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4 hrs
Test Coverage
 * abdero-fetcher
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Andrea Parodi
 * Licensed under the MIT license.

"use strict";

var MailParser = require("mailparser").MailParser,
    addressparser = require("addressparser"),
    moment = require("moment"),
    concat = require("concat-stream"),
    through = require("through"),
    Imap = require("imap"),
    fs = require("fs"),
    Promise = require("promise"),
    Status = {
        connected: 1,
        disconnected: 0

exports.Status = Status;
exports.Fetcher = Fetcher;

 * Create a new Fetcher instance.
 * A Fetcher object could be used to read mails
 * from an IMAP connection and return them 
 * to user using node Stream pattern.
 * ### Example options object
 * ```
 *    var fetcher = new Fetcher({
 *      user: process.env.MY_MAIL_ADDRESS,
 *      password: process.env.MY_MAIL_PASSWORD,
 *      host: "",
 *      port: 993,
 *      tls: true,
 *      tlsOptions: {
 *          rejectUnauthorized: false
 *      }
 *    })
 * ```
 * ### main options properties: 
 *  * user - username of the imap account.
 *  * password - password of the imap account.
 *  * host - imap server hostname
 *  * port - imap server port
 *  * tls - connection use tls
 *  * tlsOptions - tls advanced options
 * @constructor
 * @param options {Object} options for the fetcher object. main use is to specify connection options
function Fetcher(options) {

    if ( !== "[object Object]") {
        throw new Error("Please provide an object options argument");

    var self = this;
    self.imap = new Imap(options);

    self.status = Status.disconnected;

    self.imap.once("error", function(err) {


 * connect to imap server
 * @return {Object} a promise fullfilled when imap server is connected
Fetcher.prototype.connect = function(onConnected) {

    return this._doImapAction(this.imap, "connect", "ready", Status.connected);

 * disconnect from imap server
 * @return {Object} a promise fullfilled when imap server is disconnected
Fetcher.prototype.disconnect = function(onDisconnected) {

    return this._doImapAction(this.imap, "end", "end", Status.disconnected);

 * read a single message from imap server
 * @param  {String} folder  -   path of the folder containing the message
 * @param  {String} uid     -   uid of the message to read
 * @return {Object}        a readable stream containing the message in json format
 */ = function(folder, uid) {

    var self = this,
        stream = through();

    var mailparser = new MailParser({
        streamAttachments: true

    mailparser.on("error", function(err) {
        stream.emit("error", err);

    mailparser.on("end", function(msg) {


    self._openBox(folder).then(function(box) {

        var f = self.imap.fetch(uid, {
            bodies: ""

        f.on("error", function(err) {
            stream.emit("error", err);

        f.on("message", function(msg, seqno) {
            msg.on("body", function(stream, info) {

    return stream;

 * return list of boxes in the account, in json format
 * @return {Object} a readable stream of boxes, in JSON format
Fetcher.prototype.listBoxes = function() {
    var self = this,
        stream = through();

    self.imap.getSubscribedBoxes(function(err, boxes) {
        if (err) {
            return stream.emit("error", err);
        var bxs = JSON.stringify(buildBoxesTree(boxes));

    return stream;

 * Read a list of messages from a folder.
 * ### Messages structure
 * returned stream contains an array of all messages in json format
 * Each message contains FROM TO SUBJECT DATE
 * but no body or attachments.
 * @param  {String} folderName  - the folder to read
 * @param  {String} query   - filter returned messages using this imap query
 * @return {Object}     a readable stream that read messages in JSON format
Fetcher.prototype.list = function(folderName, query) {
    var self = this,
        msgsStream = through();

    self._openBox(folderName).then(function(box) {
        list(self.imap, box, query, msgsStream);

    return msgsStream;


//select a box in imap server. 
//return a promise fullfilled when box is selected
Fetcher.prototype._openBox = function(folderName) {
    var self = this;
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        self.imap.openBox(folderName, true, function(err, box) {
            if (err) {
                return reject(err);


//do a connect / disconnect action. 
//on success, change the status of the object 
//and fullfill the returned promise.
Fetcher.prototype._doImapAction = function(imap, action, completionEvent, newStatus) {
    var self = this;
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        imap.once(completionEvent, function() {
            self.status = newStatus;

//build a tree object containing 
//all boxes of an account.
function buildBoxesTree(boxes, parent) {
    var results = [];
    parent = parent || "";
    Object.keys(boxes).forEach(function(boxName) {
        var origBox = boxes[boxName];

        var box = {
            text: boxName,
            id: parent + boxName

        if (origBox.children) {
            var par = + origBox.delimiter;
            box.children = buildBoxesTree(origBox.children, par);

    return results;

//build a json object with msg info
function buildMsg(buffer, uid) {

    var headers = Imap.parseHeader(buffer);
    var people = [];
    [].push.apply(people, addressparser(headers.from));
    [].push.apply(people, addressparser(;
    var subject = "";

    if (headers.subject && headers.subject.length) {
        subject = headers.subject[0];

    return {
        uid: uid,
        subject: subject,
        date: moment([0]).valueOf(),
        people: people

//write a msg to stream
function streamMailObject(buffer, uid, stream, pending, done) {
    if (!buffer || !uid) {
        return pending;

    var msg;

    try {
        msg = buildMsg(buffer, uid);

    } catch (err) {
        stream.emit("error", err);


    if (done && pending === 0) {

    return pending;

//write messages in a box to a stream
function list(imap, box, query, msgsStream) {

    var f = imap.fetch(query, {
        struct: true

    var pending = 0,
        done = false;

    f.once("error", function(err) {
        msgsStream.emit("error", err);

    f.once("end", function() {
        done = true;


    f.on("message", function(msg) {
        var uid;
        var buffer;

        msg.once("attributes", function(attrs) {
            uid = attrs.uid;
            pending = streamMailObject(buffer, uid, msgsStream, pending, done);


        msg.on("body", function(stream) {
                    encoding: "string"
                function(buff) {
                    buffer = buff;
                    pending = streamMailObject(buffer, uid, msgsStream, pending, done);


