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6 days
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use Mf2\Parser;

 * provides a microformats handler for the semantic linkbacks
 * WordPress plugin
 * @author Matthias Pfefferle
class Linkbacks_MF2_Handler {
     * initialize the plugin, registering WordPess hooks.
    public static function init() {
        add_filter( 'semantic_linkbacks_commentdata', array( 'Linkbacks_MF2_Handler', 'generate_commentdata' ), 1 );

     * all supported url types
     * @return array
    public static function get_class_mapper() {
        $class_mapper = array();

         * replies
         * @link
        $class_mapper['in-reply-to'] = 'reply';
        $class_mapper['reply']       = 'reply';
        $class_mapper['reply-of']    = 'reply';

         * repost
         * @link
        $class_mapper['repost']    = 'repost';
        $class_mapper['repost-of'] = 'repost';

         * likes
         * @link
        $class_mapper['like']    = 'like';
        $class_mapper['like-of'] = 'like';

         * favorite
         * @link
        $class_mapper['favorite']    = 'favorite';
        $class_mapper['favorite-of'] = 'favorite';

         * bookmark
         * @link
        $class_mapper['bookmark']    = 'bookmark';
        $class_mapper['bookmark-of'] = 'bookmark';

         * rsvp
         * @link
        $class_mapper['rsvp'] = 'rsvp';
         * invite
         * @link
        $class_mapper['invitee'] = 'invite';

         * tag
         * @link
        $class_mapper['tag-of']   = 'tag';
        $class_mapper['category'] = 'tag';

         * read
         * @link
        $class_mapper['read-of'] = 'read';
        $class_mapper['read']    = 'read';

         * listen
         * @link
        $class_mapper['listen-of'] = 'listen';
        $class_mapper['listen']    = 'listen';

         * watch
         * @link
        $class_mapper['watch-of'] = 'watch';
        $class_mapper['watch']    = 'watch';

         * follow
         * @link
        $class_mapper['follow-of'] = 'follow';

        return apply_filters( 'semantic_linkbacks_microformats_class_mapper', $class_mapper );

     * all supported url types
     * @return array
    public static function get_rel_mapper() {
        $rel_mapper = array();

         * replies
         * @link
        $rel_mapper['in-reply-to'] = 'reply';
        $rel_mapper['reply-of']    = 'reply';

        return apply_filters( 'semantic_linkbacks_microformats_rel_mapper', $rel_mapper );

     * generate the comment data from the microformatted content
     * @param WP_Comment $commentdata the comment object
     * @return array
    public static function generate_commentdata( $commentdata ) {
        // Use new webmention source meta key.
        if ( array_key_exists( 'webmention_source_url', $commentdata['comment_meta'] ) ) {
            $source = $commentdata['comment_meta']['webmention_source_url'];
        } else { // Fallback to comment author url.
            $source = $commentdata['comment_author_url'];
        if ( ! class_exists( 'Mf2\Parser' ) ) {
            require_once plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ) . 'vendor/mf2/mf2/Mf2/Parser.php';

        // parse source html
        $parser   = new Parser( $commentdata['remote_source_original'], $source );
        $mf_array = $parser->parse( true );

        // check for rel-alternate links
        $alternate_source = self::get_alternate_source( $mf_array );
        if ( $alternate_source ) {
            $mf_array = $alternate_source;

        // get all 'relevant' entries
        $entries = self::get_entries( $mf_array );

        if ( empty( $entries ) ) {
            return $commentdata;

        // get the entry of interest
        $entry = self::get_representative_entry( $entries, $commentdata['target'] );

        if ( empty( $entry ) ) {
            return $commentdata;

        $commentdata['remote_source_mf2']        = $entry;
        $properties                              = array_filter( self::flatten_microformats( $entry ) );
        $commentdata['remote_source_properties'] = $properties;
        $rels                                    = $mf_array['rels'];
        $commentdata['remote_source_rels']       = $rels;

