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3 days
Test Coverage
import copy
import inspect
import logging
import time
from collections import deque
from enum import Enum
from math import isclose
from typing import List

import numpy as np

from pyha import Complex
from pyha.common.core import PyhaFunc, Hardware, PyhaList
from pyha.common.fixed_point import Sfix
from pyha.common.util import is_constant, to_twoscomplement, to_signed_int

logger = logging.getLogger('conversion')

class TypeAppendString:
    def __init__(self):
        self.str = ''

    def __enter__(self):

    def __call__(self, str):
        self.str = str
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        self.str = ''

    def __str__(self):
        return self.str

TypeAppendHack = TypeAppendString()

def escape_reserved_vhdl(x: str) -> str:
    vhdl_reserved_names = ['abs', 'after', 'alias', 'all', 'and', 'architecture',
                           'array', 'assert', 'attribute', 'begin', 'block', 'body',
                           'buffer', 'bus', 'case', 'component', 'configuration',
                           'constant', 'disconnect', 'downto', 'else', 'elsif', 'end',
                           'entity', 'exit', 'file', 'for', 'function', 'generate', 'generic',
                           'group', 'guarded', 'if', 'impure', 'in', 'inertial', 'inout', 'is',
                           'label', 'library', 'linkage', 'literal', 'loop', 'map', 'mod',
                           'nand', 'new', 'next', 'nor', 'not', 'null', 'of', 'on', 'open', 'or',
                           'others', 'out', 'package', 'port', 'postponed', 'procedure',
                           'process', 'pure', 'range', 'record', 'register', 'reject', 'rem',
                           'report', 'return', 'rol', 'ror', 'select', 'severity', 'signal',
                           'shared', 'sla', 'sll', 'sra', 'srl', 'subtype', 'then', 'to',
                           'transport', 'type', 'unaffected', 'units', 'until', 'use',
                           'variable', 'wait', 'when', 'while', 'with', 'xnor', 'xor']

    if x.lower() in vhdl_reserved_names or x[0] == '_':
        return '\\{}\\'.format(x)  # "escape" reserved name
    return x

class BaseVHDLType:
    def __init__(self, var_name, current, initial=None, parent=None):
        initial = initial if initial is not None else current
        self.parent = parent
        self._name = var_name
        self.initial = initial
        self.current = current

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if type(other) is type(self):
            # had infinite recursion problems
            tmp1 = self.__dict__
            del tmp1['parent']

            tmp2 = other.__dict__
            del tmp2['parent']

            return tmp1 == tmp2
        return False

    def _pyha_name(self) -> str:
        return escape_reserved_vhdl(self._name)

    def _pyha_type(self) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _pyha_definition(self):
        return f'{self._pyha_name()}: {self._pyha_type()};'

    def _pyha_typedef(self) -> str:

    def _pyha_constructor(self):
        if is_constant(self._name):
            return ''

        name = self._pyha_name()
        return 'self.{} := {};'.format(name, name)

    def _pyha_constructor_arg(self):
        if is_constant(self._name):
            return ''

        name = self._pyha_name()
        return '{}: {}'.format(name, self._pyha_type())

    def _pyha_reset_value(self):
        return self.initial

    def _pyha_reset(self, prefix='self', filter_func=None) -> str:
        name = self._pyha_name()
        if filter_func:
            if not filter_func(self):
                return ''
        return '{}.{} := {};\n'.format(prefix, name, self._pyha_reset_value())

    def _pyha_recursive_object_assign(self, prefix='self', other_name="other") -> str:
        name = self._pyha_name()
        return '{}.{} = {}.{}\n'.format(prefix, name, other_name, name)

    def _pyha_bitwidth(self) -> int:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _pyha_stdlogic_type(self) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _pyha_convert_from_stdlogic(self, out_var_name, in_var_name, in_index_offset=0) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _pyha_convert_to_stdlogic(self, out_name, in_name, out_index_offset=0) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _pyha_type_is_compatible(self, other) -> bool:
        """ Test if ``other`` (same type as ``self``) is compatible in VHDL domain. Meaning that
        all array types shall have same [start,end]. Recursive."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _pyha_to_python_value(self):
        return self.current

