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Test Coverage
package amqpmiddleware

import (
    streadway ""

// SHARED METHOD ARGS ##################################
// #####################################################

// ArgsClose stores args for the Close method on amqp.Connection and amqp.Channel.
type ArgsClose struct {
    TransportType TransportType

// ArgsNotifyClose stores args for the NotifyClose method on amqp.Connection and
// amqp.Channel.
type ArgsNotifyClose struct {
    TransportType TransportType
    Receiver      chan *streadway.Error

// ArgsNotifyDial stores args for the NotifyDial method on amqp.Connection and
// amqp.Channel.
type ArgsNotifyDial struct {
    TransportType TransportType
    Receiver      chan error

// ArgsNotifyDisconnect stores args for the NotifyDisconnect method on amqp.Connection
// and amqp.Channel.
type ArgsNotifyDisconnect struct {
    TransportType TransportType
    Receiver      chan error

// SHARED EVENTS #######################################
// #####################################################

// EventNotifyDial passes event information from a NotifyDial event on an
// amqp.Connection or amqp.Channel.
type EventNotifyDial struct {
    TransportType TransportType
    Err           error

// EventNotifyDisconnect passes event information from a NotifyDisconnect event on an
// amqp.Connection or amqp.Channel.
type EventNotifyDisconnect struct {
    TransportType TransportType
    Err           error

// EventNotifyClose passes event information from a NotifyClose event on an
// amqp.Connection or amqp.Channel.
type EventNotifyClose struct {
    TransportType TransportType
    Err           *streadway.Error

// CONNECTION METHOD ARGS ##############################
// #####################################################

// ArgsConnectionReconnect passes information to HandlerConnectionReconnect funcs about
// the reconnection event.
type ArgsConnectionReconnect struct {
    // Ctx is the connection context.
    Ctx context.Context
    // Attempt is the reconnection attempt count. It starts at 0 when the Connection is
    // made and increments by 1 each time a reconnect is attempted. It does not reset
    // on successful reconnections.
    Attempt uint64

// CHANNEL METHOD ARGS #################################
// #####################################################

// ArgsChannelReconnect passes information to HandlerChannelReconnect funcs about
// the reconnection event.
type ArgsChannelReconnect struct {
    // Ctx is the connection context.
    Ctx context.Context
    // Attempt is the reconnection attempt count. It starts at 0 when the Channel is
    // made and increments by 1 each time a reconnect is attempted. It does not reset
    // on successful reconnections.
    Attempt uint64

// ArgsQueueDeclare stores args to amqp.Channel.QueueDeclare() for middleware to
// inspect.
type ArgsQueueDeclare struct {
    Name       string
    Durable    bool
    AutoDelete bool
    Exclusive  bool
    NoWait     bool
    Args       streadway.Table

// ArgsQueueInspect stores args to amqp.Channel.QueueInspect() for middleware to
// inspect.
type ArgsQueueInspect struct {
    Name string

// ArgsQueueDelete stores args to amqp.Channel.QueueDelete() for middleware to
// inspect.
type ArgsQueueDelete struct {
    Name     string
    IfUnused bool
    IfEmpty  bool
    NoWait   bool

// ArgsQueueBind stores args to amqp.Channel.QueueBind() for middleware to
// inspect.
type ArgsQueueBind struct {
    Name     string
    Key      string
    Exchange string
    NoWait   bool
    Args     streadway.Table

// ArgsQueueUnbind stores args to amqp.Channel.QueueUnbind() for middleware to
// inspect.
type ArgsQueueUnbind struct {
    Name     string
    Key      string
    Exchange string
    Args     streadway.Table

// ArgsQueuePurge stores args to amqp.Channel.QueuePurge() for middleware to
// inspect.
type ArgsQueuePurge struct {
    Name   string
    NoWait bool

// ArgsExchangeDeclare stores args to amqp.Channel.ExchangeDeclare() for middleware to
// inspect.
type ArgsExchangeDeclare struct {
    Name       string
    Kind       string
    Durable    bool
    AutoDelete bool
    Internal   bool
    NoWait     bool
    Args       streadway.Table

// ArgsExchangeDelete stores args to amqp.Channel.ExchangeDelete() for middleware to
// inspect.
type ArgsExchangeDelete struct {
    Name     string
    IfUnused bool
    NoWait   bool

// ArgsExchangeBind stores args to amqp.Channel.ExchangeBind() for middleware to
// inspect.
type ArgsExchangeBind struct {
    Destination string
    Key         string
    Source      string
    NoWait      bool
    Args        streadway.Table

// ArgsExchangeUnbind stores args to amqp.Channel.ExchangeUnbind() for middleware to
// inspect.
type ArgsExchangeUnbind struct {
    Destination string
    Key         string
    Source      string
    NoWait      bool
    Args        streadway.Table

