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Created on 13. aug. 2021

C. F. F. Karney, "Algorithms for geodesics",
J. Geodesy 87, 43-55 (2013);
Addenda: https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/geod-addenda.html

C. F. F. Karney, "Geodesics on an ellipsoid of revolution",

@author: pab
import warnings
import numpy as np
from numpy import arctan2, sin, cos, tan, arctan, sqrt
# from scipy.special import ellipeinc, ellipkinc  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from nvector.util import nthroot, eccentricity2, third_flattening, polar_radius

TINY = 1e-150

# A1 coefficients defined in eq. 17 in Karney:
A1_COEFFICIENTS = (1. / 256, 1. / 64., 1. / 4., 1.)
# C1 coefficients defined in eq. 18 in Karney:
    (-1. / 32., 3. / 16., -1. / 2, ),  # C11
    (-9. / 2048., 1. / 32., -1. / 16.),  # C12
    (3. / 256, -1. / 48.),  # C13
    (3. / 512., -5. / 512.),  # C14
    (-7. / 1280.,),  # C15
    (-7. / 2048.,),  # C16
# CM1 coefficients defined in eq. 21 in Karney:
    (205. / 1536., -9. / 32., 1. / 2, ),  # CM11
    (1335. / 4096, -37. / 96., 5. / 16.),  # CM12
    (-75. / 128, 29. / 96.),  # CM13
    (-2391. / 2560., 539. / 1536.),  # CM14
    (3467. / 7680.,),  # CM15
    (38081. / 61440.,)  # CM16

# A2 coefficients defined in eq. 42 in Karney:
A2_COEFFICIENTS = (25. / 256., 9. / 64., 1./4., 1)
# C2 coefficients defined in eq. 43 in Karney:
    (1. / 32., 1. / 16., 1./2.),  # C21
    (35. / 2048, 1./32., 3. / 16.),  # C22
    (5. / 256, 5. / 48.),  # C23
    (7. / 512., 35. / 512.),  # C24
    (63. / 1280.,),  # C25
    (77. / 2048.,),  # C26

# A3 coefficients defined in eq. 24 in Karney:
    (-3. / 128.,),
    (-2. / 64., -3. / 64.),
    (-1. / 16., -3. / 16., -1. / 16.),
    (3. / 8., -1. / 8., -1. / 4.),
    (1. / 2., -1. / 2., ),
    (1., ))
# C3 coefficients defined in eq. 25 in Karney:
    ((3, 128.), (2, 5, 128.), (-1, 3, 3, 64.), (-1, 0, 1, 8.), (-1, 1, 4.)),  # C_31
    ((5, 256.), (1, 3, 128.), (-3, -2, 3, 64.), (1, -3, 2, 32.)),  # C_32
    ((7, 512.), (-10, 9, 384.), (5, -9, 5, 192.)),  # C_33
    ((7, 512.), (-14, 7, 512.)),  # C_34
    ((21, 2560.),),  # C_35

def __astroid(x, y):
    ASTROID  Solve the astroid equation

    K = ASTROID(X, Y) solves the quartic polynomial Eq. (55)

