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package netselect

import (


// NetSelector represents the instance of a NetSelector
type NetSelector struct {
    Hosts      []*Host
    Debug      bool
    Attempts   int
    Timeout    time.Duration
    Privileged bool
    Threads    int

// Host represents a input address to NetSelector
type Host struct {
    // Unique ID
    ID string
    // Address of the Host. If URL provided, Host name will be extracted.
    Address string

// HostStats represents the results of one particular host
type HostStats struct {
    Host *Host

    Success bool

    Error error
    // PacketsRecv is the number of packets received.
    PacketsRecv int

    // PacketsSent is the number of packets sent.
    PacketsSent int

    // PacketLoss is the percentage of packets lost.
    PacketLoss float64

    // IPAddr is the address of the host being pinged.
    IPAddr *net.IPAddr

    // Addr is the string address of the host being pinged.
    Addr string

    // Rtts is all of the round-trip times sent via this pinger.
    Rtts []time.Duration

    // MinRtt is the minimum round-trip time sent via this pinger.
    MinRtt time.Duration

    // MaxRtt is the maximum round-trip time sent via this pinger.
    MaxRtt time.Duration

    // AvgRtt is the average round-trip time sent via this pinger.
    AvgRtt time.Duration

    // StdDevRtt is the standard deviation of the round-trip times sent via
    // this pinger.
    StdDevRtt time.Duration

func isWindows() bool {
    return runtime.GOOS == "windows"

func sanitizeHost(host *Host) error {
    _, err := url.ParseRequestURI(host.Address)
    if err == nil {
        // Its a URL
        u, err := url.Parse(host.Address)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if u.Scheme == "" || u.Host == "" {
            return fmt.Errorf("invalid host address %s", host.Address)
        host.Address = u.Hostname()

    return nil

// NewHost creates and returns new Host instance
func NewHost(id string, address string) (host *Host, err error) {
    // TODO validate address
    host = &Host{
        ID:      id,
        Address: address,
    err = sanitizeHost(host)
    return host, err

// NewNetSelector instantiate new instance of NetSelector
func NewNetSelector(hosts []*Host) (*NetSelector, error) {
    return &NetSelector{
        Hosts:      hosts,
        Attempts:   3,
        Threads:    1,
        Timeout:    time.Second * 30,
        Privileged: isWindows(),
    }, nil

func (s *NetSelector) executePing(host *Host) *HostStats {
    pinger, err := ping.NewPinger(host.Address)
    if err != nil {
        return &HostStats{
            Host:    host,
            Success: false,
            Error:   err,
    pinger.Timeout = s.Timeout
    pinger.Count = s.Attempts
    pinger.Debug = s.Debug
    if s.Debug {
        pinger.OnRecv = func(pkt *ping.Packet) {
            fmt.Printf("%d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%d time=%v ttl=%v \n",
                pkt.Nbytes, pkt.IPAddr, pkt.Seq, pkt.Rtt, pkt.Ttl)
        pinger.OnFinish = func(stats *ping.Statistics) {
            fmt.Printf("\n--- %s ping statistics ---\n", stats.Addr)
            fmt.Printf("%d packets transmitted, %d packets received, %v%% packet loss\n",
                stats.PacketsSent, stats.PacketsRecv, stats.PacketLoss)
            fmt.Printf("round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = %v/%v/%v/%v\n",
                stats.MinRtt, stats.AvgRtt, stats.MaxRtt, stats.StdDevRtt)
    pinger.Run()                 // blocks until finished
    stats := pinger.Statistics() // get send/receive/rtt stats

    return &HostStats{
        Host:        host,
        Success:     true,
        PacketsRecv: stats.PacketsRecv,
        PacketsSent: stats.PacketsSent,
        PacketLoss:  stats.PacketLoss,
        IPAddr:      stats.IPAddr,
        Addr:        stats.Addr,
        Rtts:        stats.Rtts,
        MinRtt:      stats.MinRtt,
        MaxRtt:      stats.MaxRtt,
        AvgRtt:      stats.AvgRtt,
        StdDevRtt:   stats.StdDevRtt,

type allResults []*HostStats

func (r allResults) Len() int           { return len(r) }
func (r allResults) Less(i, j int) bool { return r[i].AvgRtt < r[j].AvgRtt }
func (r allResults) Swap(i, j int)      { r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i] }

// Select finds the faster hosts among the provided inputs, and sort the resulted host in ASC order
func (s *NetSelector) Select() ([]*HostStats, error) {
    return s.performSelection()

func (s *NetSelector) performSelection() ([]*HostStats, error) {

    hosts := s.Hosts

    for _, host := range hosts {
        err := sanitizeHost(host)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    mLen := len(hosts)

    jobs := make(chan *Host, mLen)
    results := make(chan *HostStats, mLen)

    pingResults := []*HostStats{}

    threads := s.Threads

    if threads < 1 {
        threads = 1

    for t := 0; t < threads; t++ {
        go func() {
            for host := range jobs {
                r := s.executePing(host)
                results <- r
    for _, host := range hosts {
        jobs <- host

    success := []*HostStats{}
    failed := []*HostStats{}

    for range hosts {
        result := <-results
        if result.Success {
            success = append(success, result)
        } else {
            failed = append(failed, result)
        pingResults = append(pingResults, result)

    pingResults = append(success, failed...)
    return pingResults, nil