Ext.define('Ext.ux.Wizard', {
extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
// layout: 'Ext.ux.wizard.CardLayout',
layout: 'fit',
loadMaskConfig: {
'default': '',
'saving': 'Saving...',
'checking': 'Checking...'
autoRender: true,
* @cfg {Number} height The height of the dialog. Defaults to "400".
height: 650,
* @cfg {Number} width The width of the dialog. Defaults to "540".
width: 800,
* @cfg {Boolean} closable Wether the dialog is closable. Defaults to "true".
* This property will be changed by the "switchDialogState"-method, which will
* enable/disable controls based on the passed argument. Thus, this config property
* serves two purposes: Tell the init config to render a "close"-tool, and create a
* "beforeclose"-listener which will either return true or false, indicating if the
* dialog may be closed.
closable: true,
* @cfg {Boolean} resizable Wether the dialog is resizable. Defaults to "false".
resizable: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} resizable Wether the dialog is modal. Defaults to "true".
modal: true,
* @cfg {Array} cards A numeric array with the configured {@link Ext.ux.Wiz.Card}s.
* The index of the cards in the array represent the order in which they get displayed
* in the wizard (i.e. card at index 0 gets displayed in the first step, card at index 1 gets
* displayed in the second step and so on).
cards: [],
* @cfg {String} previousButtonText The text to render the previous-button with.
* Defaults to "< Back" (< Back)
previousButtonText: '< Previous',
* @cfg {String} nextButtonText The text to render the next-button with.
* Defaults to "Next >" (Next >)
nextButtonText: 'Next >',
* @cfg {String} cancelButtonText The text to render the cancel-button with.
* Defaults to "Cancel"
cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
* @cfg {String} finishButtonText The text to render the next-button with when the last
* step of the wizard is reached. Defaults to "Finish"
finishButtonText: 'Finish',
* @cfg {Object} headerConfig A config-object to use with {@link Ext.ux.Wiz.Header}.
* If not present, it defaults to an empty object.
headConfig: null,
* @cfg {Object} sideConfig A config-object to use with {@link Ext.ux.Wizard}.
* If not present, it defaults to an empty object.
sideConfig: null,
* @cfg {Object} cardPanelConfig A config-object to use with {@link Ext.Panel}, which
* represents the card-panel in this dialog.
* If not present, it defaults to an empty object
cardPanelConfig: {},
* @param {Ext.Button} The window-button for paging to the previous card.
* @private
previousButton: null,
* @param {Ext.Button} The window-button for paging to the next card. When the
* last card is reached, the event fired by and the text rendered to this button
* will change.
* @private
nextButton: null,
* @param {Ext.Button} The window-button for canceling the wizard. The event
* fired by this button will usually close the dialog.
* @private
cancelButton: null,
* @param {Ex.Panel} The card-panel that holds the various wizard cards
* ({@link Ext.ux.Wiz.Card}). The card-panel itself uses the custom
* {@link Ext.ux.layout.CardLayout}, which needs to be accessible by this class.
* You can get it at {@link}.
* @private
cardPanel: null,
* @param {Number} currentCard The current {@link Ext.ux.Wiz.Card} displayed.
* Defaults to 0.
* @private
currentCard: 0,
* @param {Ext.ux.Wiz.Header} The header-panel of the wizard.
* @private
headPanel: null,
* @param {Number} cardCount Helper for storing the number of cards used
* by this wizard. Defaults to 0 (inherits "cards.length" later on).
* @private
cardCount: 0,
* Inits this component with the specified config-properties and automatically
* creates its components.
