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package viz

import (


type Wrapper interface {
    Wrap(interface{}) error
    Call(fname string, args ...interface{}) (out []reflect.Value)

type VisualizerWrapper interface {
    // Visualize after data can be collected so there is some thing to visualize

type Visualizer interface {
    Visualize() interface{}

type AlgVisualWrapperExtraMemory struct {
    m interface{} // need to handle it manually.., active one and another one, and we need merge two graph

type AlgVisualWrapper struct {
    funcs_to_wrap  map[reflect.Type][]string // what needs to record
    d              interface{}               // wrapped datastructure
    stepper        *VisualizerStepper        // store graphs, should store call info too
    enabledV       bool
    funcCallDetail map[string]interface{} // record Get Swap detail, for visualize

func hookTable() map[reflect.Type]([]string) {
    toHook := make(map[reflect.Type]([]string))
    // not possible to
    arraylist := arraylist.New()
    doublylinkedlist := doublylinkedlist.New()
    singlylinkedlist := singlylinkedlist.New()
    // treemap := treemap.NewWith(comparator utils.Comparator)
    treemap := treemap.NewWithIntComparator()
    // treemap := treemap.NewWithStringComparator()
    arraystack := arraystack.New()
    // avltree := avltree.NewWith(comparator utils.Comparator)
    avltree := avltree.NewWithIntComparator()
    // avltree := avltree.NewWithStringComparator()
    // binaryheap := binaryheap.NewWith(comparator utils.Comparator)
    binaryheap := binaryheap.NewWithIntComparator()
    // binaryheap := binaryheap.NewWithStringComparator()
    // btree := btree.NewWith(order int, comparator utils.Comparator)
    // btree := btree.NewWithIntComparator(order int)
    btree := btree.NewWithIntComparator(4)
    // btree := btree.NewWithStringComparator(order int)
    // redblacktree := redblacktree.NewWith(comparator utils.Comparator)
    redblacktree := redblacktree.NewWithIntComparator()
    // redblacktree := redblacktree.NewWithStringComparator()
    toHook[reflect.TypeOf(arraylist)] = []string{"Add", "Remove", "Clear", "Swap", "Insert", "Get"} // Get to visualize sorting algs, Swap needed too
    toHook[reflect.TypeOf(doublylinkedlist)] = []string{"Add", "Remove", "Clear", "Swap", "Insert"}
    toHook[reflect.TypeOf(singlylinkedlist)] = []string{"Add", "Remove", "Clear", "Swap", "Insert"}
    toHook[reflect.TypeOf(treemap)] = []string{"Put", "Remove", "Clear"}
    toHook[reflect.TypeOf(arraystack)] = []string{"Push", "Pop", "Clear"}
    toHook[reflect.TypeOf(avltree)] = []string{"Push", "Pop", "Remove", "Clear"}
    toHook[reflect.TypeOf(binaryheap)] = []string{"Push", "Pop", "Clear"}
    toHook[reflect.TypeOf(btree)] = []string{"Put", "Remove", "Clear"}
    toHook[reflect.TypeOf(redblacktree)] = []string{"Put", "Remove", "Clear"}

    return toHook

// NewAlgVisualWrapper is for generating grapsh for our datastructure
func NewAlgVisualWrapper() *AlgVisualWrapper {
    toHook := hookTable()

    return &AlgVisualWrapper{toHook, reflect.ValueOf(nil), NewVisualizerStepper(), true, make(map[string]interface{}, 0)}

func NewAlgVisualWrapperExtraMemory() *AlgVisualWrapperExtraMemory {
    return &AlgVisualWrapperExtraMemory{NewAlgVisualWrapper(), nil}

// invoke is copied from
func invoke(any interface{}, name string, args ...interface{}) []reflect.Value {
    inputs := make([]reflect.Value, len(args))
    for i, _ := range args {
        inputs[i] = reflect.ValueOf(args[i])
    v := reflect.ValueOf(any)
    m := v.MethodByName(name)

    return m.Call(inputs)

