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.. towncrier release notes start

1.0.0 (2019-11-27)


- Version 1.0.0 released.

1.0.0 (2019-11-27)


- Version 1.0.0 released.

1.0.0a11 (2019-11-27)


- Switch to tag-based releases.

1.0.0a10 (2019-11-26)

Breaking changes:

- Removed support for :attr:`gender`, :attr:`link` and :attr:`birth_date` from :class:`.oauth2.Google` provider.
- Removed ::attr:`User.location` in the class:`.oauth2.LinkedIn` provider.

New features:

- Added support for :attr:``, updated :attr:`` in the class:`.oauth2.LinkedIn` provider.
- Added support for :attr:`` to the :class:`.oauth1.Bitbucket` provider.
- Added support for :attr:`email_verified` and :attr:`hosted_domain` to :class:`.oauth2.Google` provider.
- Support passing of user state in oauth2 to support variable redirect urls.
- Added support for :attr:`` and :attr:`` to :class: `oauth1.Twitter` provider.
- Add :attr:`.email` to :class:`oauth1.Twitter` provider.

Bug fixes:

- Adjusted naming of default scope for :class:`.oauth2.Facebook` to Facebook v2 API.
- Fix #130: explicitly request fields from Facebook.
- Fix #160: Handle token_type of bearer (lower-case).
- The :class:`.oauth2.Google` provider now uses
  ```` as the ``user_info_url``
  instead of the deprecated ````.
- Fix Twitter user info endpoint to include image url.


- Do not include Google Appengine 1st generation modules.
- Simplify build and add ```` script.
    Overall cleanup: No more submodules, update foundation theme and more.


- Release-preparations:
  Do not include tests, examples and doc in egg/wheel;
  fix travis, add auto-deploy for PyPI and docs;
  enhance internal package setup, overall cleanup and update metdadata.

Version 0.1.0

* Introduced the :attr:`.User.access_token_response` attribute.
* Added support for :attr:`` and :attr:`` to the
  :class:`.oauth1.Plurk` provider.
* The :class:`.oauth1.Flickr` provider doesn't make the redundant API call
  during :meth:`.oauth1.Flickr.update_user` anymore.
* Removed support for :attr:`.User.birth_date` and :attr:`.User.gender`
  from the :class:`.oauth1.Yahoo` provider.
* Added the :attr:`.User.location` attribute.
* Removed support for :attr:`` and :attr:`` from
  :class:`.oauth1.Twitter` and :class:`.oauth2.GitHub` providers.
* Removed support for :attr:`` and :attr:`.User.picture` from
  :class:`.oauth1.Tumbler` provider.
* Removed support for :attr:`.User.username` and added support for
  :attr:`.User.birth_date` to :class:`.oauth2.Facebook` provider.
* :class:`.oauth2.Facebook` provider now uses ``v2`` api for user info request.
* Removed the ``r_fullprofile`` and ``r_fullprofile`` scopes from
  :attr:`.oauth2.LinkedIn.user_info_scope` due to the
  `Developer Program Transition <
  developer-program-transition>`__ and as a consequence removed support for
  :attr:`.User.birth_date` and :attr:``.

Version 0.0.13

* Removed logging of response body in the
  :meth:`.providers.AuthorizationProvider.access()` method.
* Fixed an error in :class:`.oauth2.Google` when the access token request
  resulted in an
  ``OAuth 2 parameters can only have a single value: client_secret`` error.

Version 0.0.12

* Fixed import errors of the **six** module.
* Fixed an bug when decoding binary provider response resulted in an error.
* Improved handling of ambiguous user location by some providers. Introduced
  the :class:`.User.location` attribute.

Version 0.0.11

* Added **Python 3.x** support thanks to
  `Emmanuel Leblond <>`__.
* Fixed a bug when :class:`.authomatic.Response` could not be decoded.
* The :class:`.oauth2.Foursquare` provider now supports

Version 0.0.10

* Fixed a bug when saving non-JSON-serializable values to third party sessions
  by the ``python-openid`` package caused a ``KeyError``.
* Added the :class:`.oauth2.Eventbrite` provider.
* Added the :class:`.oauth2.Amazon` provider.
* Improved OAuth 2.0 Error Handling.

Version 0.0.9

* Updated *user info* URL scheme of the :class:`.oauth1.Yahoo` provider.
* The :class:`.oauth2.Yandex` provider now supports :attr:`` and.
  :attr:`.User.username` properties.
* Updated :class:`.oauth2.WindowsLive` |oauth2| endpoints.
* Fixed a bug with the :class:`.oauth2.Yammer` provider when *user info* request
  failed because the ``token_type`` was not ``"Bearer"``.
* The :class:`.oauth2.Yammer` provider now supports CSRF protection.
* Added the ``logger`` keyword argument to :class:`.Authomatic` constructor.
* Added the ``v=20140501`` parameter to each request of the
  :class:`.oauth2.Foursquare` provider.
* The :class:`.oauth2.LinkedIn` provider now supports the
  :attr:`.User.birth_date` attribute.
* The :class:`.oauth2.Reddit` provider now supports the
  :attr:`.User.username` attribute.

Version 0.0.8

* Added the ``supported_user_attributes`` to tested provider classes.
* The :class:`.oauth2.Facebook` provider now populates the :attr:``
  and :attr:`` properties.
* The :class:`.oauth2.Google` prowider now uses
  ```` as the ``user_info_url`` instead of
  the deprecated ````. Also the
  ``user_info_scope`` reflects these changes.
* Added missing ``user_info_scope`` to :class:`.oauth2.DeviantART` provider.
* Changed the ``user_authorization_url`` of :class:`.oauth1.Twitter` provider from
  ```` to
* Added the :class:`.oauth1.Xing` provider.
* Made compatible with **Python 2.6**.

Version 0.0.7

* Added user email extraction to :class:`.oauth1.Yahoo` provider.
* Added the ``access_headers`` and ``access_params``
  keyword arguments to the :class:`.AuthorizationProvider` constructor.
* Fixed a bug in :class:`.oauth2.GitHub` provider when ``ValueError`` got risen
  when a user had only the city specified.
* Added a workaround for
  `issue #11 <>`__,
  when WebKit-based browsers failed to accept cookies set as part of a
  redirect response in some circumstances.

Version 0.0.6

* Added the :class:`.DjangoAdapter`.
* Switched the ``user_info_url`` attribute of the :class:`.oauth2.Google`
  provider to Google API ``v3``.