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# Social-feed

The jQuery plugin which shows user feeds from the most popular social networks.


## Demo

Social networks supported:
- [x] Facebook
- [x] Instagram
- [x] Twitter
- [x] Google+
- [x] VK
- [x] Pinterest
- [x] RSS
- [ ] Blogspot

## Installation
bower install social-feed
or download the latest release:
## Getting started

Load dependency CSS:
<!-- Social-feed css -->
<link href="bower_components/social-feed/css/jquery.socialfeed.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<!-- font-awesome for social network icons -->
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
Create a container for your feed:
<div class="social-feed-container"></div>
Load dependency javascript
<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- Codebird.js - required for TWITTER -->
<script src="bower_components/codebird-js/codebird.js"></script>
<!-- doT.js for rendering templates -->
<script src="bower_components/doT/doT.min.js"></script>
<!-- Moment.js for showing "time ago" and/or "date"-->
<script src="bower_components/moment/min/moment.min.js"></script>
<!-- Moment Locale to format the date to your language (eg. italian lang)-->
<script src="bower_components/moment/locale/it.js"></script>
<!-- Social-feed js -->
<script src="bower_components/social-feed/js/jquery.socialfeed.js"></script>
Initialize the social-feed plugin:

            // INSTAGRAM
                accounts: ['@teslamotors','#teslamotors'],  //Array: Specify a list of accounts from which to pull posts
                limit: 2,                                    //Integer: max number of posts to load
                client_id: 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID',       //String: Instagram client id (optional if using access token)
                access_token: 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ACCESS_TOKEN' //String: Instagram access token

            // GENERAL SETTINGS
            length:400                                      //Integer: For posts with text longer than this length, show an ellipsis.

When you run the plugin, make sure that you have your **webserver running**

To alter the default post markup, edit ````template.html```` or pass a template string into the ````template_html```` parameter.

##All Settings

Social-feed.js supports many social networks. If you don't need or want to pull data from them all, remove the ones you don't need.

        accounts: ['@teslamotors','!teslamotors'],  //Array: Specify a list of accounts from which to pull wall posts
        limit: 2,                                   //Integer: max number of posts to load
        access_token: 'YOUR_FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN'  //String: "APP_ID|APP_SECRET"

    // TWITTER
        accounts: ['@spacex'],                       //Array: Specify a list of accounts from which to pull tweets
        limit: 2,                                    //Integer: max number of tweets to load
        consumer_key: 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',           //String: consumer key. make sure to have your app read-only
        consumer_secret: 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET_KEY', //String: consumer secret key. make sure to have your app read-only
        tweet_mode: 'compatibility'                  //String: change to "extended" to show the whole tweet

    // VK
        accounts: ['@125936523','#teslamotors'],    //Array: Specify a list of accounts from which to pull posts
        limit: 2,                                   //Integer: max number of posts to load
        source: 'all'                               //String: VK API post filter. Possible values: "Owner","Others","all","suggests"

         accounts: ['#teslamotors'],                //Array: Specify a list of accounts from which to pull posts
         limit: 2,                                  //Integer: max number of posts to load
         access_token: 'YOUR_GOOGLE_PLUS_ACCESS_TOKEN'//String: G+ access token

        accounts: ['@teslamotors','#teslamotors'],  //Array: Specify a list of accounts from which to pull posts
        limit: 2,                                   //Integer: max number of posts to load
        client_id: 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID',       //String: Instagram client id (option if using access token)
        access_token: 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ACCESS_TOKEN' //String: Instagram access token


        accounts: ['@teslamotors/model-s','@me'],   //Array: Specify a list of accounts from which to pull posts
                                                    //@me to pull your pins
                                                    //@user/board to pull pins from a user board
        limit: 2,                                   //Integer: max number of posts to load
        access_token: 'YOUR_PINTEREST_ACCESS_TOKEN' //String: Pinterest client id

    // RSS

        urls: [''], //Array: Specifiy a list of rss feed from which to pull posts
        limit: 2                                      //Integer: max number of posts to load for each url

    length:400,                                     //Integer: For posts with text longer than this length, show an ellipsis.
    show_media:true,                                //Boolean: if false, doesn't display any post images
    media_min_width: 300,                           //Integer: Only get posts with images larger than this value
    update_period: 5000,                            //Integer: Number of seconds before social-feed will attempt to load new posts.
    template: "bower_components/social-feed/template.html",                         //String: Filename used to get the post template.
    template_html:                                  //String: HTML used for each post. This overrides the 'template' filename option
    '<article class="twitter-post"> \
    <h4>{{=it.author_name}}</h4><p>{{=it.text}}  \
    <a href="{{}}" target="_blank">read more</a> \
    </p> \
    date_format: "ll",                              //String: Display format of the date attribute (see
    date_locale: "en",                              //String: The locale of the date (see:
    moderation: function(content) {                 //Function: if returns false, template will have class hidden
        return  (content.text) ? content.text.indexOf('fuck') == -1 : true;
    callback: function() {                          //Function: This is a callback function which is evoked when all the posts are collected and displayed
        console.log("All posts collected!");

## Dependencies
* - for displaying icons of social networks. You can remove this dependency by editing replacing .fa icons with images in the template.
* - for displaying time ago
* - for rendering templates
* - for sending requests to Twitter

### Ordering / sorting
Please note, when using a custom template, that the ordering mechanism depends on the `dt-create` attribute.

## License

## Issues
Found a bug or want a feature to be implemented?
Please report it here

Currently we work on server side: (
## Let us know

If you use this plugin, please <a href="" target="_blank">write us a short message</a> with a link to the project where you embed the plugin, and some features you want to have implemented here. It helps us to stay focused on the important issues. *It is not mandatory, but we really appreciate it!*

Do you want to become a part of the Social-feed? Write us and become an active contributor.

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