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Sources/Currency/Documentation.docc/Symbol Extensions/


Test Coverage
# ``Currency/CurrencyMint``

## Overview

By default, the generator only references the [ISO 4217]( specification
of identifiers to determine which currency type to create.

let usd = CurrencyMint.standard.make(identifier: "USD", amount: 30.23)
// USD(30.23)

### Custom Currencies

If it's desired to support currencies not found in the supported ISO 4217 specification,
a closure that will be referenced as a fallback can be provided at initialization:

let mint = CurrencyMint(fallbackLookup: { identifier in
  guard identifier == .alphaCode("KED") else {
    return USD.self // or nil
  return KED.self // the custom currency type
let ked = mint.make(identifier: "KED")
let unknownCurrency = mint.make(identifier: 666)
print(ked, unknownCurrency)
// KED(0), USD(0)

### Fallback Currencies

In most cases, it's desired to just provide a single fallback currency when type lookup fails:

let mint = CurrencyMint(defaultCurrency: USD.self)
let value = mint.make(identifier: "_SL", amount: 300)
// USD(300)

> _Since currency values are stored in their "minor units", usually known as the smallest value of coinage, it made sense to use the term [**mint** in the type's name, after the facilities responsible for manufacturing a currency's coins](

## Topics

### Creating a Mint

- ``CurrencyMint/standard``
- ``CurrencyMint/init(defaultCurrency:)``

### Minting Currency Values

- ``CurrencyMint/CurrencyIdentifier``
- ``make(identifier:amount:)``
- ``make(identifier:minorUnits:)``

### Customizing Mint Behavior

- ``CurrencyMint/IdentifierLookup``
- ``CurrencyMint/init(fallbackLookup:)``

### Custom Currency Support

- <doc:custom_currencies>