

7 hrs
Test Coverage
# encoding=utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2011-2012  Patrick Totzke <>
# Copyright © 2017 Dylan Baker
# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.
# For further details see the COPYING file
import abc
import glob
import logging
import mailbox
import operator
import os
import re

from .helper import call_cmd_async
from .helper import split_commandstring

class Address:

    """A class that represents an email address.

    This class implements a number of RFC requirements (as explained in detail
    below) specifically in the comparison of email addresses to each other.

    This class abstracts the requirements of RFC 5321 § 2.4 on the user name
    portion of the email:

        local-part of a mailbox MUST BE treated as case sensitive. Therefore,
        SMTP implementations MUST take care to preserve the case of mailbox
        local-parts. In particular, for some hosts, the user "smith" is
        different from the user "Smith".  However, exploiting the case
        sensitivity of mailbox local-parts impedes interoperability and is
        discouraged. Mailbox domains follow normal DNS rules and are hence not
        case sensitive.

    This is complicated by § 2.3.11 of the same RFC:

        The standard mailbox naming convention is defined to be
        "local-part@domain"; contemporary usage permits a much broader set of
        applications than simple "user names". Consequently, and due to a long
        history of problems when intermediate hosts have attempted to optimize
        transport by modifying them, the local-part MUST be interpreted and
        assigned semantics only by the host specified in the domain part of the

    And also the restrictions that RFC 1035 § 3.1 places on the domain name:

        Name servers and resolvers must compare [domains] in a case-insensitive

    Because of RFC 6531 § 3.2, we take special care to ensure that unicode
    names will work correctly:

        An SMTP server that announces the SMTPUTF8 extension MUST be prepared
        to accept a UTF-8 string [RFC3629] in any position in which RFC 5321
        specifies that a <mailbox> can appear.  Although the characters in the
        <local-part> are permitted to contain non-ASCII characters, the actual
        parsing of the <local-part> and the delimiters used are unchanged from
        the base email specification [RFC5321]

    What this means is that the username can be either case-insensitive or not,
    but only the receiving SMTP server can know what it's own rules are. The
    consensus is that the vast majority (all?) of the SMTP servers in modern
    usage treat user names as case-insensitve. Therefore we also, by default,
    treat the user name as case insenstive.

    :param str user: The "user name" portion of the address.
    :param str domain: The domain name portion of the address.
    :param bool case_sensitive: If False (the default) the user name portion of
        the address will be compared to the other user name portion without
        regard to case. If True then it will.

    def __init__(self, user, domain, case_sensitive=False):
        assert isinstance(user, str), 'Username must be str'
        assert isinstance(domain, str), 'Domain name must be str'
        self.username = user
        self.domainname = domain
        self.case_sensitive = case_sensitive

    def from_string(cls, address, case_sensitive=False):
        """Alternate constructor for building from a string.

        :param str address: An email address in <user>@<domain> form
        :param bool case_sensitive: passed directly to the constructor argument
            of the same name.
        :returns: An account from the given arguments
        :rtype: :class:`Account`
        assert isinstance(address, str), 'address must be str'
        username, domainname = address.split('@')
        return cls(username, domainname, case_sensitive=case_sensitive)

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Address({!r}, {!r}, case_sensitive={})'.format(

    def __str__(self):
        return '{}@{}'.format(self.username, self.domainname)

    def __cmp(self, other, comparitor):
        """Shared helper for rich comparison operators.

        This allows the comparison operators to be relatively simple and share
        the complex logic.

        If the username is not considered case sensitive then lower the
        username of both self and the other, and handle that the other can be
        either another :class:`~alot.account.Address`, or a `str` instance.

        :param other: The other address to compare against
        :type other: str or ~alot.account.Address
        :param callable comparitor: A function with the a signature
            (str, str) -> bool that will compare the two instance.
            The intention is to use functions from the operator module.
        if isinstance(other, str):
                ouser, odomain = other.split('@')
            except ValueError:
                ouser, odomain = '', ''
            ouser = other.username
            odomain = other.domainname

        if not self.case_sensitive:
            ouser = ouser.lower()
            username = self.username.lower()
            username = self.username

        return (comparitor(username, ouser) and
                comparitor(self.domainname.lower(), odomain.lower()))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, (Address, str)):
            raise TypeError('Address must be compared to Address or str')
        return self.__cmp(other, operator.eq)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, (Address, str)):
            raise TypeError('Address must be compared to Address or str')
        # != is the only rich comparitor that cannot be implemented using 'and'
        # in self.__cmp, so it's implemented as not ==.
        return not self.__cmp(other, operator.eq)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.username.lower(), self.domainname.lower(),

class SendingMailFailed(RuntimeError):

class StoreMailError(Exception):

class Account:
    Datastructure that represents an email account. It manages this account's
    settings, can send and store mails to maildirs (drafts/send).

    .. note::
        This is an abstract class that leaves :meth:`send_mail` unspecified.
        See :class:`SendmailAccount` for a subclass that uses a sendmail
        command to send out mails.

