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from contextlib import suppress

import collections
import numpy as np

def is_complex(x):
    return isinstance(x, (complex, np.complexfloating))

def is_float(x):
    return isinstance(x, (float, np.floating))

def to_twoscomplement(bits, value):
    # https: // / questions / 21871829 / twos - complement - of - numbers - in -python
    if value < 0:
        value = (1 << bits) + value
    formatstring = '{:0%ib}' % bits
    return formatstring.format(value)

def to_real(x):
    """ Use to print VHDL variables as float: example print(to_real(x))"""
    return x

def is_power2(num):
    # Author: A.Polino
    'states if a number is a power of two'
    return num != 0 and ((num & (num - 1)) == 0)

def get_iterable(x):
    if isinstance(x, collections.Iterable):
        return x
        return [x]

def is_constant(name):
    return True if name.replace('_', '').isupper() else False

def const_filter(x):
    from pyha.conversion.type_transforms import VHDLList
    from pyha.conversion.type_transforms import VHDLModule
    return is_constant(x._name) or isinstance(x, VHDLModule) or (
            isinstance(x, VHDLList) and not x.not_submodules_list)

def tabber(str):
    TAB = '    '
    """ Add tab infront of every line """
    # if x is '' then dont add tabs, because much used textwrap.dedent deletes empty unit tests will be unhappy
    return '\n'.join([f'{TAB}{x}' if x != '' else x for x in str.splitlines()])

def formatter(xl):
    return '\n'.join(tabber(x) for x in xl if x != '')

def hex_to_bitstr(hstr):
    """ """
    if isinstance(hstr, int):
        hstr = hex(hstr)
    if hstr[0:2] in ('0x', '0X'):
        hstr = hstr[2:]
    my_hexdata = hstr
    scale = 16  ## equals to hexadecimal
    num_of_bits = int(len(my_hexdata) * np.log2(scale))
    return bin(int(my_hexdata, scale))[2:].zfill(num_of_bits)

def hex_to_bool_list(hstr):
    return [bool(int(x)) for x in hex_to_bitstr(hstr)]

def int_to_bool_list(hstr):
    return [bool(int(x)) for x in hex_to_bitstr(hstr)]

def bools_to_hex(bl):
    bitstr = bools_to_bitstr(bl)
    return hex(int(bitstr, 2))

def bools_to_bitstr(bl):
    return ''.join(str(int(x)) for x in bl)

def np_to_py(array):
    """ Convert numpy to python recursively.
    For example float32 to float and ndarray to []
    if isinstance(array, np.ndarray):
        if isinstance(array[0], complex):
            array = array.astype(complex)
        elif isinstance(array[0], np.floating):
            array = array.astype(float)

        return np_to_py(array.tolist())
    elif isinstance(array, list):
        return [np_to_py(item) for item in array]
    elif isinstance(array, tuple):
        return tuple(np_to_py(item) for item in array)
    elif isinstance(array, np.float):
        return float(array)
        return array

def to_signed_int(number, bit_length):
    mask = (2 ** bit_length) - 1
    if number & (1 << (bit_length - 1)):
        return number | ~mask
        return number & mask