// invoke is copied from
func invokeWithValue(any interface{}, name string, args ...interface{}) []reflect.Value {
    inputs := make([]reflect.Value, len(args))
    for i := range args {
        inputs[i] = reflect.ValueOf(args[i])

    var m reflect.Value
    switch t := any.(type) {
    case binaryheap.Heap: // 1. type switch , 2 different functions to hook
        v := any.(binaryheap.Heap)
        m = reflect.ValueOf(&v).MethodByName(name)
    case btree.Tree: // 1. type switch , 2 different functions to hook
        v := any.(binaryheap.Heap)
        m = reflect.ValueOf(&v).MethodByName(name)
        log.Printf("Type %s not found\n", t)
    return m.Call(inputs)

func (avw *AlgVisualWrapperExtraMemory) Call(fname string, args ...interface{}) (out []reflect.Value) {
    //t := avw.d.Type()
    //switch t := di.(type) {
    //case binaryheap.Heap: // 1. type switch , 2 different functions to hook
    //    dp, _ = &di.(binaryheap.Heap)
    //case btree.Tree: // 1. type switch , 2 different functions to hook
    //    dp, _ = di.(btree.Tree)
    //    log.Printf("Type %s not found\n", t)
    inputs := make([]reflect.Value, len(args))
    for i := range args {
        inputs[i] = reflect.ValueOf(args[i])

    var m reflect.Value
    // Visualize function of different data structure

    switch t := avw.d.(type) {
    case *binaryheap.Heap: // 1. type switch , 2 different functions to hook
        v := avw.d.(*binaryheap.Heap)
        m = reflect.ValueOf(v).MethodByName(fname)
    case *btree.Tree: // 1. type switch , 2 different functions to hook
        v := avw.d.(*binaryheap.Heap)
        m = reflect.ValueOf(v).MethodByName(fname)
    case *arraylist.List: // 1. type switch , 2 different functions to hook
        v := avw.d.(*arraylist.List)
        m = reflect.ValueOf(v).MethodByName(fname)
        log.Printf("Type %s not found\n", t)

    var hooked bool = false
    for _, f := range avw.funcs_to_wrap[reflect.TypeOf(avw.d)] {
        if f == fname {
            hooked = true
    if hooked {
        avw.funcCallDetail[fname] = args
        // Call Visualize
        vrv := avw.visualize1StepBefore(fname, args...)
        if vrv != "" {
        out = m.Call(inputs)
        vrv = avw.visualize1StepAfter(fname, args...)
    } else {
        out = m.Call(inputs)

// Wrap should learn from this
// So we need to creat type and its function in the runtime
// Or we need to hack to hook functions to original function in runtime
func (avw *AlgVisualWrapper) Wrap(i interface{}) error {
    //_, ok := i.(Visualizer) // i is an interface wrapped a pointer to struct
    //if !ok {
    //    panic(0)
    //    //return errors.New("Visualization wrap error, cannot find proper interface")
    avw.d = i // we know it is a pointer
    return nil
func (avw *AlgVisualWrapper) Call(fname string, args ...interface{}) (out []reflect.Value) {
    //t := avw.d.Type()
    //switch t := di.(type) {
    //case binaryheap.Heap: // 1. type switch , 2 different functions to hook
    //    dp, _ = &di.(binaryheap.Heap)
    //case btree.Tree: // 1. type switch , 2 different functions to hook
    //    dp, _ = di.(btree.Tree)
    //    log.Printf("Type %s not found\n", t)
    inputs := make([]reflect.Value, len(args))
    for i := range args {
        inputs[i] = reflect.ValueOf(args[i])

    var m reflect.Value
    // Visualize function of different data structure

    switch t := avw.d.(type) {
    case *binaryheap.Heap: // 1. type switch , 2 different functions to hook
        v := avw.d.(*binaryheap.Heap)
        m = reflect.ValueOf(v).MethodByName(fname)
    case *btree.Tree: // 1. type switch , 2 different functions to hook
        v := avw.d.(*binaryheap.Heap)
        m = reflect.ValueOf(v).MethodByName(fname)
    case *arraylist.List: // 1. type switch , 2 different functions to hook
        v := avw.d.(*arraylist.List)
        m = reflect.ValueOf(v).MethodByName(fname)
        log.Printf("Type %s not found\n", t)

    var hooked bool = false
    for _, f := range avw.funcs_to_wrap[reflect.TypeOf(avw.d)] {
        if f == fname {
            hooked = true
    if hooked {
        avw.funcCallDetail[fname] = args
        // Call Visualize
        vrv := avw.visualize1StepBefore(fname, args...)
        if vrv != "" {
        out = m.Call(inputs)
        vrv = avw.visualize1StepAfter(fname, args...)
    } else {
        out = m.Call(inputs)

func (avw *AlgVisualWrapperExtraMemory) Wrap(itfc interface{}) error {
    interfaces := itfc.([]interface{})

    i := interfaces[0]
    ie := interfaces[1]
    //log.Printf("%t,%v,\n %t,%v,\n %t,%v\n", interfaces, interfaces, i, i, ie, ie)

