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Test Coverage
  "lib/silent_stream.rb:3497521302": [
    [9, 3, 165, "Style/ClassMethodsDefinitions: Use `class << self` to define a class method.", 2295567404],
    [33, 26, 6, "Style/GlobalStdStream: Use `$stdout` instead of `STDOUT`.", 3356722952],
    [68, 22, 6, "Style/GlobalStdStream: Use `$stderr` instead of `STDERR`.", 3356712163],
    [84, 7, 102, "Lint/RescueException: Avoid rescuing the `Exception` class. Perhaps you meant to rescue `StandardError`?", 1454146794],
    [114, 19, 4, "Security/Eval: The use of `eval` is a serious security risk.", 2087429787],
    [137, 22, 6, "Style/GlobalStdStream: Use `$stdout` instead of `STDOUT`.", 3356722952],
    [138, 24, 6, "Style/GlobalStdStream: Use `$stderr` instead of `STDERR`.", 3356712163]
  "silent_stream.gemspec:402039502": [
    [61, 5, 19, "Packaging/GemspecGit: Avoid using git to produce lists of files. Downstreams often need to build your package in an environment that does not have git (on purpose). Use some pure Ruby alternative, like `Dir` or `Dir.glob`.", 3879951891],
    [68, 3, 44, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 2775602551],
    [69, 3, 42, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 3928530036],
    [71, 3, 53, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 2976601152],
    [72, 3, 40, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 2300588954],
    [73, 3, 39, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 1345440847],
    [76, 3, 39, "Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Dependency version specification is required.", 1249263682]
  "tests/test_silent_stream.rb:2217126815": [
    [26, 19, 4, "Security/Eval: The use of `eval` is a serious security risk.", 2087429787],
    [60, 25, 6, "Style/GlobalStdStream: Use `$stdout` instead of `STDOUT`.", 3356722952],
    [67, 25, 6, "Style/GlobalStdStream: Use `$stdout` instead of `STDOUT`.", 3356722952],
    [72, 27, 6, "Style/GlobalStdStream: Use `$stdout` instead of `STDOUT`.", 3356722952],
    [73, 28, 6, "Style/GlobalStdStream: Use `$stdout` instead of `STDOUT`.", 3356722952],
    [73, 38, 6, "Style/GlobalStdStream: Use `$stdout` instead of `STDOUT`.", 3356722952],
    [74, 39, 6, "Style/GlobalStdStream: Use `$stdout` instead of `STDOUT`.", 3356722952],
    [88, 27, 6, "Style/GlobalStdStream: Use `$stdout` instead of `STDOUT`.", 3356722952],
    [89, 27, 6, "Style/GlobalStdStream: Use `$stderr` instead of `STDERR`.", 3356712163],
    [94, 39, 6, "Style/GlobalStdStream: Use `$stdout` instead of `STDOUT`.", 3356722952],
    [95, 39, 6, "Style/GlobalStdStream: Use `$stderr` instead of `STDERR`.", 3356712163]