    def _pyha_is_equal(self, other, name='', rtol=1e-7, atol=0):
        eq = isclose(float(self.current), float(other.current), rel_tol=rtol, abs_tol=atol)
        if not eq:
            logger.error('{} {:.6f} != {:.6f} ({:.6f})'.format(name, self.current, other.current,
                                                               abs(self.current - other.current)))
        return eq

class VHDLInt(BaseVHDLType):
    def _pyha_type(self):
        return 'integer'

    def _pyha_bitwidth(self) -> int:
        return 32

    def _pyha_stdlogic_type(self) -> str:
        return 'std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)'

    def _pyha_convert_from_stdlogic(self, out_var_name, in_var_name, in_index_offset=0) -> str:
        in_name = '{}({} downto {})'.format(in_var_name, in_index_offset + self._pyha_bitwidth() - 1, in_index_offset)
        return '{} := to_integer(signed({}));\n'.format(out_var_name, in_name)

    def _pyha_convert_to_stdlogic(self, out_name, in_name, out_index_offset=0) -> str:
        return '{}({} downto {}) <= std_logic_vector(to_signed({}, 32));\n'.format(out_name, 31 + out_index_offset,
                                                                                   0 + out_index_offset, in_name)

    def _pyha_type_is_compatible(self, other) -> bool:
        if isinstance(self.current, bool) or isinstance(other.current, bool):
            # python bool isinstance of int....
            return False
        if isinstance(self.current, int) and isinstance(other.current, int):
            return True
        return True

    def _pyha_to_python_value(self):
        return int(self.current)

    def _pyha_serialize(self):
        return to_twoscomplement(32, self.current)

    def _pyha_deserialize(self, serial):
        return to_signed_int(int(serial, 2), 32)

class VHDLBool(BaseVHDLType):
    def _pyha_type(self):
        return 'boolean'

    def _pyha_bitwidth(self) -> int:
        return 1

    def _pyha_stdlogic_type(self) -> str:
        return 'std_logic_vector(0 downto 0)'

    def _pyha_convert_from_stdlogic(self, out_var_name, in_var_name, in_index_offset=0) -> str:
        in_name = '{}({} downto {})'.format(in_var_name, in_index_offset + self._pyha_bitwidth() - 1, in_index_offset)
        return '{} := logic_to_bool({});\n'.format(out_var_name, in_name)

    def _pyha_convert_to_stdlogic(self, out_name, in_name, out_index_offset=0) -> str:
        return '{}({} downto {}) <= bool_to_logic({});\n'.format(out_name, 0 + out_index_offset, 0 + out_index_offset,

    def _pyha_type_is_compatible(self, other) -> bool:
        if type(self.current) != type(other.current):
            return False
        return True

    def _pyha_to_python_value(self):
        return bool(self.current)

    def _pyha_serialize(self):
        return '1' if self.current else '0'

    def _pyha_deserialize(self, serial):
        return bool(int(serial))

class VHDLSfix(BaseVHDLType):

    def __log_none_bounds(self):

        def get_full_var_name():
            ret = []
            node = self
            while node:
                new = node._name if node._name != '-' else 'self'
                ret += [new]
                if new[0] != '[':
                    ret += ['.']
                node = node.parent

            return ''.join(reversed(ret))[1:]

        if not hasattr(self, '__has_logged'):
            setattr(self, '__has_logged', True)
            if self.current.left is None or self.current.right is None:
                    f'{get_full_var_name()} = {self._pyha_reset_value()} -> bounds must be resolved in PYHA simulation!')

