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// Load modules.
const OAuth2Strategy = require('@passport-next/passport-oauth2');

const util = require('util');

const uri = require('url');

const crypto = require('crypto');

const InternalOAuthError = require('@passport-next/passport-oauth2').InternalOAuthError;

const Profile = require('./profile');

const FacebookAuthorizationError = require('./errors/facebookauthorizationerror');

const FacebookTokenError = require('./errors/facebooktokenerror');

const FacebookGraphAPIError = require('./errors/facebookgraphapierror');

 * `Strategy` constructor.
 * The Facebook authentication strategy authenticates requests by delegating to
 * Facebook using the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
 * Applications must supply a `verify` callback which accepts an `accessToken`,
 * `refreshToken` and service-specific `profile`, and then calls the `cb`
 * callback supplying a `user`, which should be set to `false` if the
 * credentials are not valid.  If an exception occured, `err` should be set.
 * Options:
 *   - `clientID`      your Facebook application's App ID
 *   - `clientSecret`  your Facebook application's App Secret
 *   - `callbackURL`   URL to which Facebook will redirect the user after granting authorization
 * Examples:
 *     passport.use(new FacebookStrategy({
 *         clientID: '123-456-789',
 *         clientSecret: 'shhh-its-a-secret'
 *         callbackURL: ''
 *       },
 *       function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) {
 *         User.findOrCreate(..., function (err, user) {
 *           cb(err, user);
 *         });
 *       }
 *     ));
 * @constructor
 * @param {object} options
 * @param {function} verify
 * @access public
function Strategy(options, verify) {
  options = options || {};
  const graphApiVersion = options.graphApiVersion;
  if (!graphApiVersion) {
    throw new Error('graphApiVersion is required');
  if (!/^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/.test(graphApiVersion)) {
    throw new Error('Invalid graphApiVersion it must be in the format "vXX.YY"');
  options.authorizationURL = options.authorizationURL || `${graphApiVersion}/dialog/oauth`;
  options.tokenURL = options.tokenURL || `${graphApiVersion}/oauth/access_token`;
  options.scopeSeparator = options.scopeSeparator || ',';, options, verify); = 'facebook';
  this._profileURL = options.profileURL || `${graphApiVersion}/me`;
  this._profileFields = options.profileFields || null;
  this._enableProof = options.enableProof;
  this._clientSecret = options.clientSecret;

// Inherit from `OAuth2Strategy`.
util.inherits(Strategy, OAuth2Strategy);

 * Authenticate request by delegating to Facebook using OAuth 2.0.
 * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req
 * @param {object} options
 * @access protected
Strategy.prototype.authenticate = function authenticate(req, options) {
  // Facebook doesn't conform to the OAuth 2.0 specification, with respect to
  // redirecting with error codes.
  //   FIX:
  if (req.query && req.query.error_code && !req.query.error) {
    return this.error(new FacebookAuthorizationError(req.query.error_message,
      parseInt(req.query.error_code, 10)));

  return, req, options);

 * Return extra Facebook-specific parameters to be included in the authorization
 * request.
 * Options:
 *  - `display`  Display mode to render dialog, { `page`, `popup`, `touch` }.
 * @param {object} options
 * @return {object}
 * @access protected
Strategy.prototype.authorizationParams = function authorizationParams(options) {
  const params = {};

  if (options.display) {
    params.display = options.display;

  if (options.authType) {
    params.auth_type = options.authType;
  if (options.authNonce) {
    params.auth_nonce = options.authNonce;

  return params;

 * Retrieve user profile from Facebook.
 * This function constructs a normalized profile, with the following properties:
 *   - `provider`         always set to `facebook`
 *   - `id`               the user's Facebook ID
 *   - `displayName`      the user's full name
 *   - `name.familyName`  the user's last name
 *   - `name.givenName`   the user's first name
 *   - `name.middleName`  the user's middle name
 *   - `gender`           the user's gender: `male` or `female`
 *   - `profileUrl`       the URL of the profile for the user on Facebook
 *   - `emails`           the proxied or contact email address granted by the user
 * @param {string} accessToken
 * @param {function} done
 * @access protected
Strategy.prototype.userProfile = function userProfile(accessToken, done) {
  let url = uri.parse(this._profileURL);
  if (this._enableProof) {
    // Secure API call by adding proof of the app secret.  This is required when
    // the "Require AppSecret Proof for Server API calls" setting has been
    // enabled.  The proof is a SHA256 hash of the access token, using the app
    // secret as the key.
    // For further details, refer to:
    const proof = crypto.createHmac('sha256', this._clientSecret).update(accessToken).digest('hex'); = `${ ? `${}&` : ''}appsecret_proof=${proof}`;
  if (this._profileFields) {
    const fields = this._convertProfileFields(this._profileFields);
    if (fields !== '') { = `${ ? `${}&` : ''}fields=${fields}`; }
  url = uri.format(url);

  this._oauth2.get(url, accessToken, (err, body) => {
    let json;

    if (err) {
      if ( {
        try {
          json = JSON.parse(;
        } catch (_) {
          json = {};

      if (json && json.error && typeof json.error === 'object') {
        return done(new FacebookGraphAPIError(json.error.message, json.error.type,
          json.error.code, json.error.error_subcode, json.error.fbtrace_id));
      return done(new InternalOAuthError('Failed to fetch user profile', err));

    try {
      json = JSON.parse(body);
    } catch (ex) {
      return done(new Error('Failed to parse user profile'));

    const profile = Profile.parse(json);
    profile.provider = 'facebook';
    profile._raw = body;
    profile._json = json;

    return done(null, profile);

 * Parse error response from Facebook OAuth 2.0 token endpoint.
 * @param {string} body
 * @param {number} status
 * @return {Error}
 * @access protected
Strategy.prototype.parseErrorResponse = function parseErrorResponse(body, status) {
  const json = JSON.parse(body);
  if (json.error && typeof json.error === 'object') {
    return new FacebookTokenError(json.error.message, json.error.type,
      json.error.code, json.error.error_subcode, json.error.fbtrace_id);
  return, body, status);

 * Convert Facebook profile to a normalized profile.
 * @param {object} profileFields
 * @return {string}
 * @access protected
Strategy.prototype._convertProfileFields = function _convertProfileFields(profileFields) {
  const map = {
    id: 'id',
    displayName: 'name',
    name: ['last_name', 'first_name', 'middle_name'],
    gender: 'gender',
    birthday: 'birthday',
    profileUrl: 'link',
    emails: 'email',
    photos: 'picture',
    ageRange: 'age_range',
    currentLocation: 'location',
    hometown: 'hometown'

  const fields = [];

  // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
  profileFields.forEach((f) => {
    // return raw Facebook profile field to support the many fields that don't
    // map cleanly to Portable Contacts
    if (typeof map[f] === 'undefined') { return fields.push(f); }

    if (Array.isArray(map[f])) {
      Array.prototype.push.apply(fields, map[f]);
    } else {

  return fields.join(',');

// Expose constructor.
module.exports = Strategy;