        // try to find some content
        // @link
        if ( isset( $properties['summary'] ) ) {
            $commentdata['comment_content'] = wp_slash( $properties['summary'] );
        } elseif ( isset( $properties['content'] ) ) {
            $commentdata['comment_content'] = wp_filter_kses( $properties['content']['html'] );
        } elseif ( isset( $properties['name'] ) ) {
            $commentdata['comment_content'] = wp_slash( $properties['name'] );
        $commentdata['comment_content'] = trim( $commentdata['comment_content'] );

        // set the right date
        if ( isset( $properties['published'] ) ) {
            $commentdata['comment_date'] = self::convert_time( $properties['published'] );
        } elseif ( isset( $properties['updated'] ) ) {
            $commentdata['comment_date'] = self::convert_time( $properties['updated'] );
        $commentdata['comment_date_gmt'] = get_gmt_from_date( $commentdata['comment_date'] );

        $author = null;

        // check if h-card has an author
        if ( isset( $properties['author'] ) ) {
            $author = $properties['author'];
        } else {
            $author = self::get_representative_author( $mf_array, $source );
            $author = self::flatten_microformats( $author );
        // If this is an invite than the invite should be displayed instead of the author
        if ( isset( $properties['invitee'] ) ) {
            $author = $properties['invitee'];

        // if author is present use the informations for the comment
        if ( $author ) {
            if ( ! is_array( $author ) ) {
                if ( self::is_url( $author ) ) {
                    $response = Linkbacks_Handler::retrieve( $author );
                    if ( ! is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
                        $parser               = new Parser( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), $author );
                        $author_array         = $parser->parse( true );
                        $author               = self::flatten_microformats( self::get_representative_author( $author_array, $author ) );
                        $properties['author'] = $author;
                } else {
                    $commentdata['comment_author'] = wp_slash( $author );

            if ( is_array( $author ) ) {
                if ( ! isset( $author['me'] ) ) {
                    if ( isset( $mf_array['rels']['me'] ) ) {
                        $author['me']               = $mf_array['rels']['me'];
                        $properties['author']['me'] = $author['me'];
                if ( isset( $author['name'] ) ) {
                    $commentdata['comment_author'] = wp_slash( self::first( $author['name'] ) );

                if ( isset( $author['email'] ) ) {
                    $commentdata['comment_author_email'] = wp_slash( self::first( $author['email'] ) );

                if ( isset( $author['url'] ) ) {
                    $commentdata['comment_meta']['semantic_linkbacks_author_url'] = self::first( $author['url'] );

                if ( isset( $author['photo'] ) ) {
                    $commentdata['comment_meta']['avatar'] = self::first( $author['photo'] );

        // set canonical url (u-url)
        if ( isset( $properties['url'] ) ) {
            $commentdata['comment_meta']['semantic_linkbacks_canonical'] = self::first( $properties['url'] );
            // If  the source URL and the canonical URL are not on the same domain, set this flag in the comment data to trigger actions in the Linkbacks_Handler class
            if ( wp_parse_url( $properties['url'], PHP_URL_HOST ) !== wp_parse_url( $source, PHP_URL_HOST ) ) {
                $commentdata['proxy_mention'] = 1;
        } else {
            $commentdata['comment_meta']['semantic_linkbacks_canonical'] = esc_url_raw( $source );

        // If u-syndication is not set use rel syndication
        if ( array_key_exists( 'syndication', $rels ) && ! array_key_exists( 'syndication', $properties ) ) {
            $properties['syndication'] = $rels['syndication'];

        // Check and parse for location property
        if ( array_key_exists( 'location', $properties ) ) {
            $location = $properties['location'];
            if ( is_array( $location ) ) {
                if ( array_key_exists( 'latitude', $location ) ) {
                    $commentdata['comment_meta']['geo_latitude'] = self::first( $location['latitude'] );
                if ( array_key_exists( 'longitude', $location ) ) {
                    $commentdata['comment_meta']['geo_longitude'] = self::first( $location['longitude'] );
                if ( array_key_exists( 'name', $location ) ) {
                    $commentdata['comment_meta']['geo_address'] = self::first( $location['name'] );
            } else {
                if ( substr( $location, 0, 4 ) === 'geo:' ) {
                    $geo    = explode( ':', substr( urldecode( $location ), 4 ) );
                    $geo    = explode( ';', $geo[0] );
                    $coords = explode( ',', $geo[0] );
                    $commentdata['comment_meta']['geo_latitude']  = trim( $coords[0] );
                    $commentdata['comment_meta']['geo_longitude'] = trim( $coords[1] );
                } else {
                    $commentdata['comment_meta']['geo_address'] = $location;