      K^4 + 2 * K^3 - (X^2 + Y^2 - 1) * K^2 - 2*Y^2 * K - Y^2 = 0

    for the positive root K.  X and Y are arrays of the same shape
    and the returned value K has the same shape.
    x, y = np.atleast_1d(x, y)
    k = np.zeros(x.shape)
    p = x**2
    q = y**2
    r = (p + q - 1) / 6
    fl1 = ~((q == 0) & (r <= 0))
    p = p[fl1]
    q = q[fl1]
    r = r[fl1]
    pq4 = p * q / 4
    r_2 = r**2
    r_3 = r * r_2
    disc = pq4 * (pq4 + 2 * r_3)
    u = r
    fl2 = disc >= 0
    t_3 = pq4[fl2] + r_3[fl2]
    t_3 = t_3 + (1 - 2 * (t_3 < 0)) * sqrt(disc[fl2])
    t = np.sign(t_3)*nthroot(np.abs(t_3), 3)
    u[fl2] = u[fl2] + t + r_2[fl2] / np.where(t != 0, t, np.inf)
    ang = arctan2(sqrt(-disc[~fl2]), -(pq4[~fl2] + r_3[~fl2]))
    u[~fl2] = u[~fl2] + 2 * r[~fl2] * cos(ang / 3)
    v = sqrt(u**2 + q)
    u_v = u + v
    fl2 = u < 0
    u_v[fl2] = q[fl2] / (v[fl2] - u[fl2])
    w = (u_v - q) / (2 * v)
    k[fl1] = u_v / (sqrt(u_v + w**2) + w)
    return k

def _astroid(x, y, f):
    m_u = __astroid(x, y)
    # Oblate solution
    alpha1o = np.where(y == 0,
                       arctan2(-x, sqrt(np.maximum(1 - x**2, 0))),
                       arctan2(-x * m_u / (1 + m_u), y))  # Eq. 56 and 57
    # Prolate solution
    alpha1p = np.where(y == 0,
                       arctan2(sqrt(np.maximum(1 - x**2, 0)), -x),
                       arctan2(-y, x * m_u / (1 + m_u)))
    shape = alpha1o.shape
    alpha11 = np.where((f < 0)*np.ones(shape), alpha1p, alpha1o)

    return alpha11

def _eval_cij_coefs(coefficients, epsi, squared=True):
    epsi2 = epsi**2 if squared else epsi
    factor = 1.0
    c1x = []
    for coefs in coefficients:
        factor = factor * epsi
        c1x.append(factor*np.polyval(coefs, epsi2))
    return c1x

def _cosinesum(c, x, sine=True):
    Returns the sum of the sine or cosine series using Clenshaw algorithm.

    c : list
        sine or cosine series coefficients
    x : array-like
        argument to the sine or cosine series.
    sine: bool
        If True the sine series sum is returned otherwise the cosine series sum.

    y : array-like
        If sine is True y = sum c[i-1] * sin( 2*i * x)
        otherwise y = sum c[i-1] * cos((2*i-1) * x) for i = 1, .... n

    cosx, sinx = np.atleast_1d(cos(x), sin(x))
    n = len(c)
    factor = 2 * (cosx - sinx) * (cosx + sinx)
    y_1 = np.zeros(sinx.shape)
    is_odd = n % 2
    if is_odd:
        y_0 = c[-1]
        n = n - 1
        y_0 = y_1

    for k in range(n-1, -1, -2):
        y_1 = factor * y_0 - y_1 + c[k]
        y_0 = factor * y_1 - y_0 + c[k-1]

    if sine:
        return 2 * sinx * cosx * y_0
    return cosx * (y_0 - y_1)

def _a3_coefs(n):
    Returns the A3 coefficients defined in Eq. 24 in Karney evaluated at n.

    n: real scalar
        third flattening of the ellipsoid
    return [np.polyval(c, n) for c in A3_COEFFICIENTS]

def _c3_coefs(n):
    Returns the C3 coefficients defined in Eq. 25 in Karney evaluated at n.

    n: real scalar
        third flattening of the ellipsoid
    return [[np.polyval(c[:-1], n) / c[-1] for c in coefs]
            for coefs in C3_COEFFICIENTS]

def _get_i3_fun(epsi, n=None, a3_coefs=None, c3_coefs=None):
    Returns the I3 integral function defined in equation 8 in Karney

    epsi: array-like
        normalized equatorial azimuth
    n: real scalar
        third flattening of the ellipsoid

    i3fun : callable
        Integral function I3(sigma)