// ArgsQoS stores args to amqp.Channel.QoS() for middleware to inspect.
type ArgsQoS struct {
    PrefetchCount int
    PrefetchSize  int
    Global        bool

// ArgsFlow stores args to amqp.Channel.Flow() for middleware to inspect.
type ArgsFlow struct {
    Active bool

// ArgsConfirms stores args to amqp.Channel.Confirms() for middleware to inspect.
type ArgsConfirms struct {
    NoWait bool

// ArgsPublish stores args to amqp.Channel.Publish() for middleware to inspect.
type ArgsPublish struct {
    Exchange  string
    Key       string
    Mandatory bool
    Immediate bool
    Msg       streadway.Publishing

// ArgsGet stores args to amqp.Channel.Get() for middleware to inspect.
type ArgsGet struct {
    Queue   string
    AutoAck bool

// ArgsConsume stores args to amqp.Channel.Consume() for middleware to inspect.
type ArgsConsume struct {
    Queue     string
    Consumer  string
    AutoAck   bool
    Exclusive bool
    NoLocal   bool
    NoWait    bool
    Args      streadway.Table

// ArgsAck stores args to amqp.Channel.Ack() for middleware to inspect.
type ArgsAck struct {
    Tag      uint64
    Multiple bool

// ArgsNack stores args to amqp.Channel.Nack() for middleware to inspect.
type ArgsNack struct {
    Tag      uint64
    Multiple bool
    Requeue  bool

// ArgsReject stores args to amqp.Channel.Reject() for middleware to inspect.
type ArgsReject struct {
    Tag     uint64
    Requeue bool

// ArgsNotifyPublish stores args to amqp.Channel.NotifyPublish() for middleware to
// inspect.
type ArgsNotifyPublish struct {
    Confirm chan internal.Confirmation

// ArgsNotifyConfirm stores args to amqp.Channel.NotifyConfirm() for middleware to
// inspect.
type ArgsNotifyConfirm struct {
    Ack  chan uint64
    Nack chan uint64

// ArgsNotifyConfirmOrOrphaned stores args to amqp.Channel.NotifyConfirmOrOrphaned() for
// middleware to inspect.
type ArgsNotifyConfirmOrOrphaned struct {
    Ack      chan uint64
    Nack     chan uint64
    Orphaned chan uint64

// ArgsNotifyReturn stores the args to amqp.Channel.NotifyReturn for middleware to
// inspect.
type ArgsNotifyReturn struct {
    Returns chan streadway.Return

// ArgsNotifyCancel stores the args to amqp.Channel.NotifyCancel for middleware to
// inspect.
type ArgsNotifyCancel struct {
    Cancellations chan string

// ArgsNotifyFlow stores the args to amqp.Channel.NotifyFlow for middleware to inspect.
type ArgsNotifyFlow struct {
    FlowNotifications chan bool

// CHANNEL EVENTS ######################################
// #####################################################

// EventNotifyPublish passes event information from an amqp.Channel.NotifyPublish()
// event for middleware to inspect / modify before the event is passed to the caller.
type EventNotifyPublish struct {
    Confirmation internal.Confirmation

// EventConsume passes event information from an amqp.Channel.Consume()
// event for middleware to inspect / modify before the event is passed to the caller.
type EventConsume struct {
    Delivery internal.Delivery

// EventNotifyConfirm passes event information from an amqp.Channel.NotifyConfirm()
// event for middleware to inspect / modify before the event is passed to the caller.
type EventNotifyConfirm struct {
    // Confirmation is the underlying confirmation event being distributed to the
    // caller channels
    Confirmation internal.Confirmation

// EventNotifyConfirmOrOrphaned passes event information from an
// amqp.Channel.NotifyConfirmOrOrphaned() event for middleware to inspect / modify
// before the event is passed to the caller.
type EventNotifyConfirmOrOrphaned struct {
    // Confirmation is the underlying confirmation event being distributed to the
    // caller channels
    Confirmation internal.Confirmation

// EventNotifyReturn passes event information from an amqp.Channel.NotifyReturn() event
// for middleware to inspect / modify before the event is passed to the caller.
type EventNotifyReturn struct {
    Return streadway.Return

// EventNotifyCancel passes event information from an amqp.Channel.NotifyCancel() event
// for middleware to inspect / modify before the event is passed to the caller.
type EventNotifyCancel struct {
    Cancellation string

// EventNotifyFlow passes event information from an amqp.Channel.NotifyFlow() event
// for middleware to inspect / modify before the event is passed to the caller.
type EventNotifyFlow struct {
    FlowNotification bool