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Test Coverage
package amqpmiddleware

import (
    streadway ""

// ResultsNotifyClose are the result values from a call to the NotifyClose method on
// a Connection or Channel.
type ResultsNotifyClose struct {
    CallerChan chan *streadway.Error

// ResultsConnectionReconnect are the result values from a Connection reconnection event
// for middleware to inspect.
type ResultsConnectionReconnect struct {
    // Connection is the newly connected underlying connection.
    Connection *streadway.Connection
    // CloseNotifications is the channel that the transport manager will listen to
    // closure events on.
    CloseNotifications chan *streadway.Error

// ResultsChannelReconnect are the result values from a Channel reconnection event for
// middleware to inspect.
type ResultsChannelReconnect struct {
    // Channel is the newly connected underlying channel.
    Channel *streadway.Channel
    // CloseNotifications is the channel that the transport manager will listen to
    // closure events on.
    CloseNotifications chan *streadway.Error

// ResultsQueueDeclare are the result values from a Channel.QueuePurge call for
// middleware to inspect.
type ResultsQueueDeclare struct {
    Queue streadway.Queue

// ResultsQueueInspect are the result values from a Channel.QueueInspect call for
// middleware to inspect.
type ResultsQueueInspect struct {
    Queue streadway.Queue

// ResultsQueuePurge are the result values from a Channel.QueuePurge call for middleware
// to inspect.
type ResultsQueuePurge struct {
    Count int

// ResultsQueueDelete are the result values from a Channel.QueueDelete call for
// middleware to inspect.
type ResultsQueueDelete struct {
    Count int

// ResultsGet are the result values from a Channel.Get call for middleware to inspect.
type ResultsGet struct {
    Msg internal.Delivery
    Ok  bool

// ResultsConsume are the result values from a Channel.Consume call for middleware to
// inspect.
type ResultsConsume struct {
    DeliveryChan <-chan internal.Delivery

// ResultsNotifyConfirm are the result values from a Channel.NotifyConfirm call for
// middleware to inspect.
type ResultsNotifyConfirm struct {
    Ack  chan uint64
    Nack chan uint64

// ResultsNotifyConfirmOrOrphaned are the result values from a
// Channel.NotifyConfirmOrOrphaned call for middleware to inspect.
type ResultsNotifyConfirmOrOrphaned struct {
    Ack      chan uint64
    Nack     chan uint64
    Orphaned chan uint64

// ResultsNotifyReturn stores the results from amqp.Channel.NotifyReturn for middleware
// to inspect.
type ResultsNotifyReturn struct {
    Returns chan streadway.Return

// ResultsNotifyCancel stores the results from amqp.Channel.NotifyCancel for middleware
// to inspect.
type ResultsNotifyCancel struct {
    Cancellations chan string

// ResultsNotifyFlow stores the results from amqp.Channel.NotifyFlow for middleware to
// inspect.
type ResultsNotifyFlow struct {
    FlowNotifications chan bool

// ResultsNotifyPublish stores the results from amqp.Channel.NotifyPublish() for
// middleware to inspect.
type ResultsNotifyPublish struct {
    Confirm chan internal.Confirmation