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package defaultmiddlewares

import (
    streadway ""

// PublishTagsMiddlewareID can be used to retrieve the running instance of
// PublishTagsMiddleware during testing.
const PublishTagsMiddlewareID amqpmiddleware.ProviderTypeID = "DefaultPublishTags"

// PublishTagsMiddleware keeps track of client-facing and internal Publishing
// DeliveryTags and applies the correct offset so tags are continuous, even over
// re-connections.
type PublishTagsMiddleware struct {
    // Whether confirmation mode is on.
    confirmMode bool

    // The current delivery tag for this robust connection. Each time a message is
    // successfully published, this value should be atomically incremented. This tag
    // will function like the normal channel tag, AND WILL NOT RESET when the underlying
    // channel is re-established. Whenever we reconnectMiddleware, the broker will reset
    // and begin delivery tags at 1. That means that we are going to need to track how
    // the current underlying channel's delivery tag matches up against our user-facing
    // tags.
    // The goal is to simulate the normal channel's behavior and continue to send an
    // unbroken stream of incrementing delivery tags, even during multiple connection
    // interruptions.
    // We use a pointer here to support atomic operations.
    publishCount *uint64
    // Offset to add to a given tag to get it's actual broker delivery tag for the
    // current channel.
    tagOffset uint64

    // List of functions to send outstanding orphans
    sendOrphans     []func()
    sendOrphansLock *sync.Mutex

// TypeID implements amqpmiddleware.ProvidesMiddleware and returns a static type ID for
// retrieving the active middleware value during testing.
func (middleware *PublishTagsMiddleware) TypeID() amqpmiddleware.ProviderTypeID {
    return PublishTagsMiddlewareID

// PublishCount returns the number of messages published that this middleware has
// counted.
func (middleware *PublishTagsMiddleware) PublishCount() uint64 {
    return *middleware.publishCount

// TagOffset returns the current tag offset.
func (middleware *PublishTagsMiddleware) TagOffset() uint64 {
    return middleware.tagOffset

// reconnectSendOrphans sends NACK NotifyPublish events to all listeners with Orphan
// set to true.
func (middleware *PublishTagsMiddleware) reconnectSendOrphans() {
    // Send any orphans we are waiting on.
    sendsDone := new(sync.WaitGroup)

    for _, thisSend := range middleware.sendOrphans {
        sendRoutine := func() {
            defer sendsDone.Done()
        go sendRoutine()


// ChannelReconnect is called during a channel reconnection events. We update the
// current offset based on the current publish count, and send orphan events to all
// amqp.Channel.NotifyPublish() listeners.
func (middleware *PublishTagsMiddleware) ChannelReconnect(
    next amqpmiddleware.HandlerChannelReconnect,
) (handler amqpmiddleware.HandlerChannelReconnect) {
    handler = func(
        ctx context.Context, args amqpmiddleware.ArgsChannelReconnect,
    ) (amqpmiddleware.ResultsChannelReconnect, error) {
        // The current count becomes the offset we apply to tags on this results.
        middleware.tagOffset = *middleware.publishCount

        sendDone := new(sync.WaitGroup)
        go func() {
            defer sendDone.Done()

        // While those are cooking , we can move forward with getting the results.
        results, err := next(ctx, args)
        // Once the results returns, wait for all our orphan notifications to be sent
        // out.

        // Return the results
        return results, err

    return handler

// Confirm captures a channel being set to confirmation mode. If a channel is not in
// confirmation mode, then publish tags are not tracked.
func (middleware *PublishTagsMiddleware) Confirm(
    next amqpmiddleware.HandlerConfirm,
) (handler amqpmiddleware.HandlerConfirm) {
    handler = func(ctx context.Context, args amqpmiddleware.ArgsConfirms) error {
        err := next(ctx, args)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        middleware.confirmMode = true
        return nil

    return handler

// Publish is invoked on amqp.Channel.Publish(), and increments out publish count if our
// channel is in confirmation mode.
func (middleware *PublishTagsMiddleware) Publish(
    next amqpmiddleware.HandlerPublish,
) (handler amqpmiddleware.HandlerPublish) {
    handler = func(ctx context.Context, args amqpmiddleware.ArgsPublish) error {
        err := next(ctx, args)
        if err != nil || !middleware.confirmMode {
            return err