initComponent: function () {
var c = this.initialConfig, sregion, hregion;
if (!this.sideConfig) this.sideConfig = {};
if (!this.headConfig) this.headConfig = {};
if (c.sideConfig && c.sideConfig.position == 'right') { sregion = 'east'; } else { sregion = 'west'; }
if (c.headConfig && c.headConfig.position == 'bottom') { hregion = 'south'; } else { hregion = 'north'; }
Ext.applyIf(this.cardPanelConfig, { region: 'center', items: ( || [{}]), layout: new Ext.ux.wizard.CardLayout(), border: false, activeItem: 0, baseCls: 'ux-wizard-cardpanel' });
Ext.applyIf(this.sideConfig, { region: sregion, width: 150, layout: 'fit', xtype: 'wizardheader', headerPosition: 'side', steps:, hidden: !(c.sideConfig) });
Ext.applyIf(this.headConfig, { region: hregion, height: 150, layout: 'fit', xtype: 'wizardheader', headerPosition: 'top', steps:, hidden: !(c.headConfig) });
var title = this.title || this.headConfig.title;
title = title || "";
var items = [];
Ext.apply(this, {
title: title,
layout: 'border',
dockedItems: [{
xtype: 'toolbar',
dock: 'bottom',
ui: 'footer',
defaults: { minWidth: 60 },
items: [
{ xtype: 'component', flex: 1 },
items: items
// -------- helper
* Returns the form-data of all cards in this wizard. The first index is the
* id of the card in this wizard,
* and the values are objects containing key/value pairs in the form of
* fieldName : fieldValue.
* @return {Array}
getWizardData: function () {
var formValues = {};
var cards =;
for (var i = 0, len = cards.length; i < len; i++) {
if (cards[i].form) {
formValues[cards[i].id] = cards[i].form.getValues(false);
} else {
formValues[cards[i].id] = {};
return formValues;
* Switches the state of this wizard between disabled/enabled.
* A disabled dialog will have a {@link Ext.LoadMask} covering the card-panel
* to prevent user input, and the buttons will be rendered disabled/enabled.
* If the dialog is closable, the close-tool will be masked, too, and the dialog will not
* be closable by clicking the "close" tool.
* @param {Boolean} enabled "false" to prevent user input and mask the elements,
* otherwise true.
* @param {String} type The type of msg for the {@Ext.LoadMask} covering
* the cardPanel, as defined in the cfg property "loadMaskConfig"
switchDialogState: function (enabled, type) {
this.showLoadMask(!enabled, type);
var ct =['close'];
if (ct) {
switch (enabled) {
case true:['close'].unmask();
this.closable = enabled;
* Shows the load mask for this wizard. By default, the cardPanel's body
* will be masked.
* @param {Boolean} show true to show the load mask, otherwise false.
* @param {String} type The type of message for the {@Ext.LoadMask} covering
* the cardPanel, as defined in the cfg property "loadMaskConfig"
showLoadMask: function (show, type) {
if (!type) {
type = 'default';
if (show) {
if (this.loadMask == null) {
this.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.body);
this.loadMask.msg = this.loadMaskConfig[type];;
} else {
if (this.loadMask) {
* show the side panel
showSidePanel: function () {;
* show the side panel
showHeadPanel: function () {;
* hide the side panel
showSidePanel: function () {
* hide the head panel
hideHeadPanel: function () {
* Inits the listener for the various {@link Ext.ux.Wiz.Card}s used
* by this component.
initEvents: function () {
this.on('beforeclose', this.onBeforeClose, this);
* Creates the head- and the card-panel.
* Be sure to have the custom {@link Ext.ux.layout.CardLayout} available
* in order to make the card-panel work as expected by this component
* ({@link}).
initPanels: function () {
var cards =;
var cardPanelConfig = this.cardPanelConfig;
Ext.apply(this.headConfig, {
this.headPanel = Ext.create('Ext.ux.wizard.Header', this.headConfig);
this.sidePanel = Ext.create('Ext.ux.wizard.Header', this.sideConfig);
Ext.apply(cardPanelConfig, {
layout: 'card', // new Ext.ux.wizard.CardLayout(),
items: cards
Ext.applyIf(cardPanelConfig, {
region: 'center',
border: false,
activeItem: 0
// var cards =;
for (var i = 0, len = cards.length; i < len; i++) {
cards[i].on('beforeactivate', this.onCardShow, this);
cards[i].on('clientvalidation', this.onClientValidation, this);
this.cardPanel = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', cardPanelConfig);
* Creates the instances for the the window buttons.
initButtons: function () {
this.previousButton = new Ext.Button({
text: this.previousButtonText,
id: 'wizard-move-prev',
disabled: true,
minWidth: 75,
handler: this.onPreviousClick,
scope: this
this.nextButton = new Ext.Button({
text: this.nextButtonText,
id: 'wizard-move-next',
minWidth: 75,
handler: this.onNextClick,
scope: this
this.cancelButton = new Ext.Button({
text: this.cancelButtonText,
handler: this.onCancelClick,
scope: this,
minWidth: 75
// -------- listeners
* Listener for the beforeclose event.
