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Test Coverage
package amqp

import (
    streadway ""

// Connection manages the serialization and deserialization of frames from IO
// and dispatches the frames to the appropriate channel.  All RPC methods and
// asynchronous Publishing, Delivery, Ack, Nack and Return messages are
// multiplexed on this channel.  There must always be active receivers for
// every asynchronous message on this connection.
// ---
// ROGER NOTE: A robust connection acts as a normal connection except that is
// automatically re-dials the broker when the underlying connection is lost.
// Unless otherwise noted at the beginning of their descriptions, all methods work
// exactly as their streadway counterparts, but will automatically re-attempt on
// ErrClosed errors. All other errors will be returned as normal. Descriptions have
// been copy-pasted from the streadway library for convenience.
// As this library evolves, other error types may be added to the list of errors we will
// automatically suppress and re-establish connection for, but in these early days,
// ErrClosed seems like a good place to start.
type Connection struct {
    // Embedded streadway/amqp.Connection
    underlyingConn     *BasicConnection
    underlyingConnLock *sync.Mutex

    // dialURL is the address to dial for the broker.
    dialURL string

    // dialConfig is the Config passed to our constructor method.
    dialConfig Config

    // streadwayConfig is extracted from the settings on dialConfig.
    streadwayConfig BasicConfig

    // handlerReconnect is the reconnect handler with caller-supplied middleware
    // applied.
    handlerReconnect amqpmiddleware.HandlerConnectionReconnect

    // transportManager manages the lifetime of the connection: such as automatic
    // reconnects, connection status events, and closing.

// transportType implements reconnects and returns "CONNECTION"
func (conn *Connection) transportType() amqpmiddleware.TransportType {
    return amqpmiddleware.TransportTypeConnection

// underlyingTransport implements reconnects and returns the underlying
// streadway.Connection as a livesOnce interface.
func (conn *Connection) underlyingTransport() livesOnce {
    // Grab the lock and only release it once we have moved the pointer for the current
    // connection into a variable. We don'tb want it switching out from under us as we
    // return.
    defer conn.underlyingConnLock.Unlock()

    current := conn.underlyingConn
    return current

// cleanup implements reconnects. Does nothing for transportConnection.
func (conn *Connection) cleanup() error {
    return nil

// tryReconnect implements reconnects and tries to re-dial the broker one time.
func (conn *Connection) tryReconnect(ctx context.Context, attempt uint64) (chan *streadway.Error, error) {
    args := amqpmiddleware.ArgsConnectionReconnect{
        Ctx:     ctx,
        Attempt: attempt,
    results, err := conn.handlerReconnect(conn.ctx, args)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Grab the lock before swapping it out.
    defer conn.underlyingConnLock.Unlock()
    conn.underlyingConn = results.Connection
    return results.CloseNotifications, nil

// basicReconnectHandler is the innermost reconnection handler for the
// transportConnection.
func (conn *Connection) basicReconnectHandler(
    ctx context.Context, args amqpmiddleware.ArgsConnectionReconnect,
) (amqpmiddleware.ResultsConnectionReconnect, error) {
    basicConn, err := streadway.DialConfig(conn.dialURL, conn.streadwayConfig)
    results := amqpmiddleware.ResultsConnectionReconnect{Connection: basicConn}
    if err == nil {
        // Set up the close notification channel.
        results.CloseNotifications = basicConn.NotifyClose(make(chan *streadway.Error, 1))
    return results, err

// getStreadwayChannel gets a streadway/amqp.Channel from the current underlying
// connection.
func (conn *Connection) getStreadwayChannel(ctx context.Context) (
    channel *BasicChannel, err error,
) {
    operation := func(ctx context.Context) error {
        var channelErr error
        channel, channelErr = conn.underlyingConn.Channel()
        return channelErr

    err = conn.retryOperationOnClosed(ctx, operation, true)

    // Return the channelConsume and error.
    return channel, err

Channel opens a unique, concurrent server channelConsume to process the bulk of AMQP
messages.  Any error from methods on this receiver will render the receiver
invalid and a new Channel should be opened.


