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package rproducer

import (

// Producer is a wrapper for an amqp channel that handles the boilerplate of confirming
// publishings, retrying nacked messages, and other useful quality of life features.
type Producer struct {
    // Context for the producer.
    ctx              context.Context
    ctxCancel        context.CancelFunc
    publishQueueLock *sync.RWMutex

    // The channel we will be running publishing on. This producer is expected to have
    // full ownership of this channel. Any additional operations that occur on this
    // channel after it is passed to the producer may result in unexpected behavior.
    channel *amqp.Channel
    // Channel receiving events from channel.NotifyPublish.
    publishEvents chan amqp.Confirmation

    // Internal Queue for messages waiting to be published.
    publishQueue chan *Publication
    // Internal Queue of messages that have been sent to the broker, but are awaiting
    // confirmation.
    confirmQueue chan *Publication

    // Caller options for producer behavior
    opts Opts

// runPublisher runs the main loop of the publisher.
func (producer *Producer) runPublisher() {
    // close the confirmation Queue on the way out, letting the confirmation wrap up
    // work and exit.
    defer close(producer.confirmQueue)

    // Keep track of the current delivery tag.
    deliveryTag := uint64(0)

    // Range over our publish Queue.
    for thisOrder := range producer.publishQueue {
        // If the context has expired on this publication, skip it.
        if thisOrder.ctx.Err() != nil {

        err :=
        if err != nil {
            // Return the error
            thisOrder.result <- ErrPublish{AmqpErr: err}

        // Increment the delivery tag
        // If we are not confirming publications, continue
        if !producer.opts.confirmPublish {

        // If we are confirming orders, send this to the confirmation routine. We don't
        // want to check if the requester context has cancelled, as we already sent
        // the message, and need to tack it to make sure our confirmations line up
        thisOrder.publicationTag = deliveryTag
        producer.confirmQueue <- thisOrder

// runConfirmations runs the confirmation listener, which listens to confirmation
// events from the amqp.Channel and routes them to the correct caller.
func (producer *Producer) runConfirmations() {
    // start shutdown if something goes horribly wrong here.
    defer producer.StartShutdown()

    // Iterate over our internal confirmation Queue
    for thisOrder := range producer.confirmQueue {
        // Get the next confirmation. Because confirmations are returned by the client
        // in order, we don't have to worry bout lining them up. We are getting
        // publications in order from both confirmQueue and
        confirmation, ok := <-producer.publishEvents
        if !ok {
            // If this channel is closed, then this is an orphan and we should send
            // a closed err. This channel will not be opened again.
            thisOrder.result <- amqp.ErrClosed

        if confirmation.DeliveryTag != thisOrder.publicationTag {
                "confirmation delivery tag %v does not line up with order"+
                    " delivery tag %v",

        // If this was an ack, send an ack result
        if confirmation.Ack {
            thisOrder.result <- nil
        } else {
            // Otherwise return a nack error with orphan information
            thisOrder.result <- ErrNack{Orphan: confirmation.DisconnectOrphan}

// Publish a message. This method is goroutine safe, even when confirming publications
// with the broker. When confirming messages with a broker, this method will block until
// the broker confirms the message publication or ctx is cancelled.
// Cancelling the context will cause this method to return, but have no other effect
// if the message has already been sent to thr broker and we are waiting for a response.
func (producer *Producer) Publish(
    ctx context.Context,
    exchange string,
    key string,
    mandatory bool,
    immediate bool,
    msg amqp.Publishing,
) (err error) {
    // Create the order.
    order := &Publication{
        // Use the producer context.
        ctx: ctx,
        // Save the args
        args: publishArgs{
            Exchange:  exchange,
            Key:       key,
            Mandatory: mandatory,
            Immediate: immediate,
            Msg:       msg,
        // Set the delivery tag to 0, a proper tag will be set once publication occurs.
        publicationTag: 0,
        // Buffer the result channel by 1 so we never block the publication routine.
        result: make(chan error, 1),

    if err = producer.queueOrder(order); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error queuing order: %w", err)

    if err = order.WaitOnConfirmation(); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error waiting for order publication: %w", err)

    return nil

// QueueForPublication is as Publish, but only puts the order into an internal queue
// before returning, allowing the user to wait on publication confirmation themselves
// through the returned Publication value.
// Useful when ensuring publication order is important.
func (producer *Producer) QueueForPublication(
    ctx context.Context,
    exchange string,
    key string,
    mandatory bool,
    immediate bool,
    msg amqp.Publishing,
) (order *Publication, err error) {
    // Create the order.
    order = &Publication{
        // Use the producer context.
        ctx: ctx,
        // Save the args
        args: publishArgs{
            Exchange:  exchange,
            Key:       key,
            Mandatory: mandatory,
            Immediate: immediate,
            Msg:       msg,
        // Set the delivery tag to 0, a proper tag will be set once publication occurs.
        publicationTag: 0,
        // Buffer the result channel by 1 so we never block the publication routine.
        result: make(chan error, 1),

