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Test Coverage
package amqp

import (
    streadway ""

// notifyCancelRelay implements eventRelay for Channel.NotifyCancel.
type notifyCancelRelay struct {
    // The channel we are relaying returns to from the broker
    CallerCancellations chan<- string

    // The current broker channel we are pulling from.
    brokerCancellations <-chan string

    // handler is the base handler wrapped in all caller-supplied middleware to be
    // evoked on each event.
    handler amqpmiddleware.HandlerNotifyCancelEvents

func (relay *notifyCancelRelay) baseHandler() amqpmiddleware.HandlerNotifyCancelEvents {
    return func(_ amqpmiddleware.EventMetadata, event amqpmiddleware.EventNotifyCancel) {
        relay.CallerCancellations <- event.Cancellation

// SetupForRelayLeg implements eventRelay, and sets up a new source event channel from
// streadway/amqp.Channel.NotifyCancel
func (relay *notifyCancelRelay) SetupForRelayLeg(newChannel *streadway.Channel) error {
    brokerChannel := make(chan string, cap(relay.CallerCancellations))
    relay.brokerCancellations = brokerChannel
    return nil

// RunRelayLeg implements eventRelay, and relays streadway/amqp.Channel.NotifyCancel
// events to the original caller.
func (relay *notifyCancelRelay) RunRelayLeg(legNum int) (done bool) {
    eventNum := int64(0)
    for thisCancellation := range relay.brokerCancellations {
            createEventMetadata(legNum, eventNum),
            amqpmiddleware.EventNotifyCancel{Cancellation: thisCancellation},

    return false

// Shutdown implements eventRelay, and closes the caller-facing event channel.
func (relay *notifyCancelRelay) Shutdown() error {
    defer close(relay.CallerCancellations)
    return nil

// newNotifyReturnRelay creates a new notifyReturnRelay.
func newNotifyCancelRelay(
    callerCancellations chan<- string,
    middleware []amqpmiddleware.NotifyCancelEvents,
) *notifyCancelRelay {
    // Create the relay
    relay := &notifyCancelRelay{
        CallerCancellations: callerCancellations,

    // Apply all middleware to the handler
    relay.handler = relay.baseHandler()
    for _, thisMiddleware := range middleware {
        relay.handler = thisMiddleware(relay.handler)

    return relay