    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    address = None
    """this accounts main email address"""
    aliases = []
    """list of alternative addresses"""
    alias_regexp = ""
    """regex matching alternative addresses"""
    realname = None
    """real name used to format from-headers"""
    encrypt_to_self = None
    """encrypt outgoing encrypted emails to this account's private key"""
    gpg_key = None
    """gpg fingerprint for this account's private key"""
    signature = None
    """signature to append to outgoing mails"""
    signature_filename = None
    """filename of signature file in attachment"""
    signature_as_attachment = None
    """attach signature file instead of appending its content to body text"""
    abook = None
    """addressbook (:class:`addressbook.AddressBook`)
       managing this accounts contacts"""

    def __init__(self, address=None, aliases=None, alias_regexp=None,
                 realname=None, gpg_key=None, signature=None,
                 signature_filename=None, signature_as_attachment=False,
                 sent_box=None, sent_tags=None, draft_box=None,
                 draft_tags=None, replied_tags=None, passed_tags=None,
                 abook=None, sign_by_default=False,
                 encrypt_by_default="none", encrypt_to_self=None,
                 case_sensitive_username=False, **_):
        self.address = Address.from_string(
            address, case_sensitive=case_sensitive_username)
        self.aliases = [
            Address.from_string(a, case_sensitive=case_sensitive_username)
            for a in (aliases or [])]
        self.alias_regexp = alias_regexp
        self.realname = realname
        self.encrypt_to_self = encrypt_to_self
        self.gpg_key = gpg_key
        self.signature = signature
        self.signature_filename = signature_filename
        self.signature_as_attachment = signature_as_attachment
        self.sign_by_default = sign_by_default
        self.sent_box = sent_box
        self.sent_tags = sent_tags
        self.draft_box = draft_box
        self.draft_tags = draft_tags
        self.replied_tags = replied_tags
        self.passed_tags = passed_tags
        self.abook = abook
        self.message_id_domain = message_id_domain
        # Handle encrypt_by_default in an backwards compatible way.  The
        # logging info call can later be upgraded to warning or error.
        encrypt_by_default = encrypt_by_default.lower()
        msg = "Deprecation warning: The format for the encrypt_by_default " \
              "option changed.  Please use 'none', 'all' or 'trusted'."
        if encrypt_by_default in ("true", "yes", "1"):
            encrypt_by_default = "all"
        elif encrypt_by_default in ("false", "no", "0"):
            encrypt_by_default = "none"
        self.encrypt_by_default = encrypt_by_default
        # cache alias_regexp regexes
        if self.alias_regexp != "":
            self._alias_regexp = re.compile(
                '^' + str(self.alias_regexp) + '$',
                flags=0 if case_sensitive_username else re.IGNORECASE)

    def matches_address(self, address):
        """returns whether this account knows about an email address

        :param str address: address to look up
        :rtype: bool
        if self.address == address:
            return True
        for alias in self.aliases:
            if alias == address:
                return True
        if self._alias_regexp and self._alias_regexp.match(address):
            return True
        return False

    def store_mail(mbx, mail):
        stores given mail in mailbox. If mailbox is maildir, set the S-flag and
        return path to newly added mail. Oherwise this will return `None`.

        :param mbx: mailbox to use
        :type mbx: :class:`mailbox.Mailbox`
        :param mail: the mail to store
        :type mail: :class:`email.message.Message` or str
        :returns: absolute path of mail-file for Maildir or None if mail was
                  successfully stored
        :rtype: str or None
        :raises: StoreMailError
        if not isinstance(mbx, mailbox.Mailbox):
            logging.debug('Not a mailbox')
            return False

        if isinstance(mbx, mailbox.Maildir):
            msg = mailbox.MaildirMessage(mail)
            logging.debug('no Maildir')
            msg = mailbox.Message(mail)

            message_id = mbx.add(msg)
            logging.debug('got mailbox msg id : %s', message_id)
        except Exception as e:
            raise StoreMailError(e)

        path = None
        # add new Maildir message to index and add tags
        if isinstance(mbx, mailbox.Maildir):
            # this is a dirty hack to get the path to the newly added file
            # I wish the mailbox module were more helpful...
            plist = glob.glob1(os.path.join(mbx._path, 'new'),
                               message_id + '*')
            if plist:
                path = os.path.join(mbx._path, 'new', plist[0])
                logging.debug('path of saved msg: %s', path)
        return path

    def store_sent_mail(self, mail):
        stores mail (:class:`email.message.Message` or str) in send-store if
        :attr:`sent_box` is set.
        if self.sent_box is not None:
            return self.store_mail(self.sent_box, mail)

    def store_draft_mail(self, mail):
        stores mail (:class:`email.message.Message` or str) as draft if
        :attr:`draft_box` is set.
        if self.draft_box is not None:
            return self.store_mail(self.draft_box, mail)

    async def send_mail(self, mail):
        sends given mail

        :param mail: the mail to send
        :type mail: :class:`email.message.Message` or string
        :raises SendingMailFailed: if sending fails

class SendmailAccount(Account):
    """:class:`Account` that pipes a message to a `sendmail` shell command for

    def __init__(self, cmd, **kwargs):
        :param cmd: sendmail command to use for this account
        :type cmd: str
        super(SendmailAccount, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.cmd = cmd

    async def send_mail(self, mail):
        """Pipe the given mail to the configured sendmail command.  Display a
        short message on success or a notification on error.
        :param mail: the mail to send out
        :type mail: :class:`email.message.Message` or string
        :raises: class:`SendingMailFailed` if sending failes
        cmdlist = split_commandstring(self.cmd)

            # make sure self.mail is a string
            out, err, code = await call_cmd_async(cmdlist, stdin=str(mail))
            if code != 0:
                msg = 'The sendmail command {} returned with code {}{}'.format(
                    self.cmd, code, ':\n' + err.strip() if err else '.')
                raise Exception(msg)
        except Exception as e:
            raise SendingMailFailed(str(e))'sent mail successfully')