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.. _js:


:description: Use authomatic.js to run the login procedure in a centered popup and to delegate most of the work from your server to browser.

The ``authomatic.js`` library is here to make your life even easier.
It has a very tiny interface similar to it's Python sibling.
Yo can use it to:

* Process the *login procedure* in a popup window.
* Access **protected resources** in the most efficient way without any hassle.

.. warning::

   The library is dependent on |jquery|_!

.. _js_setup:

.. js:function:: authomatic.setup(options)

   Sets up all the library's options.

   :param object options:
      An object of following options:

      .. js:attribute:: options.logging

         :js:data:`bool` If ``true`` the library will log a lot of information to the console.

      Popup options:

      .. js:attribute:: options.popupWidth

         :js:data:`int` The width of the popup in pixels. Default is ``800``.

      .. js:attribute:: options.popupHeight

         :js:data:`int` The height of the popup in pixels. Default is ``600``.

      .. js:attribute:: options.popupLinkSelector

         :js:data:`string` A |jquery| selector specifying links that should be affected by
         :js:func:`.authomatic.popupInit`. Default is ``'a.authomatic'``.

      .. js:attribute:: options.popupFormSelector

         :js:data:`string` A |jquery| selector specifying forms that should be affected by
         :js:func:`.authomatic.popupInit`. Default is ``'form.authomatic'``.

      .. js:attribute:: options.popupFormValidator

         :js:data:`function` A function which you can use to validate the form before the popup opens.
         It accepts the |jquery| selected form. The popup gets opened only if it returns ``true``.


      .. js:attribute:: options.onPopupInvalid

         :js:data:`function` Called when the popup form doesn't pass validation.
         Accepts the form selected with |jquery| as the only argument.

      .. js:attribute:: options.onPopupOpen

         :js:data:`function` Called when the popup gets open.
         Accepts the popup location URL as the only argument.

      .. js:attribute:: options.onLoginComplete

         :js:data:`function` Called when the popup gets closed after the login procedure is complete.
         Accepts the :js:data:`.loginResult` object as the only argument.

.. _js_popup_init:

.. js:function:: authomatic.popupInit

   If you call this function, all ``<a></a>`` and ``<form></form>`` elements with ``class="authomatic"``
   will open a popup on click/submit. By links the location of the popup will be the value of ``href`` attribute,
   by forms the value of ``action`` attribute with query string extracted from the form inputs.

   .. code-block:: html

      <!DOCTYPE html>
            <title>Login Popup Example<title>
            <!-- authomatic.js is dependent on jQuery -->
            <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="authomatic.js"></script>

            <!-- Opens a popup with location = "login/facebook" -->
            <a class="authomatic" href="login/facebook">Login with Facebook</a>

            <!-- Opens a popup with location = "login/openid?" -->
            <form class="authomatic" action="login/openid" method="GET">
               <input type="text" name="id" value="" />
               <input type="submit" value="Login with OpenID" />

            <script type="text/javascript">


.. _js_access:

.. js:function:: authomatic.access(credentials, url[, options])

   Makes an asynchronous request to **protected resource** of a **user**.

   Under the hood it tries to make the request as efficiently as possible
   with the aim to save your backend's resources:

   *  By |oauth2|_ providers:

      #. First a *cross-domain* XHR request is attempted.
      #. If that fails it continues either with:

         *  A *JSONP* XHR request but only if the provider supports it and the request method is ``'GET'``
         *  Otherwise it will fetch the provider through backend.

   *  By |oauth1|_ providers the request must be signed using the **consumer secret** which cannot
      be exposed in the client, so every request goes first to the backend.
      Depending on provider the backend either:

      *  Fetches the provider and returns the result of the fetch.
      *  Returns signed *request elements* with which a *JSONP* XHR request is made.

   :param string credentials:
      Serialized :class:`.Credentials` of the **user**.

   :param string url:
      URL of the **protected resource**. Can include querystring and template tags in the form of

   :param object options:
      An object of following options.

      .. note::

         You can also specify all of these options in the :js:func:`.authomatic.setup`.
         Values specified here will override the values specified in :js:func:`.authomatic.setup`
         with the exception of callbacks.

      .. js:attribute:: options.backend

         :js:data:`string` URL of your *login handler*, or the handler where you call the
         :meth:`.Authomatic.backend` function.

         .. warning::

            This parameter is required by all |oauth1| providers
            and also by some |oauth2| providers.

      .. js:attribute:: options.forceBackend

         :js:data:`bool` If `true` requests will be fetched through backend by all **providers**.

      .. js:attribute:: options.substitute

         :js:data:`object` An object which will be used to replace template tags inside the :js:data:`URL`.
         e.g. URL ``{}/profile`` by substitute ``{user: {id: '123'}}``
         will be rendered as ````.

      .. js:attribute:: options.params

         :js:data:`object` The query parameters of the request.

      .. js:attribute:: options.headers

         :js:data:`object` The HTTP headers of the request.

      .. js:attribute:: options.body

         :js:data:`string` The body of the request.

      .. js:attribute:: options.jsonpCallbackPrefix

         :js:data:`string` Some providers don't support cross-domain requests.
         In such case the function tries a *JSONP* request and will generate a temporary callback
         in the global namespace with the name ``'authomaticJsonpCallback#'`` where ``#`` is an
         integer unique for every callback. You can change the default ``'authomaticJsonpCallback'``
         to whatever you want by specifying it in this option.


      .. warning::

         Callbacks specified in :js:func:`.authomatic.setup` will not be overridden by
         those specified here, but both will be called, whereas those specified in
         :js:func:`.authomatic.setup` will be called first.

      .. js:attribute:: options.onBackendStart

         :js:data:`function` Called when :js:func:`.authomatic.access` contacts backend.
         Accepts a object of parameters which will be sent to the backend as the only argument.

      .. js:attribute:: options.onBackendComplete

         :js:data:`function` Called when response returns from backend.
         Accepts ``data``, ``textStatus`` and ``jqXHR`` as arguments in the specified order.

      .. js:attribute:: options.onAccessSuccess

         :js:data:`function` Called when a successful response returns from **provider**.
         Accepts ``data``, ``textStatus`` and ``jqXHR`` as arguments in the specified order.

      .. js:attribute:: options.onAccessComplete

         :js:data:`function` Called when any response returns from **provider**.
         Accepts ``textStatus`` and ``jqXHR`` as arguments in the specified order.