    The I3 integral is defined as
      I3(sigma) = int (2-f)/(1+(1-f)*sqrt(1+k^2*sin(x)^2) dx from 0 to sigma

    f is the flattening
    n = f/(2-f) is the third flattening
    e = sqrt(f*(2-f)) is the eccentricity
    em = e/sqrt(1-e^2) is the second eccentricity
    alpha0 is the equatorial azimuth
    k = em*cos(alpha0)
    epsi = (sqrt(1+k^2)-1)/(sqrt(1+k^2)+1)
    sigma is the spherical arc length of the auxiliary sphere

    C. F. F. Karney, "Algorithms for geodesics",
    J. Geodesy 87, 43-55 (2013);
    Addenda: https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/geod-addenda.html

    if n is not None:
        a3_coefs = _a3_coefs(n)
        c3_coefs = _c3_coefs(n)

    a_3 = np.polyval(a3_coefs, epsi)  # Eq. 24
    c3x = _eval_cij_coefs(c3_coefs, epsi, squared=False)  # Eq 25

    def i3fun(sigma):
        return a_3*(sigma + _cosinesum(c3x, sigma, sine=True))
    return i3fun

def _get_i1_fun(epsi, return_inverse=True):
    Returns the I1 integral function defined in equation 7 in Karney

    epsi: array-like
        normalized equatorial azimuth

    i1fun : callable
        Integral function I1(sigma)

    The I1 integral is defined as
      I1(sigma) = int sqrt(1+k^2*sin(x)^2) dx from 0 to sigma

    f is the flattening

    e = sqrt(f*(2-f)) is the eccentricity
    em = e/sqrt(1-e^2) is the second eccentricity
    alpha0 is the equatorial azimuth
    k = em*cos(alpha0)
    epsi = (sqrt(1+k^2)-1)/(sqrt(1+k^2)+1) = k^2/(sqrt(1+k^2)+1)^2
    sigma is the spherical arc length of the auxiliary sphere

    C. F. F. Karney, "Algorithms for geodesics",
    J. Geodesy 87, 43-55 (2013);
    Addenda: https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/geod-addenda.html


    a_1 = np.polyval(A1_COEFFICIENTS, epsi**2) / (1.0 - epsi)  # Eq 17
    c1x = _eval_cij_coefs(C1_COEFFICIENTS, epsi, squared=True)  # Eq 18

    def i1fun(sigma):
        """The I1 function"""
        return a_1 * (sigma + _cosinesum(c1x, sigma, sine=True))

    if not return_inverse:
        return i1fun

    cm1x = _eval_cij_coefs(CM1_COEFFICIENTS, epsi, squared=True)  # Eq. 21

    def invi1fun(sdb):
        """The inverse of I1 function"""
        tau = sdb / a_1
        return tau + _cosinesum(cm1x, tau, sine=True)

#     k2 = -4 * epsi / (1-epsi)**2
#     def i1fun(sigma):
#         """The I1 function"""
#         return ellipeinc(sigma, k2)
#     def invi1fun(sdb, maxiter=20, atol=1e-12):
#         """The inverse of I1 function"""
#         sigma = sdb / a_1
#         for _ in range(maxiter):
#             delta = (sdb - ellipeinc(sigma, k2)) / sqrt(1 - k2 * sin(sigma)**2)
#             sigma += delta
#             if np.all(np.abs(delta) < atol):
#                 break
#         return sigma

    return i1fun, invi1fun

def _get_jfun(epsi):
    epsi2 = epsi**2

    epsim1 = 1.0 - epsi
    a_1 = np.polyval(A1_COEFFICIENTS, epsi2) / epsim1  # Eq 17
    a_2 = np.polyval(A2_COEFFICIENTS, epsi2) * epsim1  # Eq 42
    a1m2 = a_1-a_2

    c1x = _eval_cij_coefs(C1_COEFFICIENTS, epsi, squared=True)  # Eq 18
    c2x = _eval_cij_coefs(C2_COEFFICIENTS, epsi, squared=True)  # Eq 43
    c1m2x = a_1*np.array(c1x) - a_2*np.array(c2x)

    def jfun(sigma):
        """The J function defined as I1(sigma)-I2(sigma)"""
        return a1m2 * sigma + _cosinesum(c1m2x, sigma, sine=True)

