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# Nice Generators [![Build Status](]( [![Code Climate](](

### Nice generators for rails 3.

## Installation

Add `nice_generators` to your `Gemfile`:

gem 'nice_generators'

Install it using `bundle install`

Run the following command to install some templates and the translation file

rails generate nice:install

## Available generators

* `install` generator

rails generate nice:install

This generator was already explained: it allows us to use `nice_generators`.

* `layout` generator

rails generate nice:layout application

This generator creates a nice layout, similar to the default layout, but
well-indented and displaying flashes. In addition, it generates a layout
helper containing useful methods.

* `scaffold` generator

rails generate nice:scaffold article title:string body:text

It's just like `rails generate scaffold article title:string body:text`, but
with some *nice* features.

* `scaffold_controller` generator

rails generate nice:scaffold_controller comment name:string body:text post_id:integer

It's just like `rails generate scaffold_controller article name:string body:text post_id:integer`,
but with some *nice* features.

## Features

* Generated controllers are refactored
* Generated controllers and views are fully i18n'ed
* Generated controllers uses `respond_to` and `respond_with`
* Generated views have titles (in rails default scaffold show view has no
* Generated layouts are well-indented
* Generated layouts displays the flashes
* Layout generator also generates a layout helper, which contains useful
  methods for using in the layout
* Generated views uses pretty page titles (See [Railscasts episode 30](
* [Slim]( support (see below)

## Integration with simple_form

You can use nice_generators along with [simple_form]( Simply run `rails generate simple_form:install` after running `rails generate nice:install`.

rails generate nice:install
rails generate simple_form:install

## Slim templates

Change the template engine in `config/application.rb`

config.generators do |g|
  g.template_engine :slim

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create a branch (`git checkout -b my_awesome_branch`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am "Added some magic"`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my_awesome_branch`)
5. Send pull request