# encoding: ASCII-8BIT
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'pwnlib/context'
module Pwnlib
module Util
# Methods for integer pack/unpack.
# @example Call by specifying full module path.
# require 'pwnlib/util/packing'
# Pwnlib::Util::Packing.p8(217) #=> "\xD9"
# @example require 'pwn' and have all methods.
# require 'pwn'
# p8(217) #=> "\xD9"
module Packing
# Pack arbitrary-sized integer.
# +bits+ indicates number of bits that packed output should use.
# The output would be padded to be byte-aligned.
# +bits+ can also be the string 'all', indicating that the result should be long enough to hold all bits of the
# number.
# @param [Integer] number
# Number to be packed.
# @param [Integer, 'all'] bits
# Number of bits the output should have, or +'all'+ for all bits.
# Default to +context.bits+.
# @param [String] endian
# Endian to use when packing.
# Can be any value accepted by context (See {Context::ContextType}).
# Default to +context.endian+.
# @param [Boolean, String] signed
# Whether the input number should be considered signed when +bits+ is +'all'+.
# Can be any value accepted by context (See {Context::ContextType}).
# Default to +context.signed+.
# @return [String]
# The packed string.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# When input integer can't be packed into the size specified by +bits+ and +signed+.
# @example
# pack(0x34, bits: 8) #=> '4'
# pack(0x1234, bits: 16, endian: 'little') #=> "4\x12"
# pack(0xFF, bits: 'all', signed: false) #=> "\xFF"
# pack(0xFF, bits: 'all', endian: 'big', signed: true) #=> "\x00\xFF"
def pack(number, bits: nil, endian: nil, signed: nil)
if bits == 'all'
bits = nil
is_all = true
is_all = false
context.local(bits: bits, endian: endian, signed: signed) do
bits = context.bits
endian = context.endian
signed = context.signed
# Verify that bits make sense
if signed
bits = (number.bit_length | 7) + 1 if is_all
limit = 1 << (bits - 1)
unless -limit <= number && number < limit
raise ArgumentError, "signed number=#{number} does not fit within bits=#{bits}"
if is_all
raise ArgumentError, "Can't pack negative number with bits='all' and signed=false" if number.negative?
bits = ? 8 : ((number.bit_length - 1) | 7) + 1
limit = 1 << bits
unless 0 <= number && number < limit
raise ArgumentError, "unsigned number=#{number} does not fit within bits=#{bits}"
number &= (1 << bits) - 1
bytes = (bits + 7) / 8
out = []
bytes.times do
out << (number & 0xFF)
number >>= 8
out = out.pack('C*')
endian == 'little' ? out : out.reverse
# Unpack packed string back to integer.
# +bits+ indicates number of bits that should be used from input data.
# +bits+ can also be the string +'all'+, indicating that all bytes from input should be used.
# @param [String] data
# String to be unpacked.
# @param [Integer, 'all'] bits
# Number of bits to be used from +data+, or +'all'+ for all bits.
# Default to +context.bits+
# @param [String] endian
# Endian to use when unpacking.
# Can be any value accepted by context (See {Context::ContextType}).
# Default to +context.endian+.
# @param [Boolean, String] signed
# Whether the output number should be signed.
# Can be any value accepted by context (See {Context::ContextType}).
# Default to +context.signed+.
# @return [Integer]
# The unpacked number.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# When +data.size+ doesn't match +bits+.
# @example
# unpack('4', bits: 8) #=> 52
# unpack("\x3F", bits: 6, signed: false) #=> 63
# unpack("\x3F", bits: 6, signed: true) #=> -1
def unpack(data, bits: nil, endian: nil, signed: nil)
bits = data.size * 8 if bits == 'all'
context.local(bits: bits, endian: endian, signed: signed) do
bits = context.bits
endian = context.endian
signed = context.signed
bytes = (bits + 7) / 8
raise ArgumentError, "data.size=#{data.size} does not match with bits=#{bits}" unless data.size == bytes
data = data.reverse if endian == 'little'
data = data.unpack('C*')
number = 0
data.each { |c| number = (number << 8) + c }
number &= (1 << bits) - 1
if signed
signbit = number & (1 << (bits - 1))