    def _pyha_type(self):
        if self.current.signed:
            return 'sfixed({} downto {})'.format(self.current.left, self.current.right)
            return 'ufixed({} downto {})'.format(self.current.left - 1, self.current.right)

    def _pyha_bitwidth(self) -> int:
        return len(self.current)

    def _pyha_reset_value(self):
        if self.current.signed:
            return 'Sfix({}, {}, {})'.format(self.initial.val, self.current.left, self.current.right)
            return 'Ufix({}, {}, {})'.format(self.initial.val, self.current.left - 1, self.current.right)

    def _pyha_stdlogic_type(self) -> str:
        if self.current.signed:
            return 'std_logic_vector({} downto 0)'.format(self.current.left + abs(self.current.right))
            return 'std_logic_vector({} downto 0)'.format(self.current.left + abs(self.current.right) - 1)

    def _pyha_convert_from_stdlogic(self, out_var_name, in_var_name, in_index_offset=0) -> str:
        in_name = '{}({} downto {})'.format(in_var_name, in_index_offset + self._pyha_bitwidth() - 1, in_index_offset)
        if self.current.signed:
            return '{} := Sfix({}, {}, {});\n'.format(out_var_name, in_name, self.current.left, self.current.right)
            return '{} := Ufix({}, {}, {});\n'.format(out_var_name, in_name, self.current.left - 1, self.current.right)

    def _pyha_convert_to_stdlogic(self, out_name, in_name, out_index_offset=0) -> str:
        return '{}({} downto {}) <= to_slv({});\n'.format(out_name, self._pyha_bitwidth() - 1 + out_index_offset,
                                                          0 + out_index_offset, in_name)

    def _pyha_type_is_compatible(self, other) -> bool:
        if type(self.current) != type(other.current):
            return False
        return self.current.left == other.current.left and self.current.right == other.current.right and self.current.signed == other.current.signed

    def _pyha_to_python_value(self):
        if self.current.right == 0:  # no fractional bits
            return int(float(self.current))
            return float(self.current)

    def _pyha_serialize(self):
        val = self.current.fixed_value()
        return to_twoscomplement(len(self.current), val)

    def _pyha_deserialize(self, serial):
        if self.current.signed:
            val = to_signed_int(int(serial, 2), len(self.current))
            val = int(serial, 2)
        return val * 2 ** self.current.right

class VHDLComplex(BaseVHDLType):
    def __log_none_bounds(self):

        def get_full_var_name():
            ret = []
            node = self
            while node:
                new = node._name if node._name != '-' else 'self'
                ret += [new]
                if new[0] != '[':
                    ret += ['.']
                node = node.parent

            return ''.join(reversed(ret))[1:]

        if not hasattr(self, '__has_logged'):
            setattr(self, '__has_logged', True)
            if self.current.left is None or self.current.right is None:
                    f'{get_full_var_name()} = {self._pyha_reset_value()} -> bounds must be resolved in PYHA simulation!')

    def _pyha_type(self):
        return f'complex_t({self.current.left*2+1 if self.current.left else 1} downto {self.current.right*2 if self.current.right else -1})'

    def _pyha_bitwidth(self) -> int:
        lefts = (self.current.left + 1) * 2 if self.current.left else 2
        rights = abs(self.current.right * 2) if self.current.right else 2
        return lefts + rights

    def _pyha_reset_value(self):
        val = self.initial.val
        left = self.current.left
        right = self.current.right
        return f'Complex({val.real}, {val.imag}, {left}, {right})'

    def _pyha_stdlogic_type(self) -> str:
        return 'std_logic_vector({} downto 0)'.format(self._pyha_bitwidth() - 1)

    def _pyha_convert_from_stdlogic(self, out_var_name, in_var_name, in_index_offset=0) -> str:
        in_name = '{}({} downto {})'.format(in_var_name, in_index_offset + self._pyha_bitwidth() - 1, in_index_offset)
        return '{} := Complex({}, {}, {});\n'.format(out_var_name, in_name, self.current.left, self.current.right)

    def _pyha_convert_to_stdlogic(self, out_name, in_name, out_index_offset=0) -> str:
        return '{}({} downto {}) <= to_slv({});\n'.format(out_name, self._pyha_bitwidth() - 1 + out_index_offset,
                                                          0 + out_index_offset, in_name)

    def _pyha_type_is_compatible(self, other) -> bool:
        if isinstance(self.current, complex) and isinstance(other.current, complex):
            return True

