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Test Coverage
box: wercker/rvm

# Build definition
    # The steps that will be executed on build
    # See the Ruby section on the wercker devcenter:
        # Uncomment this to force RVM to use a specific Ruby version
        - rvm-use:
              version: 2.1.5

        - script:
            name: Enable virtual display
            code: |-
              # Start xvfb which gives the context an virtual display
              # which is required for tests that require an GUI
              export DISPLAY=:99.0
              start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /tmp/ --make-pidfile --background --exec /usr/bin/Xvfb -- :99 -screen 0 1024x768x24 -ac +extension GLX +render -noreset
              # Give xvfb time to start. 3 seconds is the default for all xvfb-run commands.
              sleep 3

        # Install Qt library
        - install-packages:
            packages: libqtwebkit-dev

        # A step that executes `bundle install` command
        - bundle-install

        # A custom script step, name value is used in the UI
        # and the code value contains the command that get executed
        - script:
            name: echo ruby information
            code: |
                echo "ruby version $(ruby --version) running"
                echo "from location $(which ruby)"
                echo -p "gem list: $(gem list)"
        - script:
           name: Setup Dummy Spree app
           code: bundle exec rake test_app
        - script:
           name: rspec
           code: bundle exec rspec