    //_, ok := i.(Visualizer) // i is an interface wrapped a pointer to struct
    //if !ok {
    //    panic(0)
    //    //return errors.New("Visualization wrap error, cannot find proper interface")
    avw.d = i // we know it is a pointer
    avw.m = ie
    return nil

func (avw *AlgVisualWrapper) Visualize() interface{} {
    if !avw.enabledV {
        return nil

    gs, err := avw.stepper.Steps()
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("Visualize error: %s\n", err)
        return nil
    for _, g := range gs { // format for prettier print
    return gs

func (v *AlgVisualWrapperExtraMemory) visualize1StepAfter(fname string, args ...interface{}) (dotString string) {
    var nodeProp, nodeProp2 string
    var getIndex int
    var swapIdA, swapIdB int
    if fname == "Get" {
        nodeProp = "[color=black style=filled fillcolor=yellow]"
        getIndex = args[0].(int)
    if fname == "Swap" {
        swapIdA, swapIdB = args[0].(int), args[1].(int)
        nodeProp = "[color=red style=filled fillcolor=red]"
        nodeProp2 = "[color=blue style=filled fillcolor=blue]"

    switch t := v.d.(type) {
    case *arraylist.List:
        // Get indicate the function name
        // Swap to get us two graph, before and after swap
        values := []string{}
        dotString = "digraph graphname{bgcolor=white;subgraph cluster_0 {style=filled;color=lightgrey;node [style=filled,color=white, shape=\"Msquare\"];"
        for i, value := range v.d.(*arraylist.List).Values() {
            switch i {
            case getIndex:
                values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", value, nodeProp))
            case swapIdA:
                values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", value, nodeProp))
            case swapIdB:
                values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", value, nodeProp2))
                values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v", value))
            dotString += values[len(values)-1] + ";"
        dotString += "}}"
        astFile, err := dot.ParseString(dotString)

        if err == nil {
            astFileExtra, err := dot.ParseString(visualizeList(v.m.(*arraylist.List)))
            if err == nil {

                g := astFile.Graphs[0]
                ge := astFileExtra.Graphs[0]
                clusterChangeNodeName(ge, "_", "_")
                g.Stmts = append(g.Stmts, ge.Stmts...)

                dotString = g.String()
        log.Printf("Type %s not found\n", t)
    return dotString

func subgraphChangeNodeName(g *ast.Subgraph, pre string, ap string) {
    for _, s := range g.Stmts {
        switch s.(type) {
        case *ast.NodeStmt:
            n := s.(*ast.NodeStmt)
            n.Node.ID = pre + n.Node.ID
        case *ast.Subgraph:
            sg := s.(*ast.Subgraph)
            sg.ID = sg.ID + ap
            subgraphChangeNodeName(sg, pre, ap)

func clusterChangeNodeName(g *ast.Graph, pre string, ap string) {
    for _, s := range g.Stmts {
        switch s.(type) {
        case *ast.NodeStmt:
            n := s.(*ast.NodeStmt)
            n.Node.ID = pre + n.Node.ID
        case *ast.Subgraph:
            sg := s.(*ast.Subgraph)
            sg.ID = sg.ID + ap
            subgraphChangeNodeName(sg, pre, ap)

func (avw *AlgVisualWrapperExtraMemory) visualize1StepBefore(fname string, args ...interface{}) (dotString string) {
    var nodeProp2, nodeProp string
    var swapIdA, swapIdB int
    switch fname {
    case "Swap":
        swapIdA, swapIdB = args[0].(int), args[1].(int)
        nodeProp = "[color=red style=filled fillcolor=red]"
        nodeProp2 = "[color=blue style=filled fillcolor=blue]"