        if type(self.current) != type(other.current):
            return False
        return self.current.left == other.current.left and self.current.right == other.current.right

    def _pyha_serialize(self):
        fix = self.current.val / 2 ** self.current.right
        real_bits = to_twoscomplement(self._pyha_bitwidth() // 2, int(round(fix.real)))
        imag_bits = to_twoscomplement(self._pyha_bitwidth() // 2, int(round(fix.imag)))
        return real_bits + imag_bits

    def _pyha_deserialize(self, serial):
        len = self._pyha_bitwidth() // 2
        real = to_signed_int(int(serial[:len], 2), len)
        imag = to_signed_int(int(serial[len:], 2), len)
        val = real + imag * 1j
        return val * 2 ** self.current.right

    def _pyha_is_equal(self, other, name='', rtol=1e-7, atol=0):

        eq1 = isclose(self.current.real, other.current.real, rel_tol=rtol, abs_tol=atol)
        eq2 = isclose(self.current.imag, other.current.imag, rel_tol=rtol, abs_tol=atol)
        eq = eq1 and eq2
        if not eq:
            logger.error('{} {} != {}'.format(name, self.current, other.current))
        return eq

class VHDLEnum(BaseVHDLType):
    def _pyha_type(self):
        return type(self.current).__name__

    def _pyha_typedef(self):
        name = self._pyha_type()
        return 'subtype {} is natural range 0 to {}; -- enum converted to range due to Quartus "bug", see #154' \
            .format(name, len(type(self.current)) - 1)

    def _pyha_reset_value(self):
        return self.initial.value

    def _pyha_convert_from_stdlogic(self, var_name, in_index_offset=0) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError  # old solution interpeted as ints?

    def _pyha_convert_to_stdlogic(self, var_name) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError  # old solution interpeted as ints?

    def _pyha_type_is_compatible(self, other) -> bool:
        if type(self.current) != type(other.current):
            return False
        return True

    def _pyha_to_python_value(self):
        return self.current.value

class VHDLList(BaseVHDLType):
    def __init__(self, var_name, current, initial, parent=None):
        super().__init__(var_name, current, initial, parent)

        self.elems = [init_vhdl_type(f'[{ii}]', c, i, parent=self) for ii, (c, i) in
                      enumerate(zip(self.current, self.initial))]
        self.elems = [x for x in self.elems if x is not None]
        self.not_submodules_list = not len(self.elems) or not isinstance(self.elems[0], VHDLModule)
        self.elements_compatible_typed = all([x._pyha_type_is_compatible(self.elems[0]) for x in self.elems])
        if not self.elements_compatible_typed:
            for i, x in enumerate(self.elems):
                x._name = f'{var_name}_{i}'

    def _pyha_arr_type_name(self):
        elem_type = self.elems[0]._pyha_type()
        # some type may contain illegal chars for name..replace them
        elem_type = elem_type.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace(' ', '').replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')
        return '{}_list_t{}'.format(elem_type, '' if self.not_submodules_list else TypeAppendHack)

    def _pyha_type(self):
        lib = 'Typedefs'
        if not self.not_submodules_list:
            lib = self.elems[0]._pyha_module_name()

        return '{}.{}(0 to {})'.format(lib, self._pyha_arr_type_name(), len(self.current) - 1)

    def _pyha_definition(self):
        if not self.elements_compatible_typed:
            r = super()._pyha_definition() + '\n'  # still define the LIST type, because some code may depend on it eg. len(self.list)
            r += '\n'.join(x._pyha_definition() for x in self.elems)
            return r

        return super()._pyha_definition()

    def _pyha_typedef(self):

        if self.not_submodules_list:
            return 'type {} is array (natural range <>) of {};'.format(self._pyha_arr_type_name(),
        return None  # arrays of submodules are already defined in each submodule package!

