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# YARD Documenter

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Extension generates [YARD]( documentation comments for Ruby
source code.

See [Readme]( for more
information on this tool.

## Features

Extension automatically prepends definitions of methods, classes etc with
documentation snippets.
No need to remember a formatting tags and styling, just type and describe your code.

It's able to document:

* Methods: instance methods, initializers, class methods.
* Classes and Modules.
* Constants.
* Attributes accessors (`attr_reader`, `attr_writer`, `attr_accessor` and more).

Methods named in ASCII and Japanese are supported.

## Usage

Position cursor on a definition you wish to document.

def foo(bar, baz = false) # <- put cursor at any place of this line

Hit `Ctrl+Alt+Enter` (`Option+Command+Enter` on macOS) or invoke `Document with YARD`
from the command palette.

  # <Description>
  # @param [<Type>] bar <description>
  # @param [<Type>] baz <description>
  # @return [<Type>] <description>
  def foo(bar, baz = false)

Documentation snippet appears on top of the method.

Use `Tab` and `Shift+Tab` keys to navigate and fill in placeholders.

  # An example instance method description.
  # @param [Integer] bar first param used for demonstration
  # @param [Boolean] baz second param with a default value
  # @return [nil] nothing returned so it's always nil
  def foo(bar, baz = false)


Another snippets examples, default spacers setup:

# Class to retry and fail.
# @author Author Name <>
class Foo
  # @return [Integer] count of retries performed before failing

  # @return [Boolean] retry operation result
  attr_accessor :succeed

  # Retry something.
  # @return [Boolean] processing result, true if succeed
  def retry
    RETRIES_COUNT.times { puts 'Retrying...' }
    @succeed = false

Minimal setup:

# Class to retry and fail.
class Foo
  # @return [Integer] count of retries performed before failing

  # @return [Boolean] retry operation result
  attr_accessor :succeed

  # Retry something.
  # @return [Boolean] processing result, true if succeed
  def retry
    RETRIES_COUNT.times { puts 'Retrying...' }
    @succeed = false

Feel free to append any needed tags like `@note`, `@example`, `@see` manually
after snippet filled in.

## Details

List of generated tags: `@author`, `@option`, `@param`, `@return`.

## Configuration

Insertion of empty lines are configurable to make it able to tune between
a curt and verbose documentation styles.

"yard.spacers.beforeDescription" // Prepend an empty line to descriptive texts
"yard.spacers.afterDescription" // Append an empty line to descriptive texts
"yard.spacers.beforeTags" // Prepend an empty line to all method's tags
"yard.spacers.separateTags" // Separate method's tags of the same name (@params and @return) with an empty line
"yard.spacers.afterTags" // Append an empty line to all method's tags
"yard.spacers.beforeSingleTag" // Prepend an empty line to directives or single tags (for example constants)
"yard.spacers.afterSingleTag" // Append an empty line to directives or single tags (for example constants)
"" // Append @author tag to Class and Module documentation
"yard.tags.paramNameBeforeType" // Print param name before its type (for example '@param username [String]')


* Ability to document blocks: `@yield`, `@yieldparam`, `@yieldreturn`.
* Support for non-empty options hash parameters.
* Resolve `@author` information from environment or settings.
* (killer feature :fire:) Ability to update existing documentation.
* (maybe) Editor snippets for tags (`@option`, `@param` etc) or tags autocompletion
* (maybe) A better support for array / keyword args splats, see

## Troubleshooting

If hotkey isn't working open VS Code Keyboard Shortcuts and check for keybinging

This also may happen if destination is already documented. In this case extension
silently does nothing.