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import numpy as np

from import get_activation, get_regularizer, get_optimizer
from nnrf.utils import check_XY, one_hot, decode, calculate_weight, \
                        create_random_state, BatchDataset
from nnrf.analysis import get_metrics

from nnrf.utils._estimator import BaseClassifier

class NeuralNetwork(BaseClassifier):
    Basic Neural Network.

    layers : tuple, default=(100,)
        The ith element represents the number of
        neurons in the ith hidden layer.

    activation : str, Activation, default=PReLU(0.2)
        Activation function to use at each node in the NNDT.
        Must be one of the default loss functions or an
        object that extends Activation.

    loss : str, LossFunction, default='cross-entropy'
        Loss function to use for training. Must be
        one of the default loss functions or an object
        that extends LossFunction.

    optimizer : str, Optimizer, default='adam'
        Optimization method. Must be one of
        the default optimizers or an object that
        extends Optimizer.

    batch_size : int, float, default=None
        Batch size for training. Must be one of:
         - int : Use `batch_size`.
         - float : Use `batch_size * n_samples`.
         - None : Use `n_samples`.

    max_iter : int, default=10
        Maximum number of epochs to conduct during training.

    tol : float, default=1e-4
        Convergence criteria for early stopping.

    random_state : None or int or RandomState, default=None
        Initial seed for the RandomState. If seed is None,
        return the RandomState singleton. If seed is an int,
        return a RandomState with the seed set to the int.
        If seed is a RandomState, return that RandomState.

    regularize : str, Regularizer, None, default=None
        Regularization function to use at each node in the model.
        Must be one of the default regularizers or an object that
        extends Regularizer. If None, no regularization is done.

    class_weight : dict, 'balanced', or None, default=None
        Weights associated with classes in the form
        `{class_label: weight}`. Must be one of:
         - None : All classes have a weight of one.
         - 'balanced': Class weights are automatically calculated as
                        `n_samples / (n_samples * np.bincount(Y))`.

    verbose : int, default=0
        Verbosity of estimator; higher values result in
        more verbose output.

    warm_start : bool, default=False
        Determines warm starting to allow training to pick
        up from previous training sessions.

    metric : str, Metric, or None, default='accuracy'
        Metric for estimator score.

    n_layers : int
        Number of hidden/output layers in the model.

    n_classes_ : int
        Number of classes.

    n_features_ : int
        Number of features.

    fitted_ : bool
        True if the model has been deemed trained and
        ready to predict new data.

    weights_ : list of ndarray, shape=(layers,)
        Weights of the model.

    bias_ : list of ndarray, shape=(layers,)
        Biases of the model.
    def __init__(self, layers=(100,), activation='relu', loss='cross-entropy',
                    optimizer='adam', batch_size=None, max_iter=100, tol=1e-4,
                    random_state=None, regularize=None, class_weight=None,
                    metric='accuracy', verbose=0, warm_start=False):
        super().__init__(loss=loss, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol,
                        batch_size=batch_size, verbose=verbose,
                        warm_start=warm_start, class_weight=class_weight,
                        metric=metric, random_state=random_state)
        self.activation = get_activation(activation)
        self.softmax = get_activation('softmax')
        self.regularizer = get_regularizer(regularize)
        self.optimizer = get_optimizer(optimizer)
        self.layers = layers
        self.n_layers_ = len(self.layers)
        self.weights_ = []
        self.bias_ = []
        self.n_classes_ = None
        self.n_features_ = None

    def _initialize(self):
        Initialize the parameters of the neural network.
        if self.layers == tuple():
            self.weights_ = [self.random_state.randn(self.n_features_, self.n_classes_) * 0.1]
            self.bias_ = [self.random_state.randn(self.n_classes_) * 0.1]
            self.n_layers_ = 1
            self.layers = (self.n_features_,)
            self.weights_.append(self.random_state.randn(self.n_features_, self.layers[0]) * 0.1)
            for l in range(self.n_layers_ - 1):
                self.weights_.append(self.random_state.randn(self.layers[l], self.layers[l+1]) * 0.1)
            self.weights_.append(self.random_state.randn(self.layers[-1], self.n_classes_) * 0.1)
            self.bias_.append(self.random_state.randn(self.n_classes_) * 0.1)
            self.n_layers_ += 1
        keys = []
        for l in range(self.n_layers_):
            keys += ['w' + str(l), 'b' + str(l)]

    def _is_fitted(self):
        Return True if the model is properly ready
        for prediction.

        fitted : bool
            True if the model can be used to predict data.
        weights = len(self.weights_) > 0
        bias = len(self.bias_) > 0
        return weights and bias and self.fitted_

    def _forward(self, X):
        Conduct the forward propagation steps through the neural

        X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
            Data to predict.

        Y_hat : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_classes)
        self._x, self._z = [], []
        for l in range(self.n_layers_):
            Z =, self.weights_[l]) + self.bias_[l]
            if l < self.n_layers_ - 1 : A = self.activation.activation(Z)
            else : A = self.softmax.activation(Z)
            X = A
        return A

    def _backward(self, Y_hat, Y, weights=None):
        Conduct the backward propagation steps through the
        neural network.

        Y_hat : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_classes)
            Model output.

        Y : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_classes)
            Target labels in one hot encoding.

        weights : array-like, shape=(n_samples,), default=None
            Sample weights. If None, then samples are equally weighted.
        weights = calculate_weight(decode(Y), self.n_classes_,
                    class_weight=self.class_weight, weights=weights)
        m = len(Y)
        dY = self.loss.gradient(Y_hat, Y) * weights.reshape(-1,1)
        dY_ = dY
        for l in range(self.n_layers_ - 1, -1, -1):
            if l == self.n_layers_ - 1:
                dZ = dY * self.softmax.gradient(self._z[-1])
            else : dZ = dY * self.activation.gradient(self._z[l])
            dW =[l].T, dZ) / m
            db = np.sum(dZ, axis=0) / m
            dY =, self.weights_[l].T)
            if self.regularizer is not None:
                dW += self.regularizer.gradient(self.weights_[l])
            self.weights_[l] -= self.optimizer.update('w' + str(l), dW)
            self.bias_[l] -= self.optimizer.update('b' + str(l), db)