    def _pyha_reset(self, prefix='self', filter_func=None) -> str:
        if filter_func:
            if not filter_func(self):
                return ''

        if not self.elements_compatible_typed:
            return ''.join(x._pyha_reset(prefix, filter_func=filter_func) for x in self.elems)

        name = self._pyha_name()
        if self.not_submodules_list:
            if len(self.elems) == 1:
                name += '(0)'
            data = ', '.join(str(x._pyha_reset_value()) for x in self.elems)
            return '{}.{} := ({});\n'.format(prefix, name, data)

        ret = ''
        for i, sub in enumerate(self.elems):
            tmp_prefix = '{}.{}({})'.format(prefix, name, i)
            ret += sub._pyha_reset(tmp_prefix, filter_func=filter_func)  # recursive
        return ret

    def _pyha_type_is_compatible(self, other) -> bool:
        if type(self.current) != type(other.current):
            return False
        if len(self.current) != len(other.current):
            return False

        return self.elems[0]._pyha_type_is_compatible(other.elems[0])

    def _pyha_bitwidth(self) -> int:
        return sum([x._pyha_bitwidth() for x in self.elems])

    def _pyha_stdlogic_type(self) -> str:
        return 'std_logic_vector({} downto 0)'.format(self._pyha_bitwidth() - 1)

    def _pyha_convert_from_stdlogic(self, out_var_name, in_var_name, in_index_offset=0) -> str:
        ret = ''
        total_width = self._pyha_bitwidth()
        elem_width = total_width // len(self.elems)
        for i, sub in enumerate(self.elems):
            prefix = '{}({})'.format(out_var_name, len(self.elems) - i - 1)
            ret += sub._pyha_convert_from_stdlogic(prefix, in_var_name, in_index_offset)  # recursive
            in_index_offset += elem_width
        return ret

    def _pyha_convert_to_stdlogic(self, out_name, in_name, out_index_offset=0) -> str:
        ret = ''
        total_width = self._pyha_bitwidth()
        elem_width = total_width // len(self.elems)
        for i, sub in enumerate(self.elems):
            prefix = '{}'.format(out_name)
            tmp_in_name = '{}({})'.format(in_name, len(self.elems) - i - 1)
            ret += sub._pyha_convert_to_stdlogic(prefix, tmp_in_name, out_index_offset + elem_width * i)  # recursive
        return ret

    def _pyha_serialize(self):
        return ''.join(x._pyha_serialize() for x in self.elems)

    def _pyha_deserialize(self, serial):
        ret = []
        for i, elem in enumerate(self.elems):
            offset = i * elem._pyha_bitwidth()
            e = elem._pyha_deserialize(serial[offset: offset + elem._pyha_bitwidth()])
        return ret

    def _pyha_is_equal(self, other, name='', rtol=1e-7, atol=0):
        if type(self.current) != type(other.current):
            return False

        if len(self.elems) != len(other.elems):
                '{} -> Fail, lists have different lengths: {} vs {}'.format(name, len(self.elems), len(other.elems)))
            return False

        r = []
        for i, (self_elem, other_elem) in enumerate(zip(self.elems, other.elems)):
            ret = self_elem._pyha_is_equal(other_elem, '{}({})'.format(name, i), rtol, atol)

        return all(r)

    def _pyha_constructor(self):
        if is_constant(self._name):
            return ''

        if not self.elements_compatible_typed:
            return '\n'.join(x._pyha_constructor() for x in self.elems)

        return super()._pyha_constructor()

    def _pyha_constructor_arg(self):
        if is_constant(self._name):
            return ''

        if not self.elements_compatible_typed:
            return ';'.join(x._pyha_constructor_arg() for x in self.elems)

        return super()._pyha_constructor_arg()

class VHDLModule(BaseVHDLType):
    def __init__(self, var_name, current, initial=None, parent=None):
            if initial is None:
                initial = current._pyha_initial_self
                current.__dict__['_pyha_initial_self'] = initial._pyha_initial_self

        super().__init__(var_name, current, initial, parent)

        self.elems = get_vars_as_vhdl_types(self.current, parent=self)
        self.elems = [x for x in self.elems if x is not None]

