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Test Coverage
package rproducer

import (

// Publication is the order for a publications.
type Publication struct {
    // ctx is a context for this order from the original caller.
    ctx context.Context

    // publishArgs are the embedded publication args.
    args publishArgs

    // publicationTag is set by the publishing routine after a successful publication.
    publicationTag uint64
    tagSet         bool

    // result us a channel we will send publishing results back to the original caller
    // with.
    result chan error

// WaitOnConfirmation blocks until the message is confirmed / nacked by the broker
// or the context of the publication cancels.
func (order *Publication) WaitOnConfirmation() error {
    // Block until we have a final result, then return it.
    select {
    case result := <-order.result:
        return result
    case <-order.ctx.Done():
        return fmt.Errorf("message cancelled: %w", order.ctx.Err())

// publishArgs are the args we are going to call channel.Publish with. See that methods
// documentation for details on each args meaning.
type publishArgs struct {
    Exchange  string
    Key       string
    Mandatory bool
    Immediate bool
    Msg       amqp.Publishing