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Test Coverage
  "gem_bench.gemspec:4074847279": [
    [58, 3, 44, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 1445362512],
    [59, 3, 39, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 837793628],
    [60, 3, 44, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 4064900235],
    [62, 3, 48, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 2848714075],
    [64, 3, 39, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 1345440847],
    [65, 3, 40, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 1844711205],
    [66, 3, 58, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 2795510341],
    [69, 3, 48, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 3819206526],
    [70, 3, 44, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 997926854]
  "lib/gem_bench.rb:3402614684": [
    [28, 5, 21, "ThreadSafety/ClassAndModuleAttributes: Avoid mutating class and module attributes.", 1291041767],
    [31, 7, 7, "ThreadSafety/InstanceVariableInClassMethod: Avoid instance variables in class methods.", 1242905064],
    [35, 7, 7, "ThreadSafety/InstanceVariableInClassMethod: Avoid instance variables in class methods.", 1242905064],
    [36, 7, 7, "ThreadSafety/InstanceVariableInClassMethod: Avoid instance variables in class methods.", 1242905064],
    [40, 7, 7, "ThreadSafety/InstanceVariableInClassMethod: Avoid instance variables in class methods.", 1242905064],
    [41, 7, 7, "ThreadSafety/InstanceVariableInClassMethod: Avoid instance variables in class methods.", 1242905064],
    [46, 7, 7, "ThreadSafety/InstanceVariableInClassMethod: Avoid instance variables in class methods.", 1242905064]
  "lib/gem_bench/gemfile_line_tokenizer.rb:4129754391": [
    [20, 49, 6, "Naming/InclusiveLanguage: Consider replacing 'master' with 'main', 'primary', or 'leader'.", 1464373753],
    [192, 7, 61, "Performance/RedundantMerge: Use `@version[version_key] = normalized_capture[\"value\"]` instead of `@version.merge!({version_key => normalized_capture[\"value\"]})`.", 2616593545]
  "lib/gem_bench/scout.rb:1338935837": [
    [30, 21, 25, "Style/RedundantInterpolation: Prefer `to_s` over string interpolation.", 3162135355],
    [33, 40, 1, "Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - `e`.", 177600]
  "lib/gem_bench/team.rb:3559664020": [
    [197, 31, 14, "Style/RedundantInterpolation: Prefer `to_s` over string interpolation.", 1897999348],
    [201, 11, 6, "Lint/NonLocalExitFromIterator: Non-local exit from iterator, without return value. `next`, `break`, `Array#find`, `Array#any?`, etc. is preferred.", 2123913871]
  "spec/gem_bench/player_spec.rb:4210126272": [
    [4, 20, 16, "RSpec/DescribedClass: Use `described_class` instead of `GemBench::Player`.", 2899854907]
  "spec/gem_bench/scout_spec.rb:2201159713": [
    [4, 20, 15, "RSpec/DescribedClass: Use `described_class` instead of `GemBench::Scout`.", 1646578838],
    [11, 13, 15, "RSpec/ContextWording: Context description should match /^when\\b/, /^with\\b/, or /^without\\b/.", 2290690197],
    [12, 7, 17, "RSpec/NestedGroups: Maximum example group nesting exceeded [4/3].", 1968335926],
    [12, 15, 9, "RSpec/ContextWording: Context description should match /^when\\b/, /^with\\b/, or /^without\\b/.", 1548243657],
    [13, 26, 15, "RSpec/DescribedClass: Use `described_class` instead of `GemBench::Scout`.", 1646578838],
    [20, 7, 18, "RSpec/NestedGroups: Maximum example group nesting exceeded [4/3].", 2670365],
    [20, 15, 10, "RSpec/ContextWording: Context description should match /^when\\b/, /^with\\b/, or /^without\\b/.", 80617602],
    [21, 26, 15, "RSpec/DescribedClass: Use `described_class` instead of `GemBench::Scout`.", 1646578838],
    [28, 7, 16, "RSpec/NestedGroups: Maximum example group nesting exceeded [4/3].", 2011698347],
    [28, 15, 8, "RSpec/ContextWording: Context description should match /^when\\b/, /^with\\b/, or /^without\\b/.", 3821487988],
    [29, 26, 15, "RSpec/DescribedClass: Use `described_class` instead of `GemBench::Scout`.", 1646578838],
    [67, 13, 21, "RSpec/ContextWording: Context description should match /^when\\b/, /^with\\b/, or /^without\\b/.", 1121198777],
    [68, 24, 15, "RSpec/DescribedClass: Use `described_class` instead of `GemBench::Scout`.", 1646578838],
    [78, 7, 31, "RSpec/MultipleExpectations: Example has too many expectations [2/1].", 2746935144],
    [84, 13, 22, "RSpec/ContextWording: Context description should match /^when\\b/, /^with\\b/, or /^without\\b/.", 2265298994],
    [85, 24, 15, "RSpec/DescribedClass: Use `described_class` instead of `GemBench::Scout`.", 1646578838],
    [100, 13, 20, "RSpec/ContextWording: Context description should match /^when\\b/, /^with\\b/, or /^without\\b/.", 3677567620],
    [101, 24, 15, "RSpec/DescribedClass: Use `described_class` instead of `GemBench::Scout`.", 1646578838],
    [111, 7, 31, "RSpec/MultipleExpectations: Example has too many expectations [2/1].", 2746935144],
    [119, 13, 21, "RSpec/ContextWording: Context description should match /^when\\b/, /^with\\b/, or /^without\\b/.", 1121198777],
    [120, 24, 15, "RSpec/DescribedClass: Use `described_class` instead of `GemBench::Scout`.", 1646578838],
    [130, 7, 31, "RSpec/MultipleExpectations: Example has too many expectations [2/1].", 3149234057],
    [139, 13, 22, "RSpec/ContextWording: Context description should match /^when\\b/, /^with\\b/, or /^without\\b/.", 2265298994],
    [140, 24, 15, "RSpec/DescribedClass: Use `described_class` instead of `GemBench::Scout`.", 1646578838],
    [155, 13, 20, "RSpec/ContextWording: Context description should match /^when\\b/, /^with\\b/, or /^without\\b/.", 3677567620],
    [156, 24, 15, "RSpec/DescribedClass: Use `described_class` instead of `GemBench::Scout`.", 1646578838],
    [166, 7, 31, "RSpec/MultipleExpectations: Example has too many expectations [2/1].", 3149234057],
    [177, 22, 15, "RSpec/DescribedClass: Use `described_class` instead of `GemBench::Scout`.", 1646578838],
    [191, 5, 26, "RSpec/MultipleExpectations: Example has too many expectations [3/1].", 1356703934]
  "spec/gem_bench/team_spec.rb:4124190485": [
    [4, 20, 14, "RSpec/DescribedClass: Use `described_class` instead of `GemBench::Team`.", 3564205461]
  "spec/gem_bench_spec.rb:267936009": [
    [1, 1, 0, "RSpec/SpecFilePathFormat: Spec path should end with `gem_bench/version*_spec.rb`.", 5381],
    [3, 1, 32, "RSpec/FilePath: Spec path should end with `gem_bench/version*_spec.rb`.", 4129755814]