        // If there was no error, and we are in confirms mode, increment the current
        // delivery tag. We need to do this atomically so if publish is getting called
        // in more than one goroutine, we don't have a data race condition and
        // under-publishCount our tags.
        atomic.AddUint64(middleware.publishCount, 1)
        return nil

    return handler

// sends orphan confirmations to a single NotifyPublish listener, invoking all
// middleware a normal call would make.
func (middleware *PublishTagsMiddleware) notifyPublishEventOrphans(
    next amqpmiddleware.HandlerNotifyPublishEvents,
    sentCount uint64,
) uint64 {
    // The goal of this library is to simulate the behavior of streadway/amqp. Since
    // the streadway lib guarantees that all confirms will be in an ascending, ordered,
    // unbroken stream, we need to handle a case where a channel was terminated before
    // all deliveries were acknowledged, and continuing to send confirmations would
    // result in a publicationTag gap.
    // It's possible that when the last connection went down, we missed some
    // confirmations. We are going to check that the offset matches the number we
    // have sent so far and, if not, nack the difference. We are only going to do this
    // on re-connections to better mock the behavior of the original lib, where if the
    // channel is forcibly closed, the final messages will not be confirmed.
    for sentCount < middleware.tagOffset {
        eventMetadata := amqpmiddleware.EventMetadata{
            "RelayLeg": -1,
            "EventNum": int64(-1),
        confirmation := internal.Confirmation{
            Confirmation: streadway.Confirmation{
                DeliveryTag: sentCount + 1,
                Ack:         false,
            DisconnectOrphan: true,
        next(eventMetadata, amqpmiddleware.EventNotifyPublish{Confirmation: confirmation})

    return sentCount

// NotifyPublishEvents is invoked when a channel passed to amqp.Channel.NotifyPublish is
// sent an event.
func (middleware *PublishTagsMiddleware) NotifyPublishEvents(
    next amqpmiddleware.HandlerNotifyPublishEvents,
) (handler amqpmiddleware.HandlerNotifyPublishEvents) {
    // We need to know the total number of confirmation that have been sent. We can
    // start with the current tag offset.
    sent := middleware.tagOffset
    first := true

    // Create a send orphans function, capturing.the number of sent notifications.
    sendOrphans := func() {
        sent = middleware.notifyPublishEventOrphans(next, sent)

    // Add this function to our orphan sender functions invoked on a restart.
    // We use a closure here to release the lock as soon a possible, while maintaining
    // the guarantees of defer.
    func() {
        middleware.sendOrphans = append(middleware.sendOrphans, sendOrphans)
        defer middleware.sendOrphansLock.Unlock()

    // Return the middleware.
    return func(metadata amqpmiddleware.EventMetadata, event amqpmiddleware.EventNotifyPublish) {
        // If this is the first ever delivery we have received, update sent to
        // be equal to it's current value + this delivery tag - 1.
        // This will get our sent count in line with the current number of sent
        // notifications.
        if first {
            sent += event.Confirmation.DeliveryTag - 1
            first = false

        // Apply the offset to the delivery tag.
        event.Confirmation.DeliveryTag += middleware.tagOffset
        next(metadata, event)

// NewPublishTagsMiddleware creates a new PublishTagsMiddleware.
func NewPublishTagsMiddleware() amqpmiddleware.ProvidesMiddleware {
    count := uint64(0)
    return &PublishTagsMiddleware{
        confirmMode:     false,
        publishCount:    &count,
        tagOffset:       0,
        sendOrphans:     nil,
        sendOrphansLock: new(sync.Mutex),