    def _pyha_module_name(self):
        from pyha.conversion.conversion import RecursiveConverter
        return RecursiveConverter.get_module_converted_name(self)

    def _pyha_type(self):
        return '{}.self_t{}'.format(self._pyha_module_name(), TypeAppendHack)

    def _pyha_arr_type_name(self):
        elem_type = self._pyha_type()
        # some type may contain illegal chars for name..replace them
        elem_type = elem_type.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace(' ', '').replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')
        return '{}_list_t{}'.format(elem_type, TypeAppendHack)

    def _pyha_reset(self, prefix='self', filter_func=None):
        if filter_func:
            if not filter_func(self):
                return ''
        ret = ''
        for i, sub in enumerate(self.elems):
            tmp_prefix = prefix
            if self._name != '-':
                tmp_prefix = f'{prefix}'
                if self._name[0] != '[':
                    tmp_prefix += f'.{self._pyha_name()}'
            ret += sub._pyha_reset(tmp_prefix, filter_func=filter_func)  # recursive
        return ret

    def _pyha_type_is_compatible(self, other) -> bool:
        if type(self.current) != type(other.current):
            return False

        if len(self.elems) != len(other.elems):
            # actually object with more elements could match with the one with lesser elemems, but this is too specific atm.
            return False

        return all(self_elem._pyha_type_is_compatible(other_elem)
                   for self_elem, other_elem in zip(self.elems, other.elems))

    def _pyha_to_python_value(self):
        # maybe class is overloading this?
            return self.current._pyha_to_python_value()

        ret = copy.copy(self.current)
        for elem in self.elems:
            setattr(ret, elem._name, elem._pyha_to_python_value())

        return ret

    def _pyha_bitwidth(self) -> int:
        return sum([x._pyha_bitwidth() for x in self.elems])

    def _pyha_stdlogic_type(self) -> str:
        return 'std_logic_vector({} downto 0)'.format(self._pyha_bitwidth() - 1)

    def _pyha_convert_from_stdlogic(self, out_var_name, in_var_name, in_index_offset=0) -> str:
        ret = ''
        for sub in self.elems:
            elem_width = sub._pyha_bitwidth()
            prefix = '{}.{}'.format(out_var_name, sub._pyha_name())
            ret += sub._pyha_convert_from_stdlogic(prefix, in_var_name, in_index_offset)  # recursive
            in_index_offset += elem_width
        return ret

    def _pyha_convert_to_stdlogic(self, out_name, in_name, out_index_offset=0) -> str:
        ret = ''
        for i, sub in enumerate(self.elems):
            elem_width = sub._pyha_bitwidth()
            prefix = '{}'.format(out_name)
            tmp_in_name = '{}.{}'.format(in_name, sub._pyha_name())
            ret += sub._pyha_convert_to_stdlogic(prefix, tmp_in_name, out_index_offset)  # recursive
            out_index_offset += elem_width
        return ret

    def _pyha_serialize(self):
        return ''.join(x._pyha_serialize() for x in reversed(self.elems))

    def _pyha_deserialize(self, serial):
        ret = copy.copy(self.current)
        offset = 0
        for elem in reversed(self.elems):
            e = elem._pyha_deserialize(serial[offset: offset + elem._pyha_bitwidth()])
            offset += elem._pyha_bitwidth()
            setattr(ret, elem._name, e)

        tmp = type(self)(self._name, ret)
        return tmp._pyha_to_python_value()

    def _pyha_is_equal(self, other, name='', rtol=1e-7, atol=0):
        if type(self.current) != type(other.current):
            return False

        if len(self.elems) != len(other.elems):
            return False

        if len(self.elems) != len(other.elems):
            logger.error('{} -> Fail, modules have different amount of elements: {} vs {}'.format(name, len(self.elems),
            return False

        r = []
        for self_elem, other_elem in zip(self.elems, other.elems):
            ret = self_elem._pyha_is_equal(other_elem, '{}.{}'.format(type(self.current).__name__, self_elem._name),
                                           rtol, atol)

        return all(r)

class VHDLFloat(BaseVHDLType):
    def _pyha_to_python_value(self):
        return self.current

    def _pyha_type_is_compatible(self, other) -> bool:
        if type(self.current) != type(other.current):
            return False
        return True