#     k2 = -4 * epsi / (1-epsi)**2
#     def jfun(sigma):
#         """The J function defined as I1(sigma) - I2(sigma)"""
#         return ellipeinc(sigma, k2) - ellipkinc(sigma, k2)

    return jfun

def truncate_small(x, small=0.06):
    """Truncate tiny values to zero"""
    y = np.where(np.abs(x) < small, small - (small - x), x)
    return np.where(x == 0, 0, y)

def normalize_angle(angle):
    """Normalize angle to range (-pi, pi]"""
    mask = np.isfinite(angle)
    nangle = np.copy(angle)
    nangle[mask] = np.mod(angle[mask]+np.pi, 2*np.pi)-np.pi
    return np.where(nangle <= -np.pi, np.pi, nangle)

def _normalize_equatorial_azimuth(cos_alpha0, e2m):
    Normalize the equatorial azimuth, alpha0, given the second eccentricity squared, e2m.
    k_2 = e2m * cos_alpha0 ** 2
    k_1 = sqrt(1 + k_2)
    epsi = k_2 / (k_1 + 1)**2  # Eq. 16
    return epsi

def _solve_triangle_nea_direct(lat1, alpha1, f):
    """Returns alpha0, sigma1, w1, cos(alpha0), sin(alpha0)"""
    blat1 = arctan((1 - f) * tan(truncate_small(lat1)))  # Eq. 6
    return _solve_triangle_nea(blat1, alpha1)

def _solve_triangle_nea(blat1, alpha1):
    cos_alpha1, sin_alpha1 = cos(alpha1), sin(alpha1)
    cos_blat1, sin_blat1 = cos(blat1)+TINY, sin(blat1)
    sin_alpha0 = sin_alpha1 * cos_blat1  # Eq. 5
    cos_alpha0 = np.abs(cos_alpha1 + 1j * sin_alpha1 * sin_blat1)
    # alpha0 is arctan2(sin_alpha0, cos_alpha0)  # Eq 10
    sigma1 = arctan2(sin_blat1, cos_alpha1 * cos_blat1)  # Eq 11
    w_1 = arctan2(sin_alpha0 * sin(sigma1), cos(sigma1))  # Eq 12
    return sigma1, w_1, cos_alpha0, sin_alpha0

def _solve_triangle_neb_direct(sigma2, cos_alpha0, sin_alpha0):
    """Returns alpha2, blat2, w_2"""
    cos_sigma2, sin_sigma2 = cos(sigma2), sin(sigma2)
    sin_blat2 = cos_alpha0 * sin_sigma2
    cos_blat2 = np.abs(cos_alpha0 * cos_sigma2 + 1j * sin_alpha0)
    w_2 = arctan2(sin_alpha0 * sin_sigma2, cos_sigma2)  # Eq. 12
    blat2 = arctan2(sin_blat2, cos_blat2)  # Eq. 13
    alpha2 = arctan2(sin_alpha0, cos_alpha0 * cos_sigma2)  # Eq. 14
    return alpha2, blat2, w_2

def _solve_triangle_neb(cos_blat1, cos_blat2, sin_blat2, sin_alpha0, alpha1):
    # sgn is -1 to make sure sigma2==pi for antipodal points on equator:
    sgn = np.where((sin_blat2 == 0) & (cos_blat1 == 1), -1, 1)
    cos_alpha2_cos_blat2 = sgn*np.sqrt(cos(alpha1)**2 * cos_blat1**2
                                       + (cos_blat2**2 - cos_blat1**2))

    sin_alpha2_cos_blat2 = sin(alpha1)*cos_blat1
    alpha2 = arctan2(sin_alpha2_cos_blat2, cos_alpha2_cos_blat2)  # stable at both 0 and pi/2 angle
    # alpha20 = np.arccos(cos_alpha2_cos_blat2 / cos_blat2)  # Eq 45. in Karney
    sigma2 = arctan2(sin_blat2, cos_alpha2_cos_blat2)  # Eq 11
    w_2 = np.sign(sigma2)*np.abs(arctan2(sin_alpha0 * sin(sigma2), cos(sigma2)))  # Eq 12

    return sigma2, w_2, alpha2

def sphere_distance_rad(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
    Returns surface distance between positions A and B as well as the azimuths.

