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 * This is an example file for all PartKeepr-related configuration options.
 * PartKeepr sets all relevant Symfony2 configurations via this file. If you require more flexibility for your setup,
 * create an app/config/config_custom.yml file which will be parsed if it exists.

// Database Settings

 * Specifies the database driver. Available options are listed on this page:
$container->setParameter('database_driver', 'pdo_mysql');

 * Specifies the hostname for the database
$container->setParameter('database_host', 'localhost');
 * Specifies the database port.
$container->setParameter('database_port', '3306');

 * Specifies the database name
$container->setParameter('database_name', 'symfony');

 * Specifies the username for the database
$container->setParameter('database_user', 'root');

 * Specifies the password for the database
$container->setParameter('database_password', null);

// Mailer Settings
// Currently not used, the defaults are fine

// The mailer transport. Can be smtp, mail, sendmail or gmail
$container->setParameter('mailer_transport', null);

// The mail server host name or IP
$container->setParameter('mailer_host', null);

// The mail server port to use
$container->setParameter('mailer_port', null);

// The encryption method to use. Can be ssl, tls or null for unencrypted mail transport
$container->setParameter('mailer_encryption', null);

// The mail server username
$container->setParameter('mailer_user', null);

// The mail server password
$container->setParameter('mailer_password', null);

// The mail server auth mode. Can be plain, login or cram-md5
$container->setParameter('mailer_auth_mode', null);

// Misc framework settings

// The locale to use. Currently only en is supported
$container->setParameter('locale', 'en');

// The secret. See
$container->setParameter('secret', 'COAAFJGGLPHPDGGNCNILHFGECFMMACKC');

// LDAP Configuration
// Example for Active Directory:

// The LDAP Server Host
$container->setParameter('', '');

// The LDAP Sever Port
$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.driver.port', null);

// The username to use for LDAP queries
$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.driver.username', null);

// The password to use for LDAP queries
$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.driver.password', null);

// true to require a DN for binding attempts, false otherwise
$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.driver.bindRequiresDn', false);

// The base DN to query for users
$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.driver.baseDn', '');

// sprintf format %s will be the username
$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.driver.accountFilterFormat', null);

$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.driver.optReferrals', null);

// true to use SSL, false otherwise
$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.driver.useSsl', null);

// true to use startTls, false otherwise
$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.driver.useStartTls', null);

// currently not used
$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.driver.accountCanonicalForm', null);

$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.driver.accountDomainName', null);
$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.driver.accountDomainNameShort', null);

// set to true to enable LDAP
$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.user.enabled', false);

// sets the base DN
$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.user.baseDn', 'dc=blabla,dc=com');

// The filter to use for queries
$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.user.filter', null);

// The username attribute
$container->setParameter('fr3d_ldap.user.attribute.username', "samaccountname");

// The email attribute
$container->setParameter('', "email");

// PartKeepr settings

// The authentication provider to use. Can be either PartKeepr.Auth.WSSEAuthenticationProvider or
// PartKeepr.Auth.HTTPBasicAuthenticationProvider
$container->setParameter('authentication_provider', 'PartKeepr.Auth.WSSEAuthenticationProvider');

 * Specifies if the frontend should perform an auto-login
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.frontend.auto_login.enabled', false);

 * Specifies the auto-login username
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.frontend.auto_login.username', 'admin');

 * Specifies the auto-login password
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.frontend.auto_login.password', 'admin');

 * Specifies the base_url for the PartKeepr frontend.
 * Usually this is not required, but if you run PartKeepr behind a reverse
 * proxy with a different path, you can set it here.
 * Please note that you need to create an additional file, see
 * Example: If PartKeepr runs on / within a docker container and your reverse
 * proxy maps it on, you can set the
 * base_url to
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.frontend.base_url', false);

 * Specifies the category path separator
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.category.path_separator', ' ➤ ');

 * Specifies a message of the day. Set to any string instead of false
 * to display a MOTD. Example
 * $container->setParameter('partkeepr.frontend.motd', "This is a MOTD");
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.frontend.motd', false);

 * Specifies if a quota should be used.
 * If set to false, no quota is used. Set it to a numeric value to set a quota in bytes.
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.filesystem.quota', false);

 * Specifies the dunglas cache. Defaults to false.
 * You can use the APCu cache by specifying "api.mapping.cache.apc" here.
 * Further reading:
$container->setParameter('cache.dunglas', false);

 * Specifies the doctrine cache. Defaults to "array", but can be "apc".
 * Further reading:
 * For complex caching scenarios, you are advised to use a custom configuration file as described at the top of this
 * file.
$container->setParameter('cache.doctrine', 'array');

 * Defines if a maintenance page should be displayed.
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.maintenance', false);

 * Defines if a maintenance page should be displayed. Set to false to prevent a maintenance page being
 * displayed, or to a string which should occur on the maintenance page.
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.maintenance.title', '');

 * Defines if a maintenance page should be displayed. Set to false to prevent a maintenance page being
 * displayed, or to a string which should occur on the maintenance page.
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.maintenance.message', '');

 * Defines a limit for the maximum amount of users allowed. Valid values are false (no limit) or an integer number
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.users.limit', false);

 * Defines a limit for the maximum amount of parts allowed. Valid values are false (no limit) or an integer number
$container->setParameter('', false);

 * Defines if the internal part number must be unique or not. Note that empty internal part numbers aren't checked -
 * if you require to enforce an internal part number, also set the field internalPartNumber to mandatory.
 * Defaults to false
$container->setParameter('', false);

 * Defines a limit for the maximum amount of parts allowed. Valid values are false (no limit) or an integer number
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.upload.limit', false);

 * Specifies the PartKeepr data directory
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.filesystem.data_directory', '%kernel.root_dir%/../data/');

 * Specifies if PartKeepr should check for non-running cronjobs
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.cronjob.check', true);

 * Specifies which v4 API key PartKeepr should use to talk to OctoPart. You can get an API key by registering at
 * and then registering an application.
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.octopart.apikey', '');

 * The number of returned parts from API calls is limited. Try to keep this value low
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.octopart.limit', '3');

 * Specifies which URL contains the patreon status. If you do not wish to display the patreon status,
 * set this parameter to false. Please note that we rely on your Patreon pledges to ensure further
 * development of PartKeepr.
$container->setParameter('partkeepr.patreon.statusuri', '');