    switch t := avw.d.(type) {
    case *arraylist.List:
        // Get indicate the function name
        // Swap to get us two graph, before and after swap
        values := []string{}
        dotString = "digraph graphname{bgcolor=white;subgraph cluster_0 {style=filled;color=lightgrey;node [style=filled,color=white, shape=\"Msquare\"];"
        for i, value := range avw.d.(*arraylist.List).Values() {
            switch i {
            case swapIdA:
                values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", value, nodeProp))
            case swapIdB:
                values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", value, nodeProp2))
                values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v", value))
            dotString += values[len(values)-1] + ";"
        dotString += "}}" // only one graph

        astFile, err := dot.ParseString(dotString)

        if err == nil {
            dotString = astFile.String()

        if err == nil {
            astFileExtra, err := dot.ParseString(visualizeList(avw.m.(*arraylist.List)))
            if err == nil {

                g := astFile.Graphs[0]
                ge := astFileExtra.Graphs[0]
                clusterChangeNodeName(ge, "_", "_")
                g.Stmts = append(g.Stmts, ge.Stmts...)

                dotString = g.String()
        log.Printf("Type %s not found\n", t)

func (avw *AlgVisualWrapper) visualize1StepBefore(fname string, args ...interface{}) (dotString string) {
    var nodeProp2, nodeProp string
    var swapIdA, swapIdB int
    switch fname {
    case "Swap":
        swapIdA, swapIdB = args[0].(int), args[1].(int)
        nodeProp = "[color=red style=filled fillcolor=red]"
        nodeProp2 = "[color=blue style=filled fillcolor=blue]"

    switch t := avw.d.(type) {
    case *arraylist.List:
        // Get indicate the function name
        // Swap to get us two graph, before and after swap
        values := []string{}
        dotString = "digraph graphname{bgcolor=white;subgraph cluster_0 {style=filled;color=lightgrey;node [style=filled,color=white, shape=\"Msquare\"];"
        for i, value := range avw.d.(*arraylist.List).Values() {
            switch i {
            case swapIdA:
                values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", value, nodeProp))
            case swapIdB:
                values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", value, nodeProp2))
                values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v", value))
            dotString += values[len(values)-1] + ";"
        dotString += "}}" // only one graph

        astFile, err := dot.ParseString(dotString)

        if err == nil {
            dotString = astFile.String()
        log.Printf("Type %s not found\n", t)

func visualizeList(list *arraylist.List) string {

    values := []string{}
    dotString := "digraph graphname{bgcolor=white;subgraph cluster_0 {style=filled;color=lightgrey;node [style=filled,color=white, shape=\"Msquare\"];"
    for _, value := range list.Values() {
        values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v", value))
        dotString += values[len(values)-1] + ";"
    dotString += "}}" // only one graph

    return dotString


// Visualizer makes a visual image demonstrating the list data structure
// using dot language and Graphviz. It first producs a dot string corresponding
// to the list and then runs graphviz to output the resulting image to a file.
func (avw *AlgVisualWrapper) visualize1StepAfter(fname string, args ...interface{}) string {
    var dotString string
    var nodeProp, nodeProp2 string
    var getIndex int
    var swapIdA, swapIdB int
    if fname == "Get" {
        nodeProp = "[color=black style=filled fillcolor=yellow]"
        getIndex = args[0].(int)
    if fname == "Swap" {
        swapIdA, swapIdB = args[0].(int), args[1].(int)
        nodeProp = "[color=red style=filled fillcolor=red]"
        nodeProp2 = "[color=blue style=filled fillcolor=blue]"

    switch t := avw.d.(type) {
    case *arraylist.List:
        // Get indicate the function name
        // Swap to get us two graph, before and after swap
        values := []string{}
        dotString = "digraph graphname{bgcolor=white;subgraph cluster_0 {style=filled;color=lightgrey;node [style=filled,color=white, shape=\"Msquare\"];"
        for i, value := range avw.d.(*arraylist.List).Values() {
            switch i {
            case getIndex:
                values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", value, nodeProp))
            case swapIdA:
                values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", value, nodeProp))
            case swapIdB:
                values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", value, nodeProp2))
                values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v", value))
            dotString += values[len(values)-1] + ";"
        dotString += "}}"
        astFile, err := dot.ParseString(dotString)

        if err == nil {
            dotString = astFile.String()
        log.Printf("Type %s not found\n", t)
    return dotString