        // check rsvp property
        if ( isset( $properties['rsvp'] ) ) {
            $commentdata['comment_meta']['semantic_linkbacks_type'] = wp_slash( 'rsvp:' . self::first( $properties['rsvp'] ) );
        } else {
            // get post type
            $commentdata['comment_meta']['semantic_linkbacks_type'] = wp_slash( self::get_entry_type( $commentdata['target'], $entry, $mf_array ) );
        if ( isset( $properties['invitee'] ) ) {
            $commentdata['comment_meta']['semantic_linkbacks_type'] = wp_slash( 'invite' );

        // Check for person tagging
        if ( isset( $properties['category'] ) ) {
            if ( in_array( $commentdata['target'], $properties['category'], true ) ) {
                $commentdata['category'] = array( $commentdata['target'] );

        $whitelist = array(
            'swarm-coins', //
            'read-status', //

        // Add in supported properties
        $whitelist = array_merge( $whitelist, array_keys( self::get_class_mapper() ) );
        $whitelist = apply_filters( 'semantic_linkbacks_mf2_props_whitelist', $whitelist );
        foreach ( $properties as $key => $value ) {
            if ( in_array( $key, $whitelist, true ) ) {
                if ( self::is_url( $value ) ) {
                    $value = esc_url_raw( $value );
                if ( is_string( $value ) ) {
                    $value = wp_kses_post( $value );
                $commentdata['comment_meta'][ 'mf2_' . $key ] = $value;
        $commentdata['comment_meta'] = array_filter( $commentdata['comment_meta'] );

        return $commentdata;

    public static function convert_time( $time ) {
        $time = strtotime( $time );
        // If it can't read the time it will return null which will mean the comment time will be set to now.
        if ( $time ) {
            return get_date_from_gmt( gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $time ), 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
        return null;

    public static function get_property( $key, $properties ) {
        if ( isset( $properties[ $key ] ) && isset( $properties[ $key ][0] ) ) {
            if ( is_array( $properties[ $key ] ) ) {
                $properties[ $key ] = array_unique( $properties[ $key ] );
            if ( 1 === count( $properties[ $key ] ) ) {
                return $properties[ $key ][0];
            return $properties[ $key ];
        return null;

     * Returns the first item in $val if it's a non-empty array, otherwise $val itself.
    public static function first( $val ) {
        if ( $val && is_array( $val ) ) {
            return $val[0];
        return $val;

     * Is string a URL.
     * @param array $string
     * @return bool
    public static function is_url( $string ) {
        if ( ! is_string( $string ) ) {
            return false;
        // If debugging is on just validate that URL is validly formatted
        if ( WP_DEBUG ) {
            return filter_var( $string, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) !== false;
        // If debugging is off limit based on WordPress parameters
        return wp_http_validate_url( $string );

    // Accepted h types
    public static function is_h( $string ) {
        return in_array( $string, array( 'h-cite', 'h-entry', 'h-feed', 'h-product', 'h-event', 'h-review', 'h-recipe' ), true );

    public static function flatten_microformats( $item ) {
        $flat = array();
        if ( 1 === count( $item ) ) {
            $item = $item[0];
        if ( array_key_exists( 'type', $item ) ) {
            // If there are multiple types strip out everything but the standard one.
            if ( 1 < count( $item['type'] ) ) {
                $item['type'] = array_filter( $item['type'], array( 'Linkbacks_MF2_Handler', 'is_h' ) );
            $flat['type'] = $item['type'][0];
        if ( array_key_exists( 'properties', $item ) ) {
            $properties = $item['properties'];
            foreach ( $properties as $key => $value ) {
                $flat[ $key ] = self::get_property( $key, $properties );

                if ( ! is_string( $flat[ $key ] ) && 1 < count( $flat[ $key ] ) ) {
                    $flat[ $key ] = self::flatten_microformats( $flat[ $key ] );
        } else {
            $flat = $item;
        foreach ( $flat as $key => $value ) {
            // Sanitize all URL properties
            if ( self::is_url( $value ) ) {
                $flat[ $key ] = esc_url_raw( $value );