# class VHDLComplex(BaseVHDLType):
#     def _pyha_is_equal(self, other, name='', rtol=1e-7, atol=0):
#         # if not isinstance(other.current, type(self.current)):
#         #     logger.error('Complex values not equal bacause types differ!= {}'.format(name, self.current, other.current))
#         #     return False
#         eq1 = isclose(self.current.real, other.current.real, rel_tol=rtol, abs_tol=atol)
#         eq2 = isclose(self.current.imag, other.current.imag, rel_tol=rtol, abs_tol=atol)
#         eq = eq1 and eq2
#         if not eq:
#             logger.error('{} {} != {}'.format(name, self.current, other.current))
#         return eq
#     def _pyha_type_is_compatible(self, other) -> bool:
#         if type(self.current) != type(other.current):
#             return False
#         return True

def init_vhdl_type(name, current_val, initial_val=None, parent=None):
    from pyha.conversion.conversion import RecursiveConverter
    if type(current_val) == int or type(current_val) == np.int64:
        return VHDLInt(name, current_val, initial_val, parent)
    elif type(current_val) == bool or type(current_val) == np.bool_:
        return VHDLBool(name, current_val, initial_val, parent)
    elif type(current_val) == float or type(current_val) == np.float64:
        if RecursiveConverter.in_progress.enabled:
            # logger.warning(f'Variable "{name}" is type **Float**, cant convert this!')
            return None

        return VHDLFloat(name, current_val, initial_val, parent)

    elif isinstance(current_val, (complex, Complex)):
        return VHDLComplex(name, current_val, initial_val, parent)
    elif type(current_val) == Sfix:
        return VHDLSfix(name, current_val, initial_val, parent)
    elif type(current_val) == PyhaList:
        if RecursiveConverter.in_progress.enabled and isinstance(current_val[0], float):
            # logger.warning(f'Variable "{name}" is type **List of Floats**, cant convert this!')
            return None

        return VHDLList(name, current_val, initial_val, parent)
    elif isinstance(current_val, Hardware):
            # this is not used anywhere? gives option to overload converter module...
            return current_val._pyha_converter(name, current_val, initial_val, parent)
            return VHDLModule(name, current_val, initial_val, parent)

    elif isinstance(current_val, Enum):
        return VHDLEnum(name, current_val, initial_val, parent)
    elif isinstance(current_val, list):  # this may happen for local variables or arguments
        return init_vhdl_type(name, PyhaList(current_val), PyhaList(initial_val), parent)
    elif isinstance(current_val, np.ndarray):  # this may happen for data that is coming from 'MODEL' simulation
        return init_vhdl_type(name, PyhaList(current_val.tolist()), PyhaList(initial_val.tolist()), parent)
    elif current_val is None:
        return None
    elif inspect.isclass(current_val):  # this may happend for local variables, when using nested class or something
        return None
    elif isinstance(current_val, str):
        return None  # see #216

    elif isinstance(current_val, deque):
            return VHDLList(name, list(current_val), list(initial_val), parent)
            return VHDLList(name, list(current_val), list(current_val), parent)

    assert 0

def get_vars_as_vhdl_types(obj: Hardware, parent=None) -> List[BaseVHDLType]:
    def filter_junk(x):
        return {k: v for k, v in x.items()
                if not k.startswith('_pyha') and not k.startswith('__')
                and not isinstance(v, PyhaFunc)}

    current_vars = filter_junk(vars(obj))
        initial_vars = filter_junk(vars(obj._pyha_initial_self))
        initial_vars = current_vars

    # convert to conversion classes
    ret = [init_vhdl_type(name, current_val, initial_val, parent) for name, current_val, initial_val in
           zip(current_vars.keys(), current_vars.values(), initial_vars.values())]

    if ret == []:
        ret = [VHDLInt('DUMMY', 0, 0)]

    return ret