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package rconsumer

import (

// Consumer is a service helper for consuming messages from one or more queues.
type Consumer struct {
    // Context of the consumer. Cancelling this context will begin shutdown of the
    // consumer.
    ctx       context.Context
    cancelCtx context.CancelFunc

    // The channel we will be consuming from
    channel *amqp.Channel
    // Handlers registered to this consumer
    processors []deliveryProcessor
    // Lock for processors.
    handlersLock sync.Mutex

    // Whether the consumer has been started.
    started bool
    // This channel will be used to throttle the number of workers we can have active
    // at a single time. Whenever a new delivery is received.
    workerThrottle chan struct{}

    // errChan is the channel we should unrecoverable process errors on.
    processorErrs chan error

    // Caller options.
    opts Opts

// RegisterProcessor registers a DeliveryProcessor implementation value. Will panic
// if called after consumer start.
func (consumer *Consumer) RegisterProcessor(
    processor DeliveryProcessor,
) error {
    defer consumer.handlersLock.Unlock()

    if consumer.started {
        panic(errors.New("tried to register processor for started consumer"))

    wrappedProcessor, err := newDeliveryProcessor(processor, consumer.opts)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    consumer.processors = append(consumer.processors, wrappedProcessor)
    return nil

// handleDelivery handles a single delivery.
func (consumer *Consumer) handleDelivery(
    handler deliveryProcessor,
    delivery amqp.Delivery,
    args AmqpArgs,
    done *sync.WaitGroup,
) {
    defer done.Done()
    defer func() {
        // If we are throttling workers, free a space on the throttle at the end
        // of this work.
        if consumer.opts.maxWorkers > 0 {
            defer func() {

    deliveryCtx, deliveryCancel := context.WithCancel(consumer.ctx)
    defer deliveryCancel()
    _, _ = handler.HandleDelivery(deliveryCtx, delivery)

// runProcessor runs an individual consumer pulling from an amqp.Channel.Consume
// channel.
func (consumer *Consumer) runProcessor(
    processor deliveryProcessor,
    complete *sync.WaitGroup,
) {
    // Release work complete WaitGroup on exit.
    defer complete.Done()
    var err error

    // We need to communicate any unexpected errors to the main thread. Only th first
    // such error will be fetched, so we can move on if there is not a listener waiting
    // for it.
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
        select {
        case consumer.processorErrs <- err:

    // If the processor exited before the main context cancellation, something went
    // wrong.
    if consumer.ctx.Err() == nil {
        err = fmt.Errorf(
            "processor '%v' exited before shutdown",

    // Shut down the consumer with a 30 second timeout.
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
    defer cancel()

    err = processor.CleanupChannel(ctx,
    if err != nil {
        err = fmt.Errorf(
            "error cleaning up channels for '%v': %w", processor.AmqpArgs.Args, err,

// processDeliveries uses processor to process amqp deliveries.
func (consumer *Consumer) processDeliveries(processor deliveryProcessor) {
    // WaitGroup for workers to close when done.
    workersComplete := new(sync.WaitGroup)
    // Wait for all outstanding workers to be complete before we exit
    defer workersComplete.Wait()

    // Pull all deliveries down from the consumer.
    var delivery amqp.Delivery
    useThrottle := consumer.opts.maxWorkers > 0

    for {
        // Pull a delivery or exit on context close.
        select {
        case <-consumer.ctx.Done():
        case delivery = <-processor.consumeChan:

        // If we are throttling simultaneous worker count, we need to push to the
        // throttle channel, if the channel is full (max workers reached) this will
        // block.
        if useThrottle {
            select {
            case consumer.workerThrottle <- struct{}{}:
            case <-consumer.ctx.Done():
                // Nack this in it's own routine and exit.
                go delivery.Nack(false, true)

        go consumer.handleDelivery(processor, delivery, processor.AmqpArgs, workersComplete)

// runHandlerSetups runs all the amqp.Channel setups from our registered processors.
func (consumer *Consumer) runHandlerSetups() error {
    // Let all the processors run their setup script and return an error if.
    for i, thisProcessor := range consumer.processors {
        err := thisProcessor.SetupChannel(consumer.ctx,
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf(
                "error setting up channel for consumer %v: %w",

        // Create the consumer channel we will pull deliveries over.
        thisProcessor.consumeChan, err =
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf(
                "error consuming from queue '%v': %w", thisProcessor.AmqpArgs.ConsumerName, err,
        consumer.processors[i] = thisProcessor

    return nil

// Run the consumer. This method blocks until the consumer has completed shutdown.
func (consumer *Consumer) Run() error {
    // Close the channel on the way out
    defer consumer.StartShutdown()
    var processorErrs error

    // Launch a routine to listen for unexpected processor errors.
    errsCollected := make(chan struct{})
    go func() {
        defer close(errsCollected)
        defer consumer.StartShutdown()
        processorErrs = <-consumer.processorErrs

    // Mark the consumer as started so we can't register any more processors.
    func() {
        defer consumer.handlersLock.Unlock()
        consumer.started = true

    // Create a monitor routine to signal shutdown of the consumer in case the
    // rabbitMQ channel unexpectedly closes
    go func() {
        defer consumer.StartShutdown()
        notifyClose := make(chan *amqp.Error, 1)

    // Run all the channel setups from our processors.
    err := consumer.runHandlerSetups()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Create a WaitGroup to wait for all work to be complete.
    processorsDone := new(sync.WaitGroup)

    // Launch the individual consumers.
    for _, thisProcessor := range consumer.processors {
        go consumer.runProcessor(thisProcessor, processorsDone)

    // Wait for the processors to all exit.

    // Wait for error collection to be done.

    // Return any unexpected errors.
    return processorErrs

// StartShutdown beings shutdown of the Consumer. This method will return immediately,
// it does not block until shutdown is complete.
func (consumer *Consumer) StartShutdown() {
    defer consumer.cancelCtx()

// New returns a new consumer which will pull deliveries from the passed amqp.Channel.
func New(channel *amqp.Channel, opts Opts) *Consumer {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

    return &Consumer{
        ctx:            ctx,
        cancelCtx:      cancel,
        channel:        channel,
        processors:     nil,
        handlersLock:   sync.Mutex{},
        started:        false,
        workerThrottle: make(chan struct{}, opts.maxWorkers),
        processorErrs:  make(chan error),
        opts:           opts,