* This listener will return true or false based on the "closable"
* property by this component. This property will be changed by the "switchDialogState"
* method, indicating if there is currently any process running that should prevent
* this dialog from being closed.
* @param {Ext.Panel} panel The panel being closed
* @return {Boolean}
onBeforeClose: function (panel) {
return this.closable;
* By default, the card firing this event monitors user input in a frequent
* interval and fires the 'clientvalidation'-event along with it. This listener
* will enable/disable the next/finish-button in accordance with it, based upon
* the parameter isValid. isValid" will be set by the form validation and depends
* on the validators you are using for the different input-elemnts in your form.
* If the card does not contain any forms, this listener will never be called by the
* card itself.
* @param {Ext.ux.Wiz.Card} The card that triggered the event.
* @param {Boolean} isValid "true", if the user input was valid, otherwise
* "false"
onClientValidation: function (card, isValid) {
if (!isValid) {
console.log("setting disabled in onClientValidation");
} else {
* Listener for the "show" event of the card that gets shown in the card-panel.
* Renders the next/previous buttons based on the position of the card in the wizard
* and updates the head-panel accordingly.
* @param {Ext.ux.Wiz.Card} The card being shown.
onCardShow: function (card) {
var parent = card.ownerCt;
var items = parent.items;
for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {
if (items.get(i).id == {
this.currentCard = i;
this.headPanel.updateStep(i, card.carTitle);
this.sidePanel.updateStep(i, card.carTitle);
if (i == len - 1) {
} else {
if (card.isValid()) {
if (i == 0) {
} else {
* Fires the 'cancel'-event. Closes this dialog if the return value of the
* listeners does not equal to "false".
onCancelClick: function () {
if (this.fireEvent('cancel', this, this.getWizardData()) !== false) {
this.closable = true;
* Fires the 'finish'-event. Closes this dialog if the return value of the
* listeners does not equal to "false".
onFinish: function () {
if (this.fireEvent('finish', this, this.getWizardData()) !== false) {
this.closable = true;
* Listener for the previous-button.
* Switches to the previous displayed {@link Ext.ux.Wiz.Card}.
onPreviousClick: function (btn) {
if (this.currentCard > 0) {
// this.cardPanel.getLayout().setActiveItem(this.currentCard - 1);
var mywiz = btn.up('panel').cardPanel;
this.navigate(mywiz, 'prev');
* Listener for the next-button. Switches to the next {@link Ext.ux.Wiz.Card}
* if the 'beforehide'-method of it did not return false. The functionality
* for this is implemented in {@link Ext.ux.layout.CardLayout}, which is needed
* as the layout for the card-panel of this component.
onNextClick: function (btn) {
if (this.currentCard == this.cardCount - 1) {
} else {
// this.cardPanel.getLayout().setActiveItem(this.currentCard + 1);
var p = this.cardPanel.items.items[this.currentCard];
if (p) {
f = p.getForm();
if (f.isValid()) {
this.navigate(btn.up('panel').cardPanel, "next");
} else {
navigate: function (panel, direction) {
// This routine could contain business logic required to manage the navigation steps.
// It would call setActiveItem as needed, manage navigation button state, handle any
// branching logic that might be required, handle alternate actions like cancellation
// or finalization, etc. A complete wizard implementation could get pretty
// sophisticated depending on the complexity required, and should probably be
// done as a subclass of CardLayout in a real-world implementation.
var layout = panel.getLayout();
// Ext.getCmp('wizard-move-next').setDisabled(!layout.getNext());
afterRender: function () {
var ly = this.cardPanel.getLayout();