between the colon and the value in object literals.
  • "afterColon": false disallows spaces between the colon and the value in object literals.
  • "mode": "strict" (default) enforces exactly one space before or after colons in object literals.
  • "mode": "minimum" enforces one or more spaces before or after colons in object literals.
  • "align": "value" enforces horizontal alignment of values in object literals.
  • "align": "colon" enforces horizontal alignment of both colons and values in object literals.
  • "align" with an object value allows for fine-grained spacing when values are being aligned in object literals.
  • "singleLine" specifies a spacing style for single-line object literals.
  • "multiLine" specifies a spacing style for multi-line object literals.

Please note that you can either use the top-level options or the grouped options (singleLine and multiLine) but not both.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "beforeColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo" : 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "beforeColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "beforeColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "beforeColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo" : 42 };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "afterColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo":42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "afterColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "afterColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "afterColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo":42 };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "mode": "strict" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "strict" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "mode": "strict" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "strict" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat: 2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "mode": "minimum" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "minimum" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "align": "value" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    a: value,
    bcde:  42,
    fg :   foo()

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "align": "value" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    a:    value,
    bcde: 42,

    fg: foo(),
    h:  function() {
        return this.a;
    ijkl: 'Non-consecutive lines form a new group'

var obj = { a: "foo", longPropertyName: "bar" };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "align": "colon" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "colon" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "align": "colon" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "colon" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat   : 2 * 2


The align option can take additional configuration through the beforeColon, afterColon, mode, and on options.

If align is defined as an object, but not all of the parameters are provided, undefined parameters will default to the following:

// Defaults
align: {
    "beforeColon": false,
    "afterColon": true,
    "on": "colon",
    "mode": "strict"

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "align": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "one"   : 1,
    "seven" : 7
/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": false,
        "on": "value"

var obj = {
    "one":  1,

align and multiLine

The multiLine and align options can differ, which allows for fine-tuned control over the key-spacing of your files. align will not inherit from multiLine if align is configured as an object.

multiLine is used any time an object literal spans multiple lines. The align configuration is used when there is a group of properties in the same object. For example:

var myObj = {
  key1: 1, // uses multiLine

  key2: 2, // uses align (when defined)
  key3: 3, // uses align (when defined)

  key4: 4 // uses multiLine

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with sample { "align": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "myObjectFunction": function() {
        // Do something
    "one"             : 1,
    "seven"           : 7

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "align": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": true

    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "myObjectFunction": function() {
        // Do something
    }, // These are two separate groups, so no alignment between `myObjectFuction` and `one`
    "one"   : 1,
    "seven" : 7 // `one` and `seven` are in their own group, and therefore aligned

singleLine and multiLine

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "singleLine": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint "key-spacing": [2, {
    "singleLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": true
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "align": "colon"
var obj = { one: 1, "two": 2, three: 3 };
var obj2 = {
    "two" : 2,
    three : 3

When Not To Use It

If you have another convention for property spacing that might not be consistent with the available options, or if you want to permit multiple styles concurrently you can safely disable this rule. Source:

Extra space after key 'usernameField'.

    usernameField : 'email',
Severity: Minor
Found in config/passport.js by eslint

enforce consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties (key-spacing)

This rule enforces spacing around the colon in object literal properties. It can verify each property individually, or it can ensure horizontal alignment of adjacent properties in an object literal.

Rule Details

This rule enforces consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties. In the case of long lines, it is acceptable to add a new line wherever whitespace is allowed.


This rule has an object option:

  • "beforeColon": false (default) disallows spaces between the key and the colon in object literals.
  • "beforeColon": true requires at least one space between the key and the colon in object literals.
  • "afterColon": true (default) requires at least one space between the colon and the value in object literals.
  • "afterColon": false disallows spaces between the colon and the value in object literals.
  • "mode": "strict" (default) enforces exactly one space before or after colons in object literals.
  • "mode": "minimum" enforces one or more spaces before or after colons in object literals.
  • "align": "value" enforces horizontal alignment of values in object literals.
  • "align": "colon" enforces horizontal alignment of both colons and values in object literals.
  • "align" with an object value allows for fine-grained spacing when values are being aligned in object literals.
  • "singleLine" specifies a spacing style for single-line object literals.
  • "multiLine" specifies a spacing style for multi-line object literals.