    if err = producer.queueOrder(order); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error queuing order: %w", err)

    return order, nil

func (producer *Producer) queueOrder(order *Publication) error {
    // We are going to use a closure to grab and release the lock so we don't hold onto
    // it longer than we have to.
    err := func() error {
        // Put a read hold on closing the order channel so it isn't closed out from
        // under us.
        defer producer.publishQueueLock.RUnlock()

        // Exit if the context has been cancelled.
        if producer.ctx.Err() != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("publisher cancelled: %w", producer.ctx.Err())

        // Push the order into our internal Queue, or return an error if our context is
        // cancelled before there is room.
        select {
        case producer.publishQueue <- order:
        case <-producer.ctx.Done():
            return fmt.Errorf("publisher cancelled: %w", producer.ctx.Err())
        case <-order.ctx.Done():
            return fmt.Errorf("message cancelled: %w", order.ctx.Err())

        return nil

    // If we got an error from a cancelled context, return it.
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

// Run the producer, this method blocks until the producer has been shut down.
func (producer *Producer) Run() error {
    // Make sure we are not re-running an closed producer.
    if producer.ctx.Err() != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf(
            "cannot run cancelled producer: %w", producer.ctx.Err(),

    // Close the amqp channel when all work is done.

    // If we are confirming publications, place the channel into confirm mode.
    if producer.opts.confirmPublish {
        err :=
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error placing channel into confirm mode: %w", err)

        // Register our confirmation channel with the amqp channel.

    // Launch a monitor that will listen for an unexpected channel closure, and shutdown
    // the producer if it occurs.
    go func() {
        defer producer.StartShutdown()
        notifyClose := make(chan *amqp.Error, 1)

    // All our workers will release this group when the producer is done.
    complete := new(sync.WaitGroup)

    // Launch a monitor routine to close the internal order Queue when the producer
    // context is cancelled. We run this in it's own routine rather than making it
    // part of the shutdown function so publishQueue is only closed once.
    go func() {
        defer complete.Done()
        // Unlock the lock, allowing new publishers to encounter the closed context and
        // error without panicking on a closed channel.
        defer producer.publishQueueLock.Unlock()
        // Close the publish Queue, allowing the publish routine to wrap up and spin
        // down.
        defer close(producer.publishQueue)
        // Grab the publish lock for write, this will block the publish function from
        // placing any new messages into the internal Queue, and will allow any in the
        // process of doing so to finish before we close that Queue, avoiding panics
        // from sending to a closed channel.
        defer producer.publishQueueLock.Lock()

        // Wait for the producer context to be cancelled.

    // Launch the confirmation routine.
    go func() {
        defer complete.Done()

    // Launch the publisher routine.
    go func() {
        defer complete.Done()

    // Wait for all worker routines to wrap up and exit.
    return nil

// StartShutdown begins the shutdown of the producer. This method may exit before
// remaining work is completed.
func (producer *Producer) StartShutdown() {
    // Cancel the main context
    defer producer.ctxCancel()

// New creates a new producer using the given amqp.Channel and opts.
// amqpChannel should be a fresh channel that has been configured with the correct
// queues for the producer. It should have no messages published through it before it
// is passed to this method.
// Once the channel is passed to the producer, the producer should be considered to
// own it. No additional operations should be done through amqpChannel once it is
// passed to this method. The channel will be closed upon producer shutdown. A single
// channel should NOT be passed to multiple producers.
// If opts.confirmPublish is set to true, the channel will be put into confirm mode
// by the producer. There is no need to do so before passing it to this method.
// If opts is nil, default options will be used.
func New(amqpChannel *amqp.Channel, opts *Opts) *Producer {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

    if opts == nil {
        opts = NewOpts()

    return &Producer{
        ctx:              ctx,
        ctxCancel:        cancel,
        publishQueueLock: new(sync.RWMutex),
        channel:          amqpChannel,
        publishEvents:    make(chan amqp.Confirmation, opts.internalQueueCapacity),
        publishQueue:     make(chan *Publication, opts.internalQueueCapacity),
        confirmQueue:     make(chan *Publication, opts.internalQueueCapacity),
        opts:             *opts,