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# HalClient

An easy to use client interface for REST APIs that use [HAL](


The first step in using a HAL based API is getting a representation of one of its entry points. The simplest way to do this is using the `get` class method of `HalClient`.

    blog = HalClient.get("")
    # => #<Representation:>

`HalClient::Representation`s expose a `#property` method to retrieve a single property from the HAL document.'title')
    #=> "Some Person's Blog"

They also expose a `#properties` method to retrieve all the properties from the document, as a `Hash`.
    #=> {"title"=>"Some Person's Blog", "description"=>"Some description"}

### Link navigation

Once we have a representation we will want to navigate its links. This can be accomplished using the `#related` method.

    articles = blog.related("item")
    # => #<RepresentationSet:...>

In the example above `item` is the link rel. The `#related` method extracts embedded representations and link hrefs with the specified rel. The resulting representations are packaged into a `HalClient::RepresentationSet`. `HalClient` always returns `RepresentationSet`s when following links, even when there is only one result. `RepresentationSet`s are `Enumerable` so they expose all your favorite methods like `#each`, `#map`, `#any?`, etc. `RepresentationSet`s expose a `#related` method which calls `#related` on each member of the set and then merges the results into a new representation set.

    all_the_authors = blog.related("author").related("item")"name")
    # => "Bob Smith"

#### Request evaluation order

If the `author` relationship was a regular link (that is, not embedded) in the above example the HTTP GET to retrieve Bob's representation from the server does not happen until the `#property` method is called. This lazy dereferencing allows for working more efficiently with larger relationship sets.

#### CURIEs

Links specified using a compact URI (or CURIE) as the rel are fully supported. They are accessed using the fully expanded version of the curie. For example, given a representations of an author:

    { "name": "Bob Smith,
      "_links": {
        "so:homeLocation": { "href": "" },
        "curies": [{ "name": "so", "href": "{rel}", "templated": true }]

Bob's home location can be retrieved with

    # => #<Representation:>

Links are always accessed using the full link relation, rather than the CURIE, because the document producer can use any arbitrary string as the prefix. This means that clients must not make any assumptions regarding what prefix will be used because it might change over time or even between documents.

#### Templated links

The `#related` methods takes a `Hash` as its second argument which is used to expand any templated links that are involved in the navigation.

    old_articles = blog.related("index", before: "2013-02-03T12:30:00Z")
    # => #<RepresentationSet:...>

Assuming there is a templated link with a `before` variable this will result in a request being made to ``, the response parsed into a `HalClient::Representation` and that being wrapped in a representation set. Any options for which there is not a matching variable in the link's template will be ignored. Any links with that rel that are not templates will be dereferenced normally.

### Identity

All `HalClient::Representation`s exposed an `#href` attribute which is its identity. The value is extracted from the `self` link in the underlying HAL document.

    blog.href # => ""

### Hash like interface

`Representation`s expose a `Hash` like interface. Properties, and related representations can be retrieved using the `#[]` and `#fetch` method.

    blog['title'] # => "Some Person's Blog"
    blog['item']  # =>  #<RepresentationSet:...>

### Paged collections

HalClient provides a high level abstraction for paged collections encoded using [standard `item`, `next` and `prev` link relations](

    articles = blog.to_enum
    articles.each do |an_article|
      # do something with each article representation

If the collection is paged this will navigate to the next page after yielding all the items on the current page. The return is an `Enumerable` so all your favorite collection methods are available.

### PUT/POST/PATCH requests

HalClient supports PUT/POST/PATCH requests to remote resources via it's `#put`, `#post` and `#patch` methods, respectively.

    #=> #<Representation:>
    #=> #<Representation:>

    #=> #<Representation:>

The first argument to `#put`, `#post` and `#patch` may be a `String`, a `Hash` or any object that responds to `#to_hal`. Additional options may be passed to change the content type of the post, etc.

### PUT requests

HalClient supports PUT requests to remote resources via it's `#put` method.

    #=> #<Representation:>

The argument to post may be `String` or any object that responds to `#to_hal`. Additional options may be passed to change the content type of the post, etc.

### Editing representation

HalClient supports editing of representations. This is useful when
creating resources from a template or updating resources. For example,
consider a resource whose "author" relationship we want to update to
point the author's new profile page.

doc = HalClient.get("")
improved_doc =                              # create an editor
    .reject_related("author") { |it|"name") == "John Doe"} # unlink Johe Doe's old page
    .add_link("author", "")                  # add link to his new page

doc.put(improved_doc)                                                   # save changes to server


This removes the obsolete link to "John Doe" from the documents list of authors and replaces it with the correct link then performs an HTTP PUT request with the updated document.

### Forms

HalClient supports [Dwolla HAL forms]( For example, given a collection with a [`create-form`]( link to a resource with a [`default`]( form that creates new members of the collection, the following code would create a new member of ``.

collection = HalClient.get("")
create_form = collection.related("create-form").form
  name: "my item",
  author_url: URI("")
  description: "super duper!"

### Custom media types

If the API uses one or more a custom mime types we can specify that they be included in the `Accept` header field of each request.

    my_client = "application/vnd.myapp+hal+json")
    # => #<Representation:>

Similarly we can set the default `Content-Type` for post requests.

    my_client = "application/vnd.myapp+hal+json",
                              content_type: "application/vnd.myapp+hal+json")

### Parsing representations on the server side

HalClient can be used by servers of HAL APIs to interpret the bodies of requests. For example,

    new_post_repr = JSON.load(request.raw_post))
    author = Author.by_href(new_post_repr.related('author').first.href)
    new_post = title: new_post_repr['title'], author: author, #...

Created this way the representation will not dereference any links (because it doesn't have a HalClient) but it will provide `HalClient::Representation`s of both embedded and linked resources.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'hal-client'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install hal-client

## Upgrading from 5.x to 6.x

- `HalClient::Representation` become stale after unsafe requests. This means that after calling `#put`, `#post`, etc any future attempts to use the instance will fail with a `HalClient::StaleRepresentationError`.
- All URIs are represented as `Addressable::URI`.
- `HalClient::Representation#as_enum` removed. Use `HalClient::Representation#to_enum`
- `HalClient#clone_for_use_in_different_thread` and`HalClient::Representation#clone_for_use_in_different_thread` removed. They didn't actually work.
- Drop support for Ruby versions < 2.3

## Upgrading from 4.x to 5.x

`HalClient::RepresentationEditor#add_link` now raises if passed nil or empty values. This is the only breaking change.

## Upgrading from 3.x to 4.x

Support for ruby 2.0 has been removed. Please upgrade to ruby 2.1 or later. No other breaking changes were made.

## Upgrading from 2.x to 3.x

For most uses no change to client code is required. At 3.0 the underlying HTTP library changed to <> to better support our parallelism needs. This changes the interface of `#get` and `#post` on `HalClient` and `HalClient::Representation` in the situation where the response is not a valid HAL document. In those situations the return value is now a `HTTP::Response` object, rather than a `RestClient::Response`.

## Upgrading from 1.x to 2.x

The signature of `HalClient::Representation#new` changed such that keyword arguments are required. Any direct uses of that method must be changed. This is the only breaking change.

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Implement your improvement
4. Update `lib/hal_client/version.rb` following [semantic versioning rules](
5. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
6. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
7. Create new Pull Request