Please note that you can either use the top-level options or the grouped options (singleLine and multiLine) but not both.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "beforeColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo" : 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "beforeColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "beforeColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "beforeColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo" : 42 };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "afterColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo":42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "afterColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "afterColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "afterColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo":42 };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "mode": "strict" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "strict" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "mode": "strict" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "strict" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat: 2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "mode": "minimum" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "minimum" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "align": "value" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    a: value,
    bcde:  42,
    fg :   foo()

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "align": "value" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    a:    value,
    bcde: 42,

    fg: foo(),
    h:  function() {
        return this.a;
    ijkl: 'Non-consecutive lines form a new group'

var obj = { a: "foo", longPropertyName: "bar" };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "align": "colon" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "colon" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "align": "colon" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "colon" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat   : 2 * 2


The align option can take additional configuration through the beforeColon, afterColon, mode, and on options.

If align is defined as an object, but not all of the parameters are provided, undefined parameters will default to the following:

// Defaults
align: {
    "beforeColon": false,
    "afterColon": true,
    "on": "colon",
    "mode": "strict"

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "align": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "one"   : 1,
    "seven" : 7
/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": false,
        "on": "value"

var obj = {
    "one":  1,

align and multiLine

The multiLine and align options can differ, which allows for fine-tuned control over the key-spacing of your files. align will not inherit from multiLine if align is configured as an object.

multiLine is used any time an object literal spans multiple lines. The align configuration is used when there is a group of properties in the same object. For example:

var myObj = {
  key1: 1, // uses multiLine

  key2: 2, // uses align (when defined)
  key3: 3, // uses align (when defined)

  key4: 4 // uses multiLine

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with sample { "align": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "myObjectFunction": function() {
        // Do something
    "one"             : 1,
    "seven"           : 7

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "align": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": true

    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "myObjectFunction": function() {
        // Do something
    }, // These are two separate groups, so no alignment between `myObjectFuction` and `one`
    "one"   : 1,
    "seven" : 7 // `one` and `seven` are in their own group, and therefore aligned

singleLine and multiLine

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "singleLine": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint "key-spacing": [2, {
    "singleLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": true
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "align": "colon"
var obj = { one: 1, "two": 2, three: 3 };
var obj2 = {
    "two" : 2,
    three : 3

When Not To Use It

If you have another convention for property spacing that might not be consistent with the available options, or if you want to permit multiple styles concurrently you can safely disable this rule. Source:

Newline required at end of file but not found.

Severity: Minor
Found in config/passport.js by eslint

require or disallow newline at the end of files (eol-last)

Trailing newlines in non-empty files are a common UNIX idiom. Benefits of trailing newlines include the ability to concatenate or append to files as well as output files to the terminal without interfering with shell prompts.

Rule Details

This rule enforces at least one newline (or absence thereof) at the end of non-empty files.

Prior to v0.16.0 this rule also enforced that there was only a single line at the end of the file. If you still want this behaviour, consider enabling [no-multiple-empty-lines]( with maxEOF and/or [no-trailing-spaces](

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint eol-last: ["error", "always"]*/

function doSmth() {
  var foo = 2;

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint eol-last: ["error", "always"]*/

function doSmth() {
  var foo = 2;


This rule has a string option:

  • "always" (default) enforces that files end with a newline (LF)
  • "never" enforces that files do not end with a newline
  • "unix" (deprecated) is identical to "always"
  • "windows" (deprecated) is identical to "always", but will use a CRLF character when autofixing

Deprecated: The options "unix" and "windows" are deprecated. If you need to enforce a specific linebreak style, use this rule in conjunction with linebreak-style. Source:

There are no issues that match your filters.
