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# GeraBlog

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*Blog Generator - my own static site generator*

Write in *Markdown*, publish in *HTML*.

![I'm GeraBlog](gerablog.png)
*Image created by*

## Rules

* The texts must be written in markdown.
* The first line of file will be the post title `#` mark.
* The second line is a blank line.
* The third line will be the description of text, with `##` mark. Will be in meta description of generated html.
* The filename **MUST** begin with a date: ``.
* The texts must be in a subdirectory of `texts`. Each subdirectory will be assigned a *category*.
* Change the layout by changing files in `templates` dir, which uses [Tenjin]( as template system.
* `JS` and` CSS` files put in `assets/{css, js}`.
* The images used in the posts should be placed in a `images` subdirectory, within the category directory:` texts/ruby/images/pinkpanter.jpg`. In the post, put the reference as `![Pink Panter](images/pinkpanter.jpg)`.
* Images used in posts **MUST** be placed in the same level`CATEGORY/images`.
* By default, *GeraBlog* uses [prism]( to highlight the syntax of the codes. The language indicated will be the category in which the text is. For example, the file `ruby/` if it has some source code, it will be marked as *lang-ruby*.

## Sample text:

    # This is the title

    ## This is the description

    Here the text.

    Show-me the code:

        puts 'Hello world!'

## Install

    gem install gerablog

## Hacking

* clone the repo;
* `bundle install`;
* make changes (with tests!)
* run all the tests (`rake`) and fix anything that appears wrong
* run `rubocop` and fix all *offenses*!
* send me a PR.

## Using

The executable `gerablog` has this options:

### `-h` or `--help`

Yes, we have a `--help` option:

    ➤ gerablog --help
    Usage: optparse [options]
        -h, --help                       Display this screen
        -n, --new FILENAME               Create a new project.
        -g, --generate FILENAME          Generate the static blog.

###  `-n` or `--new`

Create a new project:

    ➤ gerablog --new /tmp/test

How the project looks like?

    ➤ tree /tmp/test
    ├── assets
    │   └── assets
    │       ├── css
    │       │   ├── gerablog.css
    │       │   └── prism.css
    │       └── js
    │           └── prism.js
    ├── gerablog.conf
    ├── output
    ├── templates
    │   └── templates
    │       ├── categories.rbhtml
    │       ├── category.rbhtml
    │       ├── feed.rbxml
    │       ├── footer.rbhtml
    │       ├── header.rbhtml
    │       ├── index.rbhtml
    │       └── post.rbhtml
    └── texts

If `--root` is not informed, root will be `./`.

### `-g` or `--generate`

### Deploy

For my [blog](

    ➤ gerablog --generate ~/Dropbox/projetos/

Copy `output` directory to your server :)

## History

This project started with a script I made to generate my site

The script is in this gist: