"[ruby]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "Shopify.ruby-lsp", // Use the Ruby LSP as the default formatter
"editor.formatOnSave": true, // Format files automatically when saving
"editor.tabSize": 2, // Use 2 spaces for indentation
"editor.insertSpaces": true, // Use spaces and not tabs for indentation
"editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled": true, // Enable semantic highlighting
"editor.formatOnType": true // Enable formatting while typing
"rubyLsp.enabledFeatures": {
"codeActions": true,
"diagnostics": true,
"documentHighlights": true,
"documentLink": true,
"documentSymbols": true,
"foldingRanges": true,
"formatting": true,
"hover": true,
"inlayHint": true,
"onTypeFormatting": true,
"selectionRanges": true,
"semanticHighlighting": true,
"completion": true,
"codeLens": true
"rubyLsp.formatter": "rubocop", // Use RuboCop for formatting within Ruby LSP
"ruby.rubocop.configFilePath": ".rubocop.yml" // Use the .rubocop.yml file in the root of the project