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Test Coverage
package amqp

import streadway ""

In this file we are going ot create type aliases for all streadway types we are NOT

// Copy over the error codes
const (
    ContentTooLarge    = streadway.ContentTooLarge
    NoRoute            = streadway.NoRoute
    NoConsumers        = streadway.NoConsumers
    ConnectionForced   = streadway.ConnectionForced
    InvalidPath        = streadway.InvalidPath
    AccessRefused      = streadway.AccessRefused
    NotFound           = streadway.NotFound
    ResourceLocked     = streadway.ResourceLocked
    PreconditionFailed = streadway.PreconditionFailed
    FrameError         = streadway.FrameError
    SyntaxError        = streadway.SyntaxError
    CommandInvalid     = streadway.CommandInvalid
    ChannelError       = streadway.ChannelError
    UnexpectedFrame    = streadway.UnexpectedFrame
    ResourceError      = streadway.ResourceError
    NotAllowed         = streadway.NotAllowed
    NotImplemented     = streadway.NotImplemented
    InternalError      = streadway.InternalError

// Aliases to sentinel errors
var (
    ErrChannelMax      = streadway.ErrChannelMax
    ErrClosed          = streadway.ErrClosed
    ErrCommandInvalid  = streadway.ErrCommandInvalid
    ErrCredentials     = streadway.ErrCredentials
    ErrFieldType       = streadway.ErrFieldType
    ErrFrame           = streadway.ErrFrame
    ErrSASL            = streadway.ErrSASL
    ErrSyntax          = streadway.ErrSyntax
    ErrUnexpectedFrame = streadway.ErrUnexpectedFrame
    ErrVhost           = streadway.ErrVhost

// DeliveryMode.  Transient means higher throughput but messages will not be
// restored on broker restart.  The delivery mode of publishings is unrelated
// to the durability of the queues they reside on.  Transient messages will
// not be restored to durable queues, persistent messages will be restored to
// durable queues and lost on non-durable queues during server restart.
// This remains typed as uint8 to match Publishing.DeliveryMode.  Other
// delivery modes specific to custom queue implementations are not enumerated
// here.
const (
    Persistent = streadway.Persistent
    Transient  = streadway.Transient

// Constants for standard AMQP 0-9-1 exchange types.
const (
    ExchangeDirect  = streadway.ExchangeDirect
    ExchangeFanout  = streadway.ExchangeFanout
    ExchangeHeaders = streadway.ExchangeHeaders
    ExchangeTopic   = streadway.ExchangeTopic

// Type Aliases
type (
    // Acknowledger notifies the server of successful or failed consumption of
    // deliveries via identifier found in the Delivery.DeliveryTag field.
    // Applications can provide mock implementations in tests of Delivery handlers.
    Acknowledger = streadway.Acknowledger

    // Authentication interface provides a means for different SASL authentication
    // mechanisms to be used during connection tuning.
    Authentication = streadway.Authentication

    // BasicChannel is an alias to streadway/amqp.Channel, and is made available to
    // avoid having to import both amqp packages if access to the base Channel type
    // is desired
    BasicChannel = streadway.Channel

    // BasicConfig is an alias to streadway/amqp.Config, and is made available to
    // avoid having to import both amqp packages if access to the base Config type
    // is desired
    BasicConfig = streadway.Config

    // BasicConnection is an alias to streadway/amqp.Connection, and is made available
    // to avoid having to import both amqp packages if access to the base Connection
    // type is desired
    BasicConnection = streadway.Connection

    // BasicConfirmation is an alias to streadway/amqp.Confirmation, and is made
    // available to avoid having to import both amqp packages if access to the base
    // Confirmation type is desired
    BasicConfirmation = streadway.Confirmation

    // Blocking notifies the server's TCP flow control of the Connection.  When a
    // server hits a memory or disk alarm it will block all connections until the
    // resources are reclaimed.  Use NotifyBlock on the Connection to receive these
    // events.
    Blocking = streadway.Blocking

    // Decimal matches the AMQP decimal type.  Scale is the number of decimal
    // digits Scale == 2, Value == 12345, Decimal == 123.45
    Decimal = streadway.Decimal

    // Error captures the code and reason a channelConsume or connection has been closed
    // by the server.
    Error = streadway.Error

    // Publishing captures the client message sent to the server.  The fields
    // outside of the Headers table included in this struct mirror the underlying
    // fields in the content frame.  They use native types for convenience and
    // efficiency.
    Publishing = streadway.Publishing

    // Queue captures the current server state of the queue on the server returned
    // from Channel.QueueDeclare or Channel.QueueInspect.
    Queue = streadway.Queue

    // Return captures a flattened struct of fields returned by the server when a
    // Publishing is unable to be delivered either due to the `mandatory` flag set
    // and no route found, or `immediate` flag set and no free consumer.
    Return = streadway.Return

    // Table stores user supplied fields of the following types:
    //   bool
    //   byte
    //   float32
    //   float64
    //   int
    //   int16
    //   int32
    //   int64
    //   nil
    //   string
    //   time.Time
    //   amqp.Decimal
    //   amqp.Table
    //   []byte
    //   []interface{} - containing above types
    // Functions taking a table will immediately fail when the table contains a
    // value of an unsupported type.
    // The caller must be specific in which precision of integer it wishes to
    // encode.
    // Use a type assertion when reading values from a table for type conversion.
    // RabbitMQ expects int32 for integer values.
    Table = streadway.Table