        // If name and URL are the same, remove name.
        if ( array_key_exists( 'name', $flat ) && array_key_exists( 'url', $flat ) ) {
            if ( $flat['name'] === $flat['url'] ) {
                unset( $flat['name'] );

        // Duplicate url values for a property may be caused by implied urls
        if ( array_key_exists( 'url', $flat ) && is_array( $flat['url'] ) ) {
            $flat['url'] = $flat['url'][0];
        $flat = array_filter( $flat );
        return $flat;

    public static function has_alternate_url( $mf_array ) {
        return (bool) self::get_alternate_url( $mf_array );

    public static function get_alternate_url( $mf_array ) {
        if ( ! array_key_exists( 'rel-urls', $mf_array ) ) {
            return false;

        foreach ( $mf_array['rel-urls'] as $url => $meta ) {
            if (
                isset( $meta['type'] ) &&
                'application/mf2+json' === trim( $meta['type'] ) &&
                isset( $meta['rels'] ) &&
                in_array( 'alternate', $meta['rels'], true ) &&
                filter_var( $url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) !== false
            ) {
                return $url;

        return false;

    public static function get_alternate_source( $mf_array ) {
        $url = self::get_alternate_url( $mf_array );

        if ( ! $url ) {
            return false;

        $user_agent = apply_filters( 'http_headers_useragent', 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ) );
        $args       = array(
            'timeout'             => 100,
            'limit_response_size' => 153600,
            'redirection'         => 20,
            'user-agent'          => "$user_agent; Semantic-Linkbacks/Webmention read rel-alternate source",

        $response = wp_safe_remote_get( $url, $args );
        // check if source is accessible
        if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
            return false;

        $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );

        return json_decode( $body, true );

     * get all h-entry items
     * @param array $mf_array the microformats array
     * @param array the h-entry array
     * @return array
    public static function get_entries( $mf_array ) {
        $entries = array();

        // some basic checks
        if ( ! is_array( $mf_array ) ) {
            return $entries;
        if ( ! isset( $mf_array['items'] ) ) {
            return $entries;
        if ( 0 === count( $mf_array['items'] ) ) {
            return $entries;

        // get first item
        $first_item = $mf_array['items'][0];

        // check if it is an h-feed
        if ( isset( $first_item['type'] ) &&
            in_array( 'h-feed', $first_item['type'], true ) &&
            isset( $first_item['children'] ) ) {
            $mf_array['items'] = $first_item['children'];

        // iterate array
        foreach ( $mf_array['items'] as $mf ) {
            if ( isset( $mf['type'] ) && in_array( 'h-entry', $mf['type'], true ) ) {
                $entries[] = $mf;

        // return entries
        return $entries;

     * helper to find the correct author node
     * @param array $mf_array the parsed microformats array
     * @param string $source the source url
     * @return array|null the h-card node or null
    public static function get_representative_author( $mf_array, $source ) {
        foreach ( $mf_array['items'] as $mf ) {
            if ( isset( $mf['type'] ) ) {
                if ( in_array( 'h-card', $mf['type'], true ) ) {
                    // check domain
                    if ( isset( $mf['properties'] ) && isset( $mf['properties']['url'] ) ) {
                        foreach ( $mf['properties']['url'] as $url ) {
                            if ( wp_parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_HOST ) === wp_parse_url( $source, PHP_URL_HOST ) ) {
                                if ( isset( $mf_array['rels']['me'] ) ) {
                                    $mf['properties']['me'] = $mf_array['rels']['me'];
                                return $mf;

        // If there is no h-card then return rel=author and see what can be done with it
        if ( isset( $mf_array['rels']['author'] ) ) {
            return $mf_array['rels']['author'];

        return null;

