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Test Coverage
# This file is used to configure your project.
# Read more about the various options under:
# http://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setuptools.html#configuring-setup-using-setup-cfg-files


description = Solves automatic numerical differentiation problems in one or more variables.
author = Per A. Brodtkorb
author_email = per.andreas.brodtkorb@gmail.com
license = new BSD
license_file = LICENSE.txt
url = https://github.com/pbrod/numdifftools
long_description = file: README.rst, CHANGELOG.rst, LICENSE.txt
long_description_content_type = text/x-rst
# Change if running only on Windows, Mac or Linux (comma-separated)
platforms = any
# Add here all kinds of additional classifiers as defined under
# https://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers
classifiers =
    Development Status :: 4 - Beta
    Programming Language :: Python
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11    
    Environment :: Console
    Intended Audience :: Education
    Intended Audience :: Science/Research
    License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
    Operating System :: OS Independent
    Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
    Operating System :: Unix
    Operating System :: MacOS
    Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows
    Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics
zip_safe = False
include_package_data = True  # include everything in source control + MANIFEST.in
# src layout:
package_dir =
packages = find:

where = src

# py.test options when running `python setup.py test`
addopts = src/numdifftools

# Options for py.test:
# Specify command line options as you would do when invoking py.test directly.
# e.g. --cov-report html (or xml) for html/xml output or --junitxml junit.xml
# in order to write a coverage file that can be read by Jenkins.
addopts =
#    --pyargs numdifftools
#    --pep8
#    --codestyle  # python 3.4>

markers =
    slow: marks tests as slow (deselect with '-m "not slow"')

norecursedirs =

#pep8ignore =
#    W503
#    info.py ALL
#    conftest.py ALL
#    setup.py ALL
#    tests/*.py ALL

# pep8maxlinelength = 110
#codestyle_max_line_length = 110
#codestyle_ignore = W503

count = False
ignore = 
#         E41,  # import: multiple imports on one line, module level import not at top
#         E121, # continuation line under-indented for hanging indent
#         E123, # closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
#         E126, # continuation line over-indented for hanging indent
#         E133, # closing bracket is missing indentation
#         E226, # missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
#         E241, # multiple spaces after ','
#         E242, # tab after ','
#         E302, # expected 2 blank lines, found 1
         W503, # expect line breaks after binary operator
#         W504, # expects line breaks before binary operators
#         E704, # multiple statements on one line (def)
max-line-length = 110
statistics = True
exclude = 

docs = build_sphinx
test = pytest

# Use this option if your package is pure-python
universal = 1

source_dir = docs
build_dir = docs/_build

# Options for the devpi: PyPI server and packaging tool
# VCS export must be deactivated since we are using setuptools-scm
no-vcs = 1
format =

# Some sane defaults for the code style checker flake8
exclude =