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# Ruby on Rails Tutorial: sample application
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This is the sample application for the Rails 3.2 version of
[*Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example*](
by [Michael Hartl]( (plus some [modifications](#modifications)).

(I'm not going to be maintaining this version of my Sample App anymore, so please find the [Rails 4 version here](

- This code is currently deployed [here]( using [Heroku](
- Translation keys are currently being managed [here]( with [Localeapp](

### Cloning Locally

    $ cd /tmp
    $ git clone
    $ cd sample_app
    $ bundle install

### Environment Configuration

    $ cp config/application.example.yml config/application.yml

**Inside Rails App**

Generate a secret token:

    $ rake secret

Copy the resulting string into the `SECRET_TOKEN` entry in **config/application.yml**, along with your database information:

    # App keys
    SECRET_TOKEN: # your rake secret generated token

      DB_NAME: # your dev db name here
      DB_USER: # your dev db username here
      DB_PASSWORD: # your dev db password here

      DB_NAME: # your test db name here
      DB_USER: # your test db username here
      DB_PASSWORD: # your test db password here

      DB_NAME: # your prod db name here
      DB_USER: # your prod db username here
      DB_PASSWORD: # your prod db password here

**Testing with Travis CI**

If you're using Travis for continuous integration testing, do the following (without the `{{ }}`):

Create encrypted travis variables for your Heroku API key and Repo name:

    $ gem install travis
    $ travis encrypt your_username/your_repo HEROKU_API_KEY={{YOUR_HEROKU_API_KEY}}
    $ travis encrypt HEROKU_GIT_URL={{YOUR_HEROKU_GIT_URL}} # eg
    $ travis encrypt DB_NAME={{YOUR_DB_NAME_UNDER_TEST}} # eg: sample_app_test
    $ travis encrypt DB_USER={{YOUR_DB_USER}}
    $ travis encrypt DB_PASSWORD={{YOUR_DB_PASSWORD}}

Then add them to **.travis.yml**

        - secure: {{YOUR_ENCRYPTED_HEROKU_API_KEY}}
        - secure: {{YOUR_ENCRYPTED_HEROKU_GIT_URL}}
        - secure: {{YOUR_ENCRYPTED_DB_USER}}
        - secure: {{YOUR_ENCRYPTED_DB_PASSWORD}}

**Deploying with Heroku**

Generate production environment variables automatically using Figaro:

    $ rake figaro:heroku

Or, do it manually:

    $ heroku config:set SECRET_TOKEN={{YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN}}
    $ heroku config:set DB_NAME={{YOUR_DB_NAME_UNDER_PRODUCTION}} # eg: sample_app_production
    $ heroku config:set DB_USER={{YOUR_DB_USER}}
    $ heroku config:set DB_PASSWORD={{YOUR_DB_PASSWORD}}


If you want to use Localeapp to manage language keys in the app (ignore this if you don't), [create an account]( on their site, get an API key, and copy it into the `LOCALE_API_KEY` entry in **config/application.yml**, and add the key to your Heroku environment, if you didn't generate it automatically with Figaro:

    $ heroku config:set LOCALE_API_KEY={{YOUR_LOCALE_API_KEY}}

**New Relic**

If you want to use New Relic for app metrics (ignore this if you don't), [create an account]( on their site, get a license key, and copy it into the `NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY` entry in **config/application.yml**, and add the key to your Heroku environment, if you didn't generate it automatically with Figaro:


Finally, configure the databases:

    $ bundle exec rake db:migrate
    $ bundle exec rake db:seed
    $ bundle exec rake db:test:prepare RAILS_ENV=test

- - -

## Modifications:

### User Interface
- Added [Font Awesome]( icons to the header
- Added micropost character countdown based on Twitter's
- Added an endless scroll to pages with paginated lists of users or microposts, as shown in [Railscast #114 Endless Page (revised)](

### i18n
- Added locale switcher
- Internationalized app labels with translations for Japanese and Italian
- All static content internationalized in [Markdown]( files instead of HTML/ERb files
- Added i18n-specific routing
- Added translations to dynamic data and its relevant sample data (microposts) using [Globalize3](

### Backend
- Moved development database over to [Postgresql]( to match deployment database on Heroku.
- Changed all views from HTML/ERb to [Haml](
- Refactored [SCSS]( files to use more mix-ins, as well as additions to add styling to the language selector
- Used [rails-timeago]( to do time calculation for microposts on client-side rather than server-side (replaces method calls to `time_ago_in_words`)
- Simplified implementation of most forms with [SimpleForm](
- Used [Figaro]( to handle all secret keys in an attempt to remove any app-identifiable information from all environments.  Reasons why at [this StackOverflow thread](
- Moved mass assignment handling over to [strong_parameters]( in anticipation of Rails 4

### Testing/Debugging
- Internationalized [RSpec]( tests and further refactored them
- Refactored model specs to use [shoulda-matchers](
- Changed RSpec output to show a progress bar instead of dots using [Fuubar](
- Swapped out the debug block in the footer for [rails-footnotes](
- Complete refactoring of test suite to upgrade to [Capybara 2.x]( (see [this StackOverflow thread]( and [this StackOverflow thread]( for the details)
- Performance tested the RSpec test suite and as a result refactored the [**spec_helper.rb**](./spec/spec_helper.rb) file.  See [this StackOverflow thread]( for details.
- Added tests for [Globalize3]( translations and expanded factories to include a micropost with its relevant translations

### Reporting/Optimizing
- Added service hooks to [Travis CI](, [Rails Brakeman](, [Gemnasium](, [Code Climate](, [Rails Best Practices](, [Coveralls](  See badges under title for details.
- Used [SimpleCov]( to ensure as much test coverage as possible.  Currently at 100%.
- Used [Bullet]( to optimize queries
- Added performance monitoring with [New Relic](

### Deployment
- Fully automatic deployment process put in place: after a commit is pushed
to Github, it gets pushed to Travis CI, and then gets deployed directly from the Travis worker to Heroku.  See [the **.travis.yml**](./.travis.yml) for details and [this StackOverflow thread]( for reference.

#### TODOs
- Tests for Javascript-based functionality: Follow/Unfollow button, micropost countdown, endless scroll
- Tests for `strong_parameters`, if an appropriate method gets implemented before Rails 4 is released.

## Social

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