

1 hr
Test Coverage
# Copyright (C) 2011-2015  Patrick Totzke <>
# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.
# For further details see the COPYING file
import re

from ..helper import call_cmd
from ..helper import split_commandstring
from . import AddressBook, AddressbookError
import logging

class ExternalAddressbook(AddressBook):
    """:class:`AddressBook` that parses a shell command's output"""

    def __init__(self, commandline, regex, reflags=0,
        :param commandline: commandline
        :type commandline: str
        :param regex: regular expression used to match contacts in `commands`
                      output to stdout. Must define subparts named "email" and
        :type regex: str
        :param reflags: flags to use with regular expression.
                        Use the constants defined in :mod:`re` here
                        (`re.IGNORECASE` etc.)
                        The default (inherited) value is set via the
                        `ignorecase` config option
                        (defaults to `re.IGNORECASE`)
                        Setting a value here will replace this.
        :type reflags: str
        :param external_filtering: if True the command is fired
                        with the given search string as parameter
                        and the result is not filtered further.
                        If set to False, the command is fired without
                        additional parameters and the result list is filtered
                        according to the search string.
        :type external_filtering: bool
        AddressBook.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self.commandline = commandline
        self.regex = regex
        if reflags:
            self.reflags = reflags
        self.external_filtering = external_filtering

    def get_contacts(self):
        return self._call_and_parse(self.commandline)

    def lookup(self, prefix):  # pragma: no cover
        if self.external_filtering:
            return self._call_and_parse(self.commandline + " " + prefix)
            return AddressBook.lookup(self, prefix)

    def _call_and_parse(self, commandline):
        cmdlist = split_commandstring(commandline)
        resultstring, errmsg, retval = call_cmd(cmdlist)
        if retval != 0:
            msg = 'abook command "%s" returned with ' % commandline
            msg += 'return code %d' % retval
            if errmsg:
                msg += ':\n%s' % errmsg
            raise AddressbookError(msg)

        if not resultstring:
            logging.debug("No contacts in address book (empty string)")
            return []
        lines = resultstring.splitlines()
        res = []
        logging.debug("Apply %s on %d results" % (self.regex, len(lines)))
        for l in lines:
            m = re.match(self.regex, l, self.reflags)
            if m:
                info = m.groupdict()
                if 'email' in info and 'name' in info:
                    email = info['email'].strip()
                    name = info['name']
                    res.append((name, email))
                    logging.debug("New match name=%s mail=%s" % (name, email))
        return res