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import numpy as np

def create_random_state(seed=None):
    Create a RandomState.

    seed : None or int or RandomState, default=None
        Initial seed for the RandomState. If seed is None,
        return the RandomState singleton. If seed is an int,
        return a RandomState with the seed set to the int.
        If seed is a RandomState, return that RandomState.

    random_state : RandomState
        A RandomState object.
    if seed is None:
        return np.random.mtrand._rand
    elif isinstance(seed, (int, np.integer)):
        return np.random.RandomState(seed=seed)
    elif isinstance(seed, np.random.RandomState):
        return seed
        raise ValueError("Seed must be None, an int, or a Random State")

def one_hot(Y, cols=None):
    Convert `Y` into a one-hot encoding.

    Y : ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)
        Data to encode.

    cols : int or None, default=None
        Number of columns to encode.
        Must be at least the number of unique
        values in `Y`.

    one_hot : ndarray, shape=(n_samples, n_cols)
        One-hot encoded data.
    if Y.shape[1] == cols and (set(Y.reshape(-1)) == set([0,1]) or \
            set(Y.reshape(-1)) == set([0.,1.])):
        return Y.astype(int)
    if Y.size > len(Y) : raise ValueError("Matrix is not 1D")
    Y_ = Y.reshape(-1)
    if cols is None : cols = Y_.max() + 1
    elif cols < len(np.unique(Y)) : raise ValueError("There are more classes than cols")
    if cols > 1:
        one_hot = np.zeros((len(Y), cols), dtype=int)
        one_hot[np.arange(len(Y)), Y_] = 1
        return one_hot
        Y = np.where(Y < cols, 0, 1)
        return Y.reshape(-1, 1)

def decode(Y):
    Decode one-hot encoded data
    into a 1-dimensional array.

    Y : ndarray, shape=(n_samples, n_cols)
        One-hot encoded data.

    decode : ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)
        Decoded data.
    if Y.shape[0] == Y.size:
        return np.squeeze(Y)
    elif set(Y.reshape(-1)) == set([0,1]) or \
            set(Y.reshape(-1)) == set([0.,1.]):
        return np.argmax(Y, axis=1)
        raise ValueError("Y must be one-hot encoded data with ints.")

def calculate_batch(batch_size, length):
    Calculate the batch size for the data of given length.

    batch_size : int, float, default=None
        Batch size for training. Must be one of:
         - int : Use `batch_size`.
         - float : Use `batch_size * n_samples`.
         - None : Use `n_samples`.

    length : int
        Length of the data to be batched.

    batch : int
        Actual batch size.
    if batch_size is None : return length
    elif isinstance(batch_size, int) and batch_size > 0 and \
            batch_size <= length:
        return batch_size
    elif isinstance(batch_size, float) and 0 < batch_size <= 1:
        return int(batch_size * length)
        raise ValueError("Batch size must be None, an int less than %d," % length,
                            "or a float within (0,1]")

def calculate_weight(Y, n_classes, class_weight=None, weights=None):
    Calculate the weights applied to the predicted labels,
    combining class weights and sample weights.

    Y : array-like, shape=(n_samples,)
        Target labels as integers.

    n_classes : int
        Number of classes.

    class_weight : dict, 'balanced', or None, default=None
        Weights associated with classes in the form
        `{class_label: weight}`. Must be one of:
         - None : All classes have a weight of one.
         - 'balanced': Class weights are automatically calculated as
                        `n_samples / (n_samples * np.bincount(Y))`.

    weights : array-like, shape=(n_samples,), default=None
        Sample weights. If None, then samples are equally weighted.

    weights : array-like, shape=(n_samples,)
        Weights combining sample weights and class weights.
    if class_weight is None and weights is None : return np.ones(len(Y))
    elif weights is None : weights = np.ones(len(Y))
    d = class_weight
    if isinstance(d, str) and d == 'balanced':
        l = len(Y) / (n_classes * np.bincount(Y))
        d = {k: l[k] for k in range(len(l))}
    elif isinstance(d, dict):
        k = list(d.keys())
        class_weights = np.where(Y == k, class_weight[k])
    elif d is None : class_weights = np.ones(len(Y))
    else : raise ValueError("Class Weight must either be a dict or 'balanced' or None")
    return weights * class_weights

def calculate_bootstrap(bootstrap_size, length):
    Calculate the bootstrap size for the data of given length.

    bootstrap_size : int, float, default=None
        Bootstrap size for training. Must be one of:
         - int : Use `bootstrap_size`.
         - float : Use `bootstrap_size * n_samples`.
         - None : Use `n_samples`.

    length : int
        Length of the data to be bootstrapped.

    bootstrap : int
        Actual bootstrap size.
    if bootstrap_size is None:
        return length
    elif isinstance(bootstrap_size, int) and bootstrap_size > 0:
        return bootstrap_size
    elif isinstance(bootstrap_size, float) and 0 < bootstrap_size <= 1:
        return int(bootstrap_size * length)
    else : raise ValueError("Bootstrap Size must be None, a positive int or float in (0,1]")