    lat1, lon1: real scalars or vectors of length m.
        latitude(s) and longitude(s) [rad] of position A.
    lat2, lon2: real scalars or vectors of length n.
        latitude(s) and longitude(s) [rad] of position B.

    distance:  real scalars or vectors of length max(m,n).
        Surface distance [rad] from A to B on the sphere
    azimuth_a, azimuth_b: real scalars or vectors of length max(m,n).
        direction [rad] of line at position A and B relative to
        North, respectively.

    Solves the inverse geodesic problem of finding the length and azimuths of the
    shortest geodesic between points specified by lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 on a sphere.

    See also

    w = lon2 - lon1
    cos_b1, sin_b1 = cos(lat1), sin(lat1)
    cos_b2, sin_b2 = cos(lat2), sin(lat2)
    cos_w, sin_w = cos(w), sin(w)

    sin_a1 = cos_b2 * sin_w
    cos_a1 = cos_b1*sin_b2-sin_b1*cos_b2*cos_w
    sin_a2 = cos_b1 * sin_w
    cos_a2 = -cos_b2 * sin_b1 + sin_b2 * cos_b1 * cos_w
    cos_distance_rad = sin_b1*sin_b2+cos_b1*cos_b2*cos_w

    sin_distance_rad = np.hypot(sin_a1, cos_a1)

    azimuth_a = arctan2(sin_a1, cos_a1)  # Eq 49
    azimuth_b = arctan2(sin_a2, cos_a2)  # Eq 50
    distance_rad = arctan2(sin_distance_rad, cos_distance_rad)  # Eq 51
    return distance_rad, azimuth_a, azimuth_b

def geodesic_reckon(lat_a, lon_b, distance, azimuth, a=6378137, f=1.0 / 298.257223563,
    Returns position B computed from position A, distance and azimuth.

    lat_a, lon_b: real scalars or vectors of length k.
        latitude(s) and longitude(s) of position A.
    distance: real scalar or vector of length m.
        ellipsoidal distance [m] between position A and B.
    azimuth: real scalar or vector of length n.
        azimuth [rad] of line at position A.
    a: real scalar, default WGS-84 ellipsoid.
        Semi-major half axis of the Earth ellipsoid given in [m].
    f: real scalar, default WGS-84 ellipsoid.
        Flattening [no unit] of the Earth ellipsoid. If f==0 then spherical
        Earth with radius a is used in stead of WGS-84.
    long_unroll: bool
        Controls the treatment of longitude. If it is False then the lon2
        is reduced to the range [-180, 180). If it is True, then (lon2 - lon1)
        determines how many times and in what sense the geodesic has encircled
        the ellipsoid.

    lat2, lon2:  arrays of length max(k,m,n).
        latitude(s) and longitude(s) of position B.
    azimuth_b: real scalars or vectors of length max(k,m,n).
        azimuth [rad] of line at position B.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import nvector as nv
    lat1, lon1, distance, az1, a = np.broadcast_arrays(lat_a, lon_b, distance, azimuth, a)
    alpha1 = truncate_small(az1)
    sigma1, w_1, cos_alpha0, sin_alpha0 = _solve_triangle_nea_direct(lat1, alpha1, f)

    # Determine sigma2:
    n = third_flattening(f)
    e2m = eccentricity2(f)[1]
    epsi = _normalize_equatorial_azimuth(cos_alpha0, e2m)

    i1fun, i1inv = _get_i1_fun(epsi)
    b = polar_radius(a, f)
    s_1 = b * i1fun(sigma1)  # Eq. 7. I1(sigma1)
    s_2 = s_1 + distance
    sigma2 = i1inv(s_2/b)  # Eq. 20: Inverse of I1 where I1 is defined in Eq. 7.

