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package defaultmiddlewares

import (

// DeliveryTagsMiddlewareID can be used to retrieve the running instance of
// DeliveryTagsMiddleware during testing.
const DeliveryTagsMiddlewareID amqpmiddleware.ProviderTypeID = "DefaultDeliveryTags"

// DeliveryTagsMiddleware creates continuous delivery tags across reconnections.
type DeliveryTagsMiddleware struct {
    // As tagPublishCount, but for delivery tags of delivered messages.
    tagConsumeCount *uint64
    // As tagConsumeCount, but for consumption tags.
    tagConsumeOffset uint64

    // The highest ack we have received
    tagLatestMultiAck uint64
    // Lock for tagLatestMultiAck and orphansResolved
    orphanCheckLock *sync.Mutex

// TypeID implements amqpmiddleware.ProvidesMiddleware and returns a static type ID for
// retrieving the active middleware value during testing.
func (middleware *DeliveryTagsMiddleware) TypeID() amqpmiddleware.ProviderTypeID {
    return DeliveryTagsMiddlewareID

// ChannelReconnect establishes our current delivery tag offset based on how many
// deliveries have been consumed across all of our connections so far.
func (middleware *DeliveryTagsMiddleware) ChannelReconnect(
    next amqpmiddleware.HandlerChannelReconnect,
) amqpmiddleware.HandlerChannelReconnect {

    handler := func(
        ctx context.Context, args amqpmiddleware.ArgsChannelReconnect,
    ) (amqpmiddleware.ResultsChannelReconnect, error) {
        middleware.tagConsumeOffset = *middleware.tagConsumeCount

        results, err := next(ctx, args)
        if err != nil {
            return results, err


        return results, err

    return handler

// Get applies our current delivery tag offset and increments our delivery count
// whenever amqp.Channel.Get() is called.
func (middleware *DeliveryTagsMiddleware) Get(next amqpmiddleware.HandlerGet) amqpmiddleware.HandlerGet {
    handler := func(ctx context.Context, args amqpmiddleware.ArgsGet) (amqpmiddleware.ResultsGet, error) {
        results, err := next(ctx, args)
        if err != nil {
            return results, err

        // Apply the offset if there was not an error
        results.Msg.TagOffset = middleware.tagConsumeOffset
        results.Msg.DeliveryTag += middleware.tagConsumeOffset

        atomic.AddUint64(middleware.tagConsumeCount, 1)

        return results, err

    return handler

// Determines whether an ACK, NACK, etc request includes orphan tags.
func (middleware *DeliveryTagsMiddleware) containsOrphans(tag uint64, multiple bool) bool {
    // If the tag is above our current offset and not part of a multi-ack, it's not an
    // orphan
    if tag > middleware.tagConsumeOffset && !multiple {
        return false
        // If the tag is below the current offset, it is an orphan, regardless of
        // whether if is a multiple ack.
    } else if tag < middleware.tagConsumeOffset {
        return true

    // If the latest delivery ack is greater than than the current offset, the
    // multi-ack includes no orphans
    if middleware.tagLatestMultiAck >= middleware.tagConsumeOffset {
        return false

    // Otherwise, the ack os split between orphans and non-orphans, so it contains them
    return true

// Updates the latest multi-tag ack.
func (middleware *DeliveryTagsMiddleware) updateOrphanTracking(tag uint64) {
    // Set the latest multi-ack tag to this tag.
    middleware.tagLatestMultiAck = tag

// Returns an error if an ACK, NACK, etc request involves orphans.
func (middleware *DeliveryTagsMiddleware) resolveOrphans(tag uint64, multiple bool) error {
    // We only need to lock the orphan resources if this is a multi-ack
    if multiple {
        // Acquire the lock
        defer middleware.orphanCheckLock.Unlock()
        // Update the multi-ack tag tracking
        defer middleware.updateOrphanTracking(tag)

    // If our acknowledgement does not contain orphans, there is no error.
    if !middleware.containsOrphans(tag, multiple) {
        return nil

    // Otherwise, there are orphans involved. Build and return an orphan error.
    return NewErrCantAcknowledgeOrphans(
        middleware.tagLatestMultiAck, tag, middleware.tagConsumeOffset, multiple,

// Generic method for running an ACK, NACK, or REJECT request with orphan handling.
func (middleware *DeliveryTagsMiddleware) runAckMethod(method func() error, tag uint64, multiple bool) error {
    // If the tag is from this connection, we will handle it, otherwise we know right
    // off the bat it's an orphan.
    if tag > middleware.tagConsumeOffset {
        err := method()
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // Resolve whether the above command involved an orphan delivery, and if so, return
    // an error.
    return middleware.resolveOrphans(tag, multiple)

