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package internal

import streadway ""

// Confirmation notifies the acknowledgment or negative acknowledgement of a
// publishing identified by its delivery tag.  Use NotifyPublish on the Channel
// to consume these events.
// --
// ROGER NOTE: As streadway/amqp.Confirmation, but with additional data on whether this
// confirmation was received directly from the broker, or created to fill in a gap in
// delivery tags that occurred due to an unexpected disconnection.
type Confirmation struct {
    // The original confirmation message, embedded in our struct so it can act as a
    // drop-in replacement

    // When DisconnectOrphan value is true, this confirmation was never received due to
    // a connection disruption, and is being reported as a NACK. However, it is possible
    // that this message DID successfully reach the server, and only the confirmation
    // response was never received.
    DisconnectOrphan bool