    alpha2, blat2, w_2 = _solve_triangle_neb_direct(sigma2, cos_alpha0, sin_alpha0)

    # Determine lamda12
    fun_i3 = _get_i3_fun(epsi, n)
    # lamda1 is w_1 - f * sin_alpha0 * fun_i3(sigma1)  # Eq. 8
    # lamda2 is w_2 - f * sin_alpha0 * fun_i3(sigma2)  # Eq. 8

    lamda12 = w_2-w_1 + f * sin_alpha0 * (fun_i3(sigma1) - fun_i3(sigma2))

    if long_unroll:
        correction = (sigma2 - arctan2(sin(sigma2), cos(sigma2))
                      - sigma1 + arctan2(sin(sigma1), cos(sigma1)))
        sgn = np.where(sin_alpha0 >= 0, 1, -1)
        lon2 = lon1 + lamda12 + sgn * correction
        lon2 = normalize_angle(lon1 + lamda12)
    lat2 = arctan(tan(blat2)/(1-f))  # Eq. 6

    if np.ndim(lat1) == 0:
        return lat2[0], lon2[0], alpha2[0]
    return lat2, lon2, alpha2

def _solve_alpha1(alpha1, blat1, blat2, true_lamda12, a, f, tol=1e-15):
    b = polar_radius(a, f)
    eta = third_flattening(f)
    e_2, e2m = eccentricity2(f)

    sin_blat1, cos_blat1 = sin(blat1)-TINY, cos(blat1)
    sin_blat2, cos_blat2 = sin(blat2), cos(blat2)

    def _newton_step(alpha1):
        """ See table 5 in Karney"""
        sigma1, w_1, cos_alpha0, sin_alpha0 = _solve_triangle_nea(blat1, alpha1)

        sigma2, w_2, alpha2 = _solve_triangle_neb(cos_blat1, cos_blat2, sin_blat2,
                                                  sin_alpha0, alpha1)

        # Determine lamda12
        epsi = _normalize_equatorial_azimuth(cos_alpha0, e2m)
        fun_i3 = _get_i3_fun(epsi, eta)
        lamda1 = w_1 - f * sin_alpha0 * fun_i3(sigma1)  # Eq. 8
        lamda2 = w_2 - f * sin_alpha0 * fun_i3(sigma2)  # Eq. 8
        lamda12 = lamda2-lamda1

        # Update alpha1
        fun_j = _get_jfun(epsi)
        k_2 = e2m * cos_alpha0 ** 2
        sin_sigma1, cos_sigma1 = sin(sigma1), cos(sigma1)
        sin_sigma2, cos_sigma2 = sin(sigma2), cos(sigma2)
        k_sin_s1 = sqrt(1+k_2*sin_sigma1**2)
        k_sin_s2 = sqrt(1+k_2*sin_sigma2**2)
        delta_j = fun_j(sigma2) - fun_j(sigma1)
        m12 = b*(k_sin_s2*cos_sigma1*sin_sigma2
                 - k_sin_s1*cos_sigma2*sin_sigma1
                 - cos_sigma1*cos_sigma2*delta_j)  # Eq 38
        # M12 is (cos_sigma1 * cos_sigma2
        #        + k_sin_s2 / k_sin_s1 * sin_sigma1 * sin_sigma2
        #        - sin_sigma1 * cos_sigma2 * delta_j / k_sin_s1)  # Eq 39
        cos_alpha2 = cos(alpha2)
        dlamda12_dalpha1 = np.where(np.abs(cos_alpha2) < tol,
                                    -sqrt(1 - e_2 * cos_blat1**2) / sin_blat1 * 2,
                                    m12 / a / (cos_alpha2 * cos_blat2))
        dlamda12 = true_lamda12-lamda12