number -= 2 * signbit
# Split the data into chunks, and unpack each element.
# +bits+ indicates how many bits each chunk should be.
# This should be a multiple of 8, and size of +data+ should be divisible by +bits / 8+.
# +bits+ can also be the string +'all'+, indicating that all bytes from input would be used, and result would be
# an array with one element.
# @param [String] data
# String to be unpacked.
# @param [Integer, 'all'] bits
# Number of bits to be used for each chunk of +data+,
# or +'all'+ for all bits.
# Default to +context.bits+
# @param [String] endian
# Endian to use when unpacking.
# Can be any value accepted by context (See {Context::ContextType}).
# Default to +context.endian+.
# @param [Boolean, String] signed
# Whether the output number should be signed.
# Can be any value accepted by context (See {Context::ContextType}).
# Default to +context.signed+.
# @return [Array<Integer>]
# The unpacked numbers.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# When +bits+ isn't divisible by 8 or +data.size+ isn't divisible by +bits / 8+.
# @todo
# Support +bits+ not divisible by 8, if ever found this useful.
# @example
# unpack_many('haha', bits: 8) #=> [104, 97, 104, 97]
# unpack_many("\xFF\x01\x02\xFE", bits: 16, endian: 'little', signed: true) #=> [511, -510]
# unpack_many("\xFF\x01\x02\xFE", bits: 16, endian: 'big', signed: false) #=> [65281, 766]
def unpack_many(data, bits: nil, endian: nil, signed: nil)
return [unpack(data, bits: bits, endian: endian, signed: signed)] if bits == 'all'
context.local(bits: bits, endian: endian, signed: signed) do
bits = context.bits
# TODO(Darkpi): Support this if found useful.
raise ArgumentError, 'bits must be a multiple of 8' if bits % 8 != 0
bytes = bits / 8
raise ArgumentError, "data.size=#{data.size} must be a multiple of bytes=#{bytes}" if data.size % bytes != 0
ret = []
(data.size / bytes).times do |idx|
x1 = idx * bytes
x2 = x1 + bytes
# We already set local context, no need to pass things down.
ret << unpack(data[x1...x2], bits: bits)
{ 8 => 'c', 16 => 's', 32 => 'l', 64 => 'q' }.each do |sz, ch|
define_method("p#{sz}") do |num, **kwargs|
context.local(**kwargs) do
c = context.signed ? ch : ch.upcase
arrow = context.endian == 'little' ? '<' : '>'
arrow = '' if sz == 8
define_method("u#{sz}") do |data, **kwargs|
context.local(**kwargs) do
c = context.signed ? ch : ch.upcase
arrow = context.endian == 'little' ? '<' : '>'
arrow = '' if sz == 8
# TODO(Darkpi):
# pwntools-python have this for performance reason, but current implementation doesn't offer that much
# performance relative to what pwntools-python do. Maybe we should initialize those functions (p8lu, ...)
# like in pwntools-python?
[%w(pack p), %w(unpack u)].each do |v1, v2|
define_method("make_#{v1}er") do |bits: nil, endian: nil, signed: nil|
context.local(bits: bits, endian: endian, signed: signed) do
bits = context.bits
endian = context.endian
signed = context.signed
if [8, 16, 32, 64].include?(bits)
->(num) { ::Pwnlib::Util::Packing.public_send("#{v2}#{bits}", num, endian: endian, signed: signed) }
->(num) { ::Pwnlib::Util::Packing.public_send(v1, num, bits: bits, endian: endian, signed: signed) }
def flat(*args, **kwargs, &preprocessor)
ret = []
p = make_packer(**kwargs)
args.each do |it|
if preprocessor && !it.is_a?(Array)
r = preprocessor[it]
it = r unless r.nil?
v = case it
when Array then flat(*it, **kwargs, &preprocessor)
when Integer then p[it]
when String then it.dup.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') # dup in case 'it' is frozen
raise ArgumentError, "flat does not support values of type #{it.class}"
ret << v
# TODO(Darkpi): fit! Which seems super useful.
include ::Pwnlib::Context