// Ack is invoked when amqp.Channel.Ack() is called, and handles converting the delivery
// tag back to the original value for the underlying channel, as well as returning
// errors on an attempt to ACK an orphan.
func (middleware *DeliveryTagsMiddleware) Ack(next amqpmiddleware.HandlerAck) amqpmiddleware.HandlerAck {
    handler := func(ctx context.Context, args amqpmiddleware.ArgsAck) error {
        method := func() error {
            return next(ctx, args)
        return middleware.runAckMethod(method, args.Tag, args.Multiple)

    return handler

// Nack is invoked when amqp.Channel.Nack() is called, and handles converting the
// delivery tag back to the original value for the underlying channel, as well as
// returning errors on an attempt to NACK an orphan.
func (middleware *DeliveryTagsMiddleware) Nack(next amqpmiddleware.HandlerNack) amqpmiddleware.HandlerNack {
    handler := func(ctx context.Context, args amqpmiddleware.ArgsNack) error {
        method := func() error {
            return next(ctx, args)
        return middleware.runAckMethod(method, args.Tag, args.Multiple)

    return handler

// Reject is invoked when amqp.Channel.Reject() is called, and handles converting the
// delivery tag back to the original value for the underlying channel, as well as
// returning errors on an attempt to NACK an orphan.
func (middleware *DeliveryTagsMiddleware) Reject(next amqpmiddleware.HandlerReject) amqpmiddleware.HandlerReject {
    handler := func(ctx context.Context, args amqpmiddleware.ArgsReject) error {
        method := func() error {
            return next(ctx, args)
        return middleware.runAckMethod(method, args.Tag, false)

    return handler

// ConsumeEvents is invoked whenever an event is sent to a caller of
// amqp.Channel.Consume(), and handles applying the delivery tag offset.
func (middleware *DeliveryTagsMiddleware) ConsumeEvents(
    next amqpmiddleware.HandlerConsumeEvents,
) amqpmiddleware.HandlerConsumeEvents {
    handler := func(metadata amqpmiddleware.EventMetadata, event amqpmiddleware.EventConsume) {
        // Apply the offset to our delivery
        event.Delivery.TagOffset = middleware.tagConsumeOffset
        event.Delivery.DeliveryTag += middleware.tagConsumeOffset

        // Increment the counter
        atomic.AddUint64(middleware.tagConsumeCount, 1)

        next(metadata, event)

    return handler

// NewDeliveryTagsMiddleware creates a new DeliveryTagsMiddleware for an amqp.Channel.
func NewDeliveryTagsMiddleware() amqpmiddleware.ProvidesMiddleware {
    tagConsumeCount := uint64(0)

    return &DeliveryTagsMiddleware{
        tagConsumeCount:   &tagConsumeCount,
        tagConsumeOffset:  0,
        tagLatestMultiAck: 0,
        orphanCheckLock:   new(sync.Mutex),

// ErrCantAcknowledgeOrphans is returned when an acknowledgement method
// (ack, nack, reject) cannot be completed because the original channel it was consumed
// from has been closed and replaced with a new one. When part of a multi-ack, it's
// possible that SOME tags will be orphaned and some will succeed, this error contains
// detailed information on both groups
type ErrCantAcknowledgeOrphans struct {
    // The first tag that could not be acknowledged because it's original channel
    // had been closed
    OrphanTagFirst uint64
    // The last tag that could not be acknowledged because it's original channel had
    // been closed. Inclusive. May be the same value as OrphanTagFirst if only one tag
    // was orphaned
    OrphanTagLast uint64

    // The first tag that was successfully acknowledged. Will be 0 if multiple was set
    // to false or if all tags were orphans.
    SuccessTagFirst uint64
    // The last tag that was successfully acknowledged. Will be 0 if multiple was set
    // to false or if all tags were orphans. May be the same as AckTagFirst if only one
    // tags was successfully acknowledged.
    SuccessTagLast uint64

// OrphanCount returns number of tags orphaned (will always be 1 or greater or there
// would be no error).
func (err ErrCantAcknowledgeOrphans) OrphanCount() uint64 {
    if err.OrphanTagFirst == 0 {
        return 0
    return err.OrphanTagLast - err.OrphanTagFirst + 1

// SuccessCount returns the number of tags successfully acknowledged.
func (err ErrCantAcknowledgeOrphans) SuccessCount() uint64 {
    if err.SuccessTagFirst == 0 {
        return 0
    return err.SuccessTagLast - err.SuccessTagFirst + 1

// Error implements builtins.error
func (err ErrCantAcknowledgeOrphans) Error() string {
    successDetails := ""
    if err.SuccessCount() > 0 {
        successDetails = fmt.Sprintf(
            " (%v - %v)", err.SuccessTagFirst, err.SuccessTagLast,

    return fmt.Sprintf(
        "%v tags orphaned (%v - %v), %v tags successfully acknowledged%v",

// NewErrCantAcknowledgeOrphans creates a new error when one or more tags cannot be
// acknowledged because they have been orphaned. This method assumes that there is an
// error to report, and will always result in a non-nil error object.
func NewErrCantAcknowledgeOrphans(
    latestAck uint64,
    thisAck uint64,
    offset uint64,
    multiple bool,
) error {
    err := ErrCantAcknowledgeOrphans{}

    // If only a single tag was involved, then it is the first and last orphan tag and
    // there were no success tags.
    if !multiple {
        err.OrphanTagFirst = thisAck
        err.OrphanTagLast = thisAck
        return err

    // Otherwise the orphan tags will start at the tag after the latest tag
    // acknowledgement we have handled
    err.OrphanTagFirst = latestAck + 1

    // If the tag we are acking is less than or equal to the current offset (before the)
    // range of the current channel, it is the last orphaned tag involved in this
    // operation.
    if thisAck <= offset {
        err.OrphanTagLast = thisAck
        return err

    // Otherwise, we have some orphans and some successes. The last orphaned tag is
    // equal to the offset (first tag of current channel -1), the first successful tag
    // is the tag after that, and the current tag is the last successful ack.
    err.OrphanTagLast = offset
    err.SuccessTagFirst = offset + 1
    err.SuccessTagLast = thisAck
    return err