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 * Common utility functions not tied to any particular application.
var common = angular.module('common', []);

common.service('utils', function() {
    var utils = this;

     * Replace all occurrences of the target value with the replacement value.
    utils.replaceAll = function(input, target, replacement) {
        return input.split(target).join(replacement);

     * Copies the specified text to the clipboard.
    utils.copyToClipboard = function(text) {
        var copyFrom = $('<textarea/>');
        document.execCommand('copy', true);

     * Identifies if the supplied object is empty.
    utils.isEmptyObject = function(object) {
        return angular.equals({}, object);

     * Stringify the input using standard spacing. Handles different input types
     * such as Objects (JSON), Strings (HTML/XML) and Numbers.
    utils.stringify = function(input) {
        var returnValue = input;
        if (angular.isNumber(input)) {
            returnValue = "" + input;
        } else if (angular.isObject(input)) {
            returnValue = angular.toJson(input, true);
        return returnValue;

     * Trigger a download of the specifed data.
     */ = function(blob, fileName) {
        var downloadLink = angular.element('<a></a>');
        downloadLink.attr('href', window.URL.createObjectURL(blob));
        downloadLink.attr('download', fileName);

     * Empties the supplied object without destroying the object so references will still work.
    utils.emptyObject = function(obj) {
        for (var property in obj) {
            delete obj[property];

     * Update object properties without modifying the object reference.
    utils.updateObject = function(original, replacement) {
        for (var property in replacement) {
            original[property] = replacement[property];

     * Determine if a value is an object with a null prototype.
    utils.isBlankObject = function(obj) {
        return typeof obj === 'undefined'
                || (obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object' && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).length === 0);

     * Roughly calculates the size of the specified object using ECMA specified byte sizes.
     * Note: This sacrifices accuracy for speed. It will typically over-estimate object size.
    utils.estimateObjectSize = function(object) {
        const ECMA_SIZE_CHAR = 2;
        const ECMA_SIZE_BOOLEAN = 4;
        const ECMA_SIZE_NUMBER = 8;

        if (angular.isObject(object)) {
            var bytes = 0;
            for (var key in object) {
                bytes += utils.estimateObjectSize(key);
                bytes += utils.estimateObjectSize(object[key]);
            return bytes;

        } else if (angular.isString(object)) {
                return ECMA_SIZE_CHAR * object.length;

        } else if (angular.isNumber(object)) {
                return ECMA_SIZE_NUMBER;

        } else if (typeof object === 'boolean') {
                return ECMA_SIZE_BOOLEAN;
        return 0;

 * Returns an object that is trusted by Angular for injecting into a page.
common.filter('asTrusted', function($sce) {
    return function(input) {
        return $sce.trustAsHtml(input);