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var lo = require('lodash');
var path = require('path');
var Q = require('q');

var conf = require('./lib/config.js');
var logging = require('./lib/logging.js');
var sfdc = require('./lib/sfdc.js');
var statics = require('./lib/statics.js');
var queries = require('./lib/queries.js');
var utils = require('./lib/utils.js');

 * Configure the module
 * @param {object} yargs The arguments
 * @returns {undefined}
function config(yargs) {
    'use strict';

    var options = Object.assign({}, conf.yargs.generateOptions([

    options.format.default = 'json';
    options.format.choices = [ 'json', 'csv' ];

    options.type = {
        default: undefined,
        describe: 'The log type to dump',
        type: 'string',
        choices: statics.LOG_TYPES

    conf.yargs.config(yargs, undefined, options);

 * Returns the requested format
 * @returns {string} The requested format
function getFormat() {
    return global.config.format !== undefined ? global.config.format : 'json';

 * Are we suppose to be returning json
 * @returns {boolean} If the requested format is json
function isJSON() {
    return getFormat() === 'json';

 * Are we suppose to be returning csv
 * @returns {boolean} If the requested format is csv
function isCSV() {
    return getFormat() === 'csv';

 * Get all the logs that are requested
 * @returns {Promise} A promise for the event logs
function queryLogs() {
    var query = queries.general.getAllLogs(global.config.type);

    return sfdc.query(query);

 * Download the log files
 * @param {array} event_log_files The log files to download
 * @returns {Promise} A promise for all the log file contents
function downloadLogs(event_log_files) {
    if (isJSON() || isCSV()) {
        return utils.fetchAndConvert(event_log_files);

    var deferred = Q.defer();

    deferred.reject(new Error('Unhandled output format'));

    return deferred.promise;

 * Generates a filename for a type
 * @param {string} filename The filename
 * @param {string} type The type
 * @returns {string} The new filename
function generateFilename(filename, type) {
    var p = path.parse(filename);
    p.name = p.name + '_' + type;
    p.base = p.name + p.ext;

    return path.format(p);

 * Splits the logs and writes them to multiple files
 * @param {array} logs The logs to write
 * @param {function} write_method The method to write the file
 * @returns {Promise} A promise for when the logs have been written
function splitLogsAndWrite(logs, write_method) {
    var deferred = Q.defer();
    var promises = [];
    var split_logs = utils.splitByField(logs, 'EVENT_TYPE');

    lo.forEach(split_logs, function (logs, type) {
        promises.push(write_method(logs, generateFilename(global.config.file, type)));

        .then(function () {
        .catch(function (error) {

    return deferred.promise;

 * Handle writing data to a file
 * @param {object[]} logs The logs
 * @param {function} write_method The method to write the file
 * @returns {Promise} A promise for when the data has been outputted
function handleFile(logs, write_method) {
    if (global.config.split) {
        return splitLogsAndWrite(logs, write_method);

    return write_method(logs, global.config.file);

 * Handle JSON logs
 * @param {object[]} logs The logs
 * @param {function} file_method The method to write the file
 * @param {function} console_method The method to write the console
 * @returns {Promise} A promise for when the data has been outputted
function handle(logs, file_method, console_method) {
    if (global.config.file) {
        return handleFile(logs, file_method);

    return console_method(logs);

 * Output the logs
 * @param {array} logs The logs to output
 * @returns {Promise} A promise for when the data has been outputted
function outputLogs(logs) {
    if (isJSON()) {
        return handle(logs, utils.writeJSONtoFile, utils.outputJSONToConsole);

    if (isCSV()) {
        return handle(logs, utils.writeCSVtoFile, utils.outputCSVToConsole);

    var deferred = Q.defer();

    deferred.reject(new Error('Unhandled output format'));

    return deferred.promise;

 * The run method
 * @param {object} args The arguments passed to the method
 * @returns {undefined}
function run(args) {


var cli = {
    config: config,
    run: run

module.exports = cli;