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Consider using '{backward: 1, forward: 1}' instead of a call to 'dict'.

            order = dict(backward=1, forward=1).get(method, 2)
Severity: Info
Found in src/numdifftools/core.py by pylint

Emitted when using dict() to create a dictionary instead of a literal '{ ... }'. The literal is faster as it avoids an additional function call.

Consider using Python 3 style super() without arguments

        super(Hessian, self).__init__(f, step=step, method=method, order=order, **options)
Severity: Info
Found in src/numdifftools/core.py by pylint

Emitted when calling the super() builtin with the current class and instance. On Python 3 these arguments are the default and they can be omitted.

This 'tryexcept' is too complex. The McCabe rating is 16

Severity: Info
Found in src/numdifftools/profiletools.py by pylint

Used when a method or function is too complex based on McCabe Complexity Cyclomatic

Variable name t1 doesn't conform to '[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$' pattern ('[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$' pattern)

        t1 = timer()
Severity: Info
Found in src/numdifftools/profiletools.py by pylint

Used when the name doesn't conform to naming rules associated to its type (constant, variable, class...).

Too many arguments (7/5)

def _plot(plot, problem_sizes, objects, symbols, ylabel='', loc=2, logx=False):
Severity: Info
Found in src/numdifftools/run_benchmark.py by pylint

Used when a function or method takes too many arguments.

Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string

    header = 'method="{}", order={}, x_values={}:'.format(method, order, str(x_values))

Used when we detect a string that is being formatted with format() or % which could potentially be a f-string. The use of f-strings is preferred. Requires Python 3.6 and py-version >= 3.6.

Using open without explicitly specifying an encoding

    with open(file_path, 'r') as fp:
Severity: Minor
Found in setup.py by pylint

It is better to specify an encoding when opening documents. Using the system default implicitly can create problems on other operating systems. See https://peps.python.org/pep-0597/

Similar lines in 2 files

#!/usr/bin/env python
Severity: Info
Found in setup.py by pylint

Indicates that a set of similar lines has been detected among multiple file. This usually means that the code should be refactored to avoid this duplication. ==numdifftools.ndscipy:[86:143] ==numdifftools.ndstatsmodels:[298:355] class Gradient(Jacobian): ``` Calculate Gradient with finite difference approximation


fun : function function of one array fun(x, *args, **kwds) step : float, optional Stepsize, if None, optimal stepsize is used, i.e., x * _EPS for method==complex x * _EPS(1/2) for method==forward x * _EPS(1/3) for method==central. method : {'central', 'complex', 'forward', 'backward'} defines the method used in the approximation.


import numpy as np import numdifftools.nd_statsmodels as nd fun = lambda x: np.sum(x**2) dfun = nd.Gradient(fun) np.allclose(dfun([1,2,3]), [ 2., 4., 6.]) True

# At [x,y] = [1,1], compute the numerical gradient # of the function sin(x-y) + y*exp(x)

sin = np.sin; exp = np.exp z = lambda xy: sin(xy[0]-xy[1]) + xy[1]*exp(xy[0]) dz = nd.Gradient(z) grad2 = dz([1, 1]) np.allclose(grad2, [ 3.71828183, 1.71828183]) True

# At the global minimizer (1,1) of the Rosenbrock function, # compute the gradient. It should be essentially zero.

rosen = lambda x : (1-x[0])2 + 105.*(x[1]-x[0]2)**2 rd = nd.Gradient(rosen) grad3 = rd([1,1]) np.allclose(grad3,[0, 0]) True

See also

Hessian, Jacobian ```

def call(self, x, args, *kwds): return super(Gradient, self).call(np.atleast_1d(x).ravel(), args, *kwds).squeeze()

if name == 'main': from numdifftools.testing import testdocstrings testdocstrings(file)

Consider using '{forward: 1, above: 1, backward: -1, below: -1}' instead of a call to 'dict'.

        sign = dict(forward=1, above=1, backward=-1, below=-1)[self.method]
Severity: Info
Found in src/numdifftools/limits.py by pylint

Emitted when using dict() to create a dictionary instead of a literal '{ ... }'. The literal is faster as it avoids an additional function call.

Unable to import 'scipy.optimize'

from scipy.optimize import approx_fprime
Severity: Critical
Found in src/numdifftools/nd_scipy.py by pylint

Used when pylint has been unable to import a module.

Class '_Common' inherits from object, can be safely removed from bases in python3

class _Common(object):
Severity: Info
Found in src/numdifftools/nd_scipy.py by pylint

Used when a class inherit from object, which under python3 is implicit, hence can be safely removed from bases.

Too many arguments (7/5)

    def __init__(self, fun, step=None, method='central', order=2,
Severity: Info
Found in src/numdifftools/nd_scipy.py by pylint

Used when a function or method takes too many arguments.

Line too long (119/100)

- **Hessian**: Compute the Hessian matrix of all 2nd partial derivatives of a scalar function of one or more variables.
Severity: Info
Found in src/numdifftools/info.py by pylint

Used when a line is longer than a given number of characters.

Line too long (108/100)

pkg_resources.require('setuptools>=39.2') # setuptools >=38.3.0     # version with most `setup.cfg` bugfixes
Severity: Info
Found in setup.py by pylint

Used when a line is longer than a given number of characters.

Missing function or method docstring

def setup_package():
Severity: Info
Found in setup.py by pylint

Used when a function or method has no docstring. Some special methods like init do not require a docstring.

Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string

    print("Version: {}".format(version))
Severity: Info
Found in setup.py by pylint

Used when we detect a string that is being formatted with format() or % which could potentially be a f-string. The use of f-strings is preferred. Requires Python 3.6 and py-version >= 3.6.

Argument name fd doesn't conform to '[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$' pattern ('[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$' pattern)

def benchmark(x=0.0001, dfun=None, fd=None, name='', scales=None, show_plot=True):

Used when the name doesn't conform to naming rules associated to its type (constant, variable, class...).

Too few public methods (1/2)

class Jacobian(_Common):
Severity: Info
Found in src/numdifftools/nd_scipy.py by pylint

Used when class has too few public methods, so be sure it's really worth it.

Missing function or method docstring

    def run(self):
Severity: Info
Found in setup.py by pylint

Used when a function or method has no docstring. Some special methods like init do not require a docstring.

third party import import numpy as np should be placed before from numdifftools.example_functions import get_function, function_names

import numpy as np

Used when PEP8 import order is not respected (standard imports first, then third-party libraries, then local imports).