     * helper to find the correct h-entry node
     * @param array $mf_array the parsed microformats array
     * @param string $target the target url
     * @return array the h-entry node or false
    public static function get_representative_entry( $entries, $target ) {
        // iterate array
        foreach ( $entries as $entry ) {
            // check properties
            if ( isset( $entry['properties'] ) ) {
                // check properties if target urls was mentioned
                foreach ( $entry['properties'] as $key => $values ) {
                    // check "normal" links
                    if ( self::compare_urls( $target, $values ) ) {
                        return $entry;

                    // check included h-* formats and their links
                    foreach ( $values as $obj ) {
                        // check if reply is a "cite"
                        if ( isset( $obj['type'] ) && array_intersect( array( 'h-cite', 'h-entry' ), $obj['type'] ) ) {
                            // check url
                            if ( isset( $obj['properties'] ) && isset( $obj['properties']['url'] ) ) {
                                // check target
                                if ( self::compare_urls( $target, $obj['properties']['url'] ) ) {
                                    return $entry;

                // check properties if target urls was mentioned
                foreach ( $entry['properties'] as $key => $values ) {
                    // check content for the link
                    if ( 'content' === $key &&
                        preg_match_all( '/<a[^>]+?' . preg_quote( $target, '/' ) . '[^>]*>([^>]+?)<\/a>/i', $values[0]['html'], $context ) ) {
                        return $entry;
                    } elseif ( 'summary' === $key &&
                        preg_match_all( '/<a[^>]+?' . preg_quote( $target, '/' ) . '[^>]*>([^>]+?)<\/a>/i', $values[0], $context ) ) {
                        return $entry;

        // return first h-entry
        return $entries[0];

     * check entry classes or document rels for post-type
     * @param string $target the target url
     * @param array $entry the represantative entry
     * @param array $mf_array the document
     * @return string the post-type
    public static function get_entry_type( $target, $entry, $mf_array = array() ) {
        $classes = self::get_class_mapper();

        // check properties for target-url
        foreach ( $entry['properties'] as $key => $values ) {
            // check u-* params
            if ( in_array( $key, array_keys( $classes ), true ) ) {
                // check "normal" links
                if ( self::compare_urls( $target, $values ) ) {
                    return $classes[ $key ];

                // iterate in-reply-tos
                foreach ( $values as $obj ) {
                    // check if reply is a "cite" or "entry"
                    if ( isset( $obj['type'] ) && array_intersect( array( 'h-cite', 'h-entry' ), $obj['type'] ) ) {
                        // check url
                        if ( isset( $obj['properties'] ) && isset( $obj['properties']['url'] ) ) {
                            // check target
                            if ( self::compare_urls( $target, $obj['properties']['url'] ) ) {
                                return $classes[ $key ];

        // check if site has any rels
        if ( ! isset( $mf_array['rels'] ) ) {
            return 'mention';

        $rels = self::get_rel_mapper();

        // check rels for target-url
        foreach ( $mf_array['rels'] as $key => $values ) {
            // check rel params
            if ( in_array( $key, array_keys( $rels ), true ) ) {
                foreach ( $values as $value ) {
                    if ( $value === $target ) {
                        return $rels[ $key ];

        return 'mention';

     * compare an url with a list of urls
     * @param string $needle the target url
     * @param array $haystack a list of urls
     * @param boolean $schemelesse define if the target url should be checked with http:// and https://
     * @return boolean
    public static function compare_urls( $needle, $haystack, $schemeless = true ) {
        if ( ! self::is_url( $needle ) ) {
            return false;
        if ( is_array( reset( $haystack ) ) ) {
            return false;
        if ( true === $schemeless ) {
            // remove url-scheme
            $schemeless_target = preg_replace( '/^https?:\/\//i', '', $needle );

            // add both urls to the needle
            $needle = array( 'http://' . $schemeless_target, 'https://' . $schemeless_target );
        } else {
            // make $needle an array
            $needle = array( $needle );

        // compare both arrays
        return array_intersect( $needle, $haystack );