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> Grunt task for replacing refs to resources on the [Google CDN](

This module makes it easy to replace references to your bower resources in your
app with links to the libraries on the Google CDN (and some other CDNs).

## Getting started

Install: `npm install --save google-cdn`

Install CDN data module: `npm install --save google-cdn-data` (see list of more [data modules](#cdn-data-modules) below)

### Example


  "name": "my-awesome-app",
  "dependencies": {
    "jquery": "~2.0.0"

var googlecdn = require('google-cdn');

var bowerConfig = loadJSON('bower.json');
var markup = '<script src="bower_components/jquery/jquery.js"></script>';
googlecdn(markup, bowerConfig, {cdn: require('google-cdn-data')}, function (err, result) {
  if (err) {
    throw err;

    '<script src="//"></script>');

## API

### googlecdn(content, bowerJson[, options], callback)

Replaces references to libraries supported by the Google CDN in `content`.
The library versions are inferred from the `bowerJson`.

`options` is an optional object with these keys:

  - `componentsPath`: defaults to `bower_components`, the path you specify in
    your script tags to the components directory.
  - `cdn`: defaults to `require('google-cdn-data')`. CDN you want to use. Object of the following format:

    jquery: {
      versions: ['2.0.3', '2.0.2', '2.0.1', '2.0.0'],
      url: function (version) {
        return '//my.own.cdn/libs/jquery/' + version + '/jquery.min.js';

## Used by

- [grunt-google-cdn](
- [gulp-google-cdn](

## CDN data modules

- [google-cdn-data](
- [cdnjs-cdn-data](
- [jsdelivr-cdn-data](

## Debugging

You can turn on debugging by setting the `DEBUG` environment variable to
`google-cdn`. E.g.

`env DEBUG='google-cdn' grunt cdnify`

## License