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 * Module dependencies.
var _ = require('lodash')
  , AuthorizationError = require('../errors/authorizationerror')
  , ForbiddenError = require('../errors/forbiddenerror');

 * Handle authorization decisions from resource owners.
 * Obtaining authorization via OAuth 2.0 consists of a sequence of discrete
 * steps.  First, the client requests authorization from the user (in this case
 * using an authorization server as an intermediary).  The authorization server
 * conducts an approval dialog with the user to obtain permission.  After access
 * has been allowed, a grant is issued to the client which can be exchanged for
 * an access token.
 * This middleware is used to process a user's decision about whether to allow
 * or deny access.  The client that initiated the authorization transaction will
 * be sent a response, including a grant if access was allowed.
 * The exact form of the grant will depend on the type requested by the client.
 * The `server`'s response handling functions are used to issue the grant and
 * send the response.   An application can implement support for these types as
 * necessary, including taking advantage of bundled grant middleware.
 * Callbacks:
 * An optional `parse` callback can be passed as an argument, for which the
 * function signature is as follows:
 *     function(req, done) { ... }
 * `req` is the request, which can be parsed for any additional parameters found
 * in query as required by the service provider.  `done` is a callback which
 * must be invoked with the following signature:
 *     done(err, params);
 * `params` are the additional parameters parsed from the request.  These will
 * be set on the transaction at `req.oauth2.res`.  If an error occurs, `done`
 * should be invoked with `err` set in idomatic Node.js fashion.
 * Options:
 *     cancelField    name of field that is set if user denied access (default: 'cancel')
 *     userProperty   property of `req` which contains the authenticated user (default: 'user')
 *     sessionKey     key under which transactions are stored in the session (default: 'authorize')
 * Examples:
 *       login.ensureLoggedIn(),
 *       server.decision());
 *       login.ensureLoggedIn(),
 *       server.decision(function(req, done) {
 *         return done(null, { scope: req.scope })
 *       }));
 * @param {Server} server
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {Function} parse
 * @return {Function}
 * @api protected
module.exports = function(server, options, parse, complete) {
  if (typeof options == 'function') {
    complete = parse;
    parse = options;
    options = undefined;
  options = options || {};
  parse = parse || function(req, done) { return done(); };
  if (!server) { throw new TypeError('oauth2orize.decision middleware requires a server argument'); }
  var cancelField = options.cancelField || 'cancel'
    , userProperty = options.userProperty || 'user';
  return function decision(req, res, next) {
    if (!req.body) { return next(new Error('OAuth2orize requires body parsing. Did you forget app.use(express.bodyParser())?')); }
    if (!req.oauth2) { return next(new Error('OAuth2orize requires transaction support. Did you forget oauth2orize.transactionLoader(...)?')); }
    parse(req, function(err, ares, locals) {
      if (err) { return next(err); }
      var tid = req.oauth2.transactionID;
      req.oauth2.user = req[userProperty];
      req.oauth2.res = ares || {};
      if (locals) {
        req.oauth2.locals = req.oauth2.locals || {};
        _.merge(req.oauth2.locals, locals);
      if (req.oauth2.res.allow === undefined) {
        if (!req.body[cancelField]) { req.oauth2.res.allow = true; }
        else { req.oauth2.res.allow = false; }
      // proxy end() to delete the transaction
      var end = res.end;
      res.end = function(chunk, encoding) {
        if (server._txnStore.legacy == true) {
          server._txnStore.remove(options, req, req.oauth2.transactionID, function noop(){});
        } else {
          server._txnStore.remove(req, req.oauth2.transactionID, function noop(){});
        res.end = end;
        res.end(chunk, encoding);
      req.oauth2._endProxied = true;
      function completing(cb) {
        if (!complete) { return cb(); }
        complete(req, req.oauth2, cb);
      server._respond(req.oauth2, res, completing, function(err) {
        if (err) { return next(err); }
        return next(new AuthorizationError('Unsupported response type: ' + req.oauth2.req.type, 'unsupported_response_type'));