        dalpha1 = dlamda12/dlamda12_dalpha1

        return dalpha1, dlamda12

    dalpha_old = np.zeros_like(alpha1)
    for _ in range(20):
        dalpha1, dlamda12 = _newton_step(alpha1)
        if np.any(np.isnan(dalpha1)):
            dalpha_old *= 0.5
            alpha1 -= dalpha_old
            alpha1 = (alpha1 + dalpha1).clip(0, np.pi)  # alpha1 must be in [0, pi]
            dalpha_old = dalpha1
        if np.all(np.abs(dlamda12) < 1e-12):
        warnings.warn('Max iterations reached. Newton method did not converge.')
    return alpha1

def _canonical(blat1, blat2, lamda12):
    """Return canonical problem where blat1 <=0, blat1 <= blat2 <= -blat1 and 0<=lamda12<=pi. """
    blat1, blat2 = truncate_small(blat1), truncate_small(blat2)
    swap_bmask = np.abs(blat1) < np.abs(blat2)
    blat11, blat22 = np.where(swap_bmask, blat2, blat1), np.where(swap_bmask, blat1, blat2)
    negate_blat11 = blat11 > 0
    blat11[negate_blat11] *= -1
    blat22[negate_blat11] *= -1
    true_lamda = truncate_small(normalize_angle(lamda12))
    negate_lamda = true_lamda < 0
    true_lamda[negate_lamda] *= -1

    swap_alpha = np.logical_xor(swap_bmask, negate_blat11)

    def restore(alpha1, alpha2):
        """Restore computed values"""
        az1, az2 = np.where(swap_bmask, alpha2, alpha1), np.where(swap_bmask, alpha1, alpha2)
        az1, az2 = np.where(swap_alpha, np.pi-az1, az1), np.where(swap_alpha, np.pi-az2, az2)
        az1[negate_lamda] *= -1
        az2[negate_lamda] *= -1

        return normalize_angle(az1), normalize_angle(az2)

    return blat11, blat22, true_lamda,  restore

def geodesic_distance(lat_a, lon_a, lat_b, lon_b, a=6378137, f=1.0 / 298.257223563):
    Returns surface distance between positions A and B on an ellipsoid.

    lat_a, lon_a: real scalars or vectors of length m.
        latitude(s) and longitude(s) of position A.
    lat_b, lon_b: real scalars or vectors of length n.
        latitude(s) and longitude(s) of position B.
    a: real scalar, default WGS-84 ellipsoid.
        Semi-major axis of the Earth ellipsoid given in [m].
    f: real scalar, default WGS-84 ellipsoid.
        Flattening [no unit] of the Earth ellipsoid. If f==0 then spherical
        Earth with radius a is used in stead of WGS-84.

    distance:  real scalars or vectors of length max(m,n).
        Surface distance [m] from A to B on the ellipsoid
    azimuth_a, azimuth_b: real scalars or vectors of length max(m,n).
        direction [rad or deg] of line at position a and b relative to
        North, respectively.

    Solves the inverse geodesic problem of finding the length and azimuths of the
    shortest geodesic between points specified by lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 on an ellipsoid.

    See also

    scalar_result = np.ndim(a) == 0
    broadcast = np.broadcast_arrays
    lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, a, f = broadcast(*np.atleast_1d(lat_a, lon_a, lat_b, lon_b, a, f))
    blat1, blat2, true_lamda12, restore = _canonical(arctan((1 - f) * tan(lat1)),  # Eq 6
                                                     arctan((1 - f) * tan(lat2)),  # Eq 6
                                                     lon2 - lon1)
    b = polar_radius(a, f)
    eta = third_flattening(f)
    e_2, e2m = eccentricity2(f)