ROGER NOTE: Unlike the normal channels, roger channels will automatically reconnect on
all errors until Channel.Close() is called.
func (conn *Connection) Channel() (*Channel, error) {
    rogerChannel := &Channel{
        underlyingChannel:     nil,
        underlyingChannelLock: new(sync.Mutex),
        rogerConn:             conn,
        handlers:              channelHandlers{},
        relaySync: managerRelaySync{
            shared:     make([]sharedRelaySync, 0),
            sharedLock: new(sync.Mutex),
        transportManager: transportManager{},

    chanMiddleware := conn.dialConfig.ChannelMiddleware

    // Invoke any provider factories to make fresh provider values.
    err := chanMiddleware.buildAndAddProviderFactories()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    transportMiddleware := transportManagerMiddleware{
        notifyClose:            chanMiddleware.notifyClose,
        notifyDial:             chanMiddleware.notifyDial,
        notifyDisconnect:       chanMiddleware.notifyDisconnect,
        transportClose:         chanMiddleware.transportClose,
        notifyDialEvents:       chanMiddleware.notifyDialEvents,
        notifyDisconnectEvents: chanMiddleware.notifyDisconnectEvents,
        notifyCloseEvents:      chanMiddleware.notifyCloseEvents,

    // Setup the transport manager.
    rogerChannel.transportManager.setup(conn.ctx, rogerChannel, transportMiddleware)

    rogerChannel.handlers = newChannelHandlers(

    // Try and establish a channel using the connection's context.
    err = rogerChannel.reconnect(conn.ctx, true)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return rogerChannel, nil

// Test returns a ConnectionTesting object with a number of helper methods for testing
// Connection objects.
func (conn *Connection) Test(tb testing.TB) *ConnectionTesting {
    blocks := int32(0)
    return &ConnectionTesting{
        conn: conn,
        TransportTesting: TransportTesting{
            tb:      tb,
            manager: &conn.transportManager,
            blocks:  &blocks,

// newConnection gets a new roger connection for a given url and connection middlewares.
func newConnection(url string, config Config) (*Connection, error) {
    // Extract our config into a streadway.Config
    streadwayConfig := streadway.Config{
        SASL:            config.SASL,
        Vhost:           config.Vhost,
        ChannelMax:      config.ChannelMax,
        FrameSize:       config.FrameSize,
        Heartbeat:       config.Heartbeat,
        TLSClientConfig: config.TLSClientConfig,
        Properties:      config.Properties,
        Locale:          config.Locale,
        Dial:            config.Dial,

    // Add default middleware provider factories. Since the config is passed-by-value,
    // this will not mutate the caller's config.
    if !config.NoDefaultMiddleware {

        connLoggerFactory, chanLoggerFactory := defaultmiddlewares.NewLoggerFactories(


    // Invoke middleware provider factories.
    err := config.ConnectionMiddleware.buildAndAddProviderFactories()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    middlewares := transportManagerMiddleware{
        notifyClose:            config.ConnectionMiddleware.notifyClose,
        notifyDial:             config.ConnectionMiddleware.notifyDial,
        notifyDisconnect:       config.ConnectionMiddleware.notifyDisconnect,
        transportClose:         config.ConnectionMiddleware.transportClose,
        notifyDialEvents:       config.ConnectionMiddleware.notifyDialEvents,
        notifyDisconnectEvents: config.ConnectionMiddleware.notifyDisconnectEvents,
        notifyCloseEvents:      config.ConnectionMiddleware.notifyCloseEvents,

    // Create a new connection
    conn := &Connection{
        underlyingConn:     nil,
        underlyingConnLock: new(sync.Mutex),
        dialURL:            url,
        dialConfig:         config,
        streadwayConfig:    streadwayConfig,

        // We will defer setting these fields since they need to reference the
        // connection
        handlerReconnect: nil,
        transportManager: transportManager{},

    // Setup the transport manager.
    conn.transportManager.setup(context.Background(), conn, middlewares)

    // Create the reconnect handler.
    reconnectHandler := conn.basicReconnectHandler
    for _, thisMiddleware := range config.ConnectionMiddleware.connectionReconnect {
        reconnectHandler = thisMiddleware(reconnectHandler)

    conn.handlerReconnect = reconnectHandler

    return conn, nil