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 * @ngdoc directive
 * @name patternfly.filters.directive:pfFilterResults
 * @restrict E
 * @description
 *   Component for the filter results
 *   <br><br>
 * @param {object} config configuration settings for the filter results:<br/>
 * <ul style='list-style-type: none'>
 * <li>.fields          - (Array) List of filterable fields containing:
 * <ul style='list-style-type: none'>
 * <li>.id          - (String) Optional unique Id for the filter field, useful for comparisons
 * <li>.title       - (String) The title to display for the filter field
 * <li>.placeholder - (String) Text to display when no filter value has been entered
 * <li>.filterType  - (String) The filter input field type (any html input type, or 'select' for a select box)
 * <li>.filterValues - (Array) List of valid select values used when filterType is 'select'
 * </ul>
 * <li>.appliedFilters - (Array) List of the currently applied filters
 * <li>.resultsCount   - (int) The number of results returned after the current applied filters have been applied
 * <li>.selectedCount  - (int) The number selected items, The 'n' in the label: 'n' of 'm' selected
 * <li>.totalCount     - (int) The total number of items before any filters have been applied. The 'm' in the label: 'n' of 'm' selected
 * <li>.showTotalCountResults - (Boolean) Optional, flag to show the total count in the filter results (ie. x of y Results)
 * <li>.itemsLabel     - (String) Optional label to use for the items (default: Result)
 * <li>.itemsLabelPlural - (String) Optional label to use for the items when plural (default: Results)
 * <li>.onFilterChange - ( function(array of filters) ) Function to call when the applied filters list changes
 * </ul>
angular.module('patternfly.filters').component('pfFilterResults', {
  bindings: {
    config: '='
  templateUrl: 'filters/simple-filter/filter-results.html',
  controller: function () {
    'use strict';

    var ctrl = this;
    var prevConfig;

    ctrl.$onInit = function () {
      angular.extend(ctrl, {
        clearFilter: clearFilter,
        clearAllFilters: clearAllFilters

    ctrl.$onChanges = function () {
      setupConfig ();

    ctrl.$doCheck = function () {
      // do a deep compare on config
      if (!angular.equals(ctrl.config, prevConfig)) {

    function setupConfig () {
      prevConfig = angular.copy(ctrl.config);

      if (!ctrl.config.appliedFilters) {
        ctrl.config.appliedFilters = [];
      if (ctrl.config.resultsCount === undefined) {
        ctrl.config.resultsCount = 0;

      ctrl.config.itemsLabel = ctrl.config.itemsLabel || 'Result';
      ctrl.config.itemsLabelPlural = ctrl.config.itemsLabelPlural || 'Results';

    function clearFilter (evt, item) {
      var newFilters = [];

      ctrl.config.appliedFilters.forEach(function (filter) {
        if (item.title !== filter.title || item.value !== filter.value) {
      ctrl.config.appliedFilters = newFilters;

      if (ctrl.config.onFilterChange) {

    function clearAllFilters (evt) {

      ctrl.config.appliedFilters = [];

      if (ctrl.config.onFilterChange) {