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Test Coverage
package fastget

import (


// FastGetter Represents the information required to fastget a file url
type FastGetter struct {
    // URL of the file to be downloaded
    URL string
    // Number of concurrent worked should be used to download file
    Workers int
    // Path of output file to write download
    OutputFile string
    // Headers to be included to while making requests
    Headers map[string]string
    // OnBeforeStart to be called before even download start
    OnBeforeStart func(int64, int64)

    // OnStart to be called on started downloading a chunk / a part
    OnStart func(int, int64)
    // OnProgress to be called on change in progress of downloading a chunk / a part
    OnProgress func(int, int64)
    // OnFinish to be called on finished downloading a chunk / a part
    OnFinish func(int)

// chunkInfo holds the information about a chunk to be downloaded
type chunkInfo struct {
    ctx      context.Context
    client   *http.Client
    output   io.WriterAt
    url      string
    off, lim int64
    wid      int
    headers  map[string]string

// Result represents the result of fastget
type Result struct {
    URL         string
    Size        int64
    OutputFile  *os.File
    ElapsedTime time.Duration

// NewFastGetter creates and returns an instance of FastGetter
func NewFastGetter(url string) (*FastGetter, error) {
    fg := &FastGetter{
        URL:        url,
        Workers:    3,
        OutputFile: path.Base(url),
        Headers:    make(map[string]string),
    return fg, nil

// Get ultrafast downloads the file
func (fg *FastGetter) Get() (*Result, error) {
    return fg.get()

func (fg *FastGetter) get() (*Result, error) {
    canFastGet, length, err := fg.checkEligibility()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if !canFastGet {
        log.Println("WARN: FileURL doesn't support parellel download.")
        fg.Workers = 1

    chunkLen := int64(length / int64(fg.Workers))

    if fg.OnBeforeStart != nil {
        fg.OnBeforeStart(length, chunkLen)

    ctx := context.Background()
    client := http.DefaultClient

    output, err := os.OpenFile(fg.OutputFile, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0666)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    wg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
    startTime := time.Now()

    var start, end int64
    for wid := 1; wid <= fg.Workers; wid++ {

        if wid == fg.Workers {
            end = length // last part
        } else {
            end = start + chunkLen

        wid := wid
        off := start
        lim := end

        wg.Go(func() error {
            return fg.getChunk(&chunkInfo{
                ctx: ctx, client: client, output: output, url: fg.URL,
                off: off, lim: lim, wid: wid, headers: fg.Headers,

        start = end

    err = wg.Wait()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    elapsed := time.Since(startTime)

    result := &Result{
        URL:         fg.URL,
        Size:        length,
        OutputFile:  output,
        ElapsedTime: elapsed,
    return result, nil

func (fg FastGetter) checkEligibility() (bool, int64, error) {
    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", fg.URL, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return false, 0, err
    for key, value := range fg.Headers {
        req.Header.Add(key, value)
    res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
    if err != nil {
        return false, 0, err
    defer res.Body.Close()
    acceptRanges := res.Header.Get("Accept-Ranges") == "bytes"
    length := res.ContentLength

    return acceptRanges, length, nil

// makeRequest performs the HTTP request and returns the response object
func (cInfo chunkInfo) makeRequest() (*http.Response, error) {
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", cInfo.url, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    req.Header.Set("Range", fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d",, cInfo.lim))
    // Add custom headers
    for key, value := range cInfo.headers {
        req.Header.Add(key, value)

    resp, err := ctxhttp.Do(cInfo.ctx, cInfo.client, req)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return resp, nil

// getChunk fetches the part of file to download
func (fg FastGetter) getChunk(cInfo *chunkInfo) error {
    if fg.OnStart != nil {
    resp, err := cInfo.makeRequest()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusPartialContent {
        return fmt.Errorf("server responded with %d status code, expected %d", resp.StatusCode, http.StatusPartialContent)

    var written int64
    contentLen := resp.ContentLength

    buf := make([]byte, 1*1024*1024)
    for {
        nr, er := resp.Body.Read(buf)

        if nr > 0 {
            nw, err := cInfo.output.WriteAt(buf[0:nr],
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("error writing chunk. %s", err.Error())
            if nr != nw {
                return fmt.Errorf("error writing chunk. written %d, but expected %d", nw, nr)

   = int64(nw) +
            if nw > 0 {
                written += int64(nw)
            if fg.OnProgress != nil {
                fg.OnProgress(cInfo.wid, written)

        if er != nil {
            if er.Error() == "EOF" {
                if contentLen == written {
                    // Download successfully
                } else {
                    return fmt.Errorf("error reading response. %s", er.Error())
            return er
    if fg.OnFinish != nil {
    return nil