    # assume lat1<=0 and lat1 < lat2 < -lat1 and  0 <= true_lamda12 <= pi

    cos_blat1 = cos(blat1) + TINY
    sin_blat2, cos_blat2 = sin(blat2), cos(blat2)+TINY

    def vincenty():
        """See table 3 in Karney"""
        wbar = sqrt(1 - e_2 * (0.5 * (cos_blat1 + cos_blat2))**2)  # Eq. 48
        w12 = true_lamda12 / wbar
        # Determine sigma2-sigma1 on the auxiliary sphere:
        sigma12, alpha1, alpha2 = sphere_distance_rad(blat1, 0, blat2, w12)
        s12 = a * wbar * sigma12
        return s12, alpha1, alpha2, sigma12

    def _solve_astroid():
        """See table 4 in Karney"""
        delta = np.where(f == 0, 1, np.abs(f * np.pi * cos_blat1**2))

        x = (true_lamda12 - np.pi) * cos_blat1 / delta
        y = (blat1 + blat2) / delta

        alpha11 = _astroid(x, y, f)

        return alpha11

    def _solve_hybrid(alpha1):
        """See table 6 in Karney"""
        sigma1, w_1, cos_alpha0, sin_alpha0 = _solve_triangle_nea(blat1, alpha1)

        sigma2, w_2, alpha2 = _solve_triangle_neb(cos_blat1, cos_blat2, sin_blat2,
                                                  sin_alpha0, alpha1)

        # Determine s12:
        epsi = _normalize_equatorial_azimuth(cos_alpha0, e2m)

        i1fun = _get_i1_fun(epsi, return_inverse=False)

        s12 = b * np.abs((i1fun(sigma2) - i1fun(sigma1)))  # Eq. 7. I1(sigma2)

        fun_i3 = _get_i3_fun(epsi, eta)
        lamda1 = w_1 - f * sin_alpha0 * fun_i3(sigma1)  # Eq. 8
        lamda2 = w_2 - f * sin_alpha0 * fun_i3(sigma2)  # Eq. 8
        lamda12 = lamda2-lamda1
        if np.any(np.abs(lamda12 - true_lamda12) > 1e-8):
            warnings.warn('Some positions did not converge using newton method!....')
        return s12, alpha2

    s12, alpha1, alpha2, sigma12 = vincenty()
    finite_mask = ~np.isnan(s12)
    if not np.any(finite_mask):
        return s12, alpha1, alpha2
    tol = 1e-12
    sin_lamda12 = sin(true_lamda12)
    sphere = (f == 0)

    meridional = (np.abs(sin_lamda12) <= tol)  # alpha1 is 0 or pi #lamda12
    delta_blat = blat2 - blat1
    equatorial = ((np.abs(delta_blat) <= tol)
                  & (np.abs(blat1) <= tol)
                  & (true_lamda12 <= (1-f)*np.pi))  # alpha1 is pi/2
    oblate = (f >= 0)
    prolate = (f < 0)
    mask = equatorial & ~(meridional & oblate)
    alpha1[mask] = np.pi/2
    alpha2[mask] = alpha1[mask]
    mask = meridional & ~(equatorial & prolate)
    alpha11 = np.sign(delta_blat)*true_lamda12
    alpha1[mask] = alpha11[mask]
    alpha2[mask] = true_lamda12[mask] - alpha1[mask]  # TODO check this
    nearly_antipodal = ~sphere & ~equatorial & (sigma12 >= np.pi*(1-3*np.abs(f)*cos_blat1**2))

    alpha1 = np.where(nearly_antipodal, _solve_astroid(), alpha1)

    short_distance = (s12 < a*1e-4)
    mask = ~(equatorial | meridional | short_distance | sphere) | nearly_antipodal
    mask *= finite_mask

    alpha1[mask] = _solve_alpha1(alpha1[mask], blat1[mask], blat2[mask], true_lamda12[mask], a, f)
    mask = ~(equatorial | short_distance | sphere) | nearly_antipodal
    mask *= finite_mask

    s12[mask], alpha2[mask] = _solve_hybrid(alpha1[mask])
    az1, az2 = restore(alpha1, alpha2)

    if scalar_result and s12.size == 1:
        return s12[0], az1[0], az2[0]
    return s